• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Legacy · 5:31pm Oct 19th, 2018

Writing this after midnight, mostly because I really wanted you guys to have a post this morning (or tomorrow morning from when I write this), one that wasn’t the Classic Being a Better Writer post that’ll go up on Saturday.

So, what’s to write about? Well, there is some news. Book sales have slowed a little again, though thankfully nowhere near the alarming dearth from a month ago. Probably normal fluctuation. And at the same time they’ve still kept getting ratings on Goodreads, which is always good. The more reviews and ratings that are left, the more people are willing to pick up one of my titles on a whim, which is always great!

Still working on Hunter/Hunted, though my progress has been slow the last month. It’s my fault, mainly: Lack of sleep. Which doesn’t make writing easy. I’ll be working on it this weekend to catch up.

As well as on A Game of Stakes! And I’ve got good news here: The new influx of Alpha Readers? Not one of them thought there was a major issue. So this weekend I’ll be poring over it and making lots of little fixes and tweaks … because it’s time to make this Beta! And once the Beta Reading is done, I can get it out and submitted!

In other news … I am trying to come up with something short and fun for Halloween to let my Patreon Supporters look at. We’ll see what I can come up with. A Jacob Rocke short story, most likely.

So, that’s the news as far as writing and whatnot goes … Wait, I lied. Just for kicks, One Drink will be free this weekend. Why? Well, because it’s about to reach the end of another 90-day period, and I figured I’d use that sale up. I was honestly checking the possibility of Halloween stuff when I noticed it and … well, why not?

So right. Legacy. Interesting choice of words but …

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Comments ( 3 )

I can't say I spend a lot of time online talking about books. But if people asked me for sci-fi recs I'd point them at the works of David Brin (especially Startide Rising) if they're looking for something softer and more space-operatic, or I'd point them at Colony or the short stories of Larry Niven if they were in the mood for harder sci-fi. And I'm not just saying Colony because this is your blog.

Well, lack of sleep explains why I haven't fallen too far behind on alpha reading. Hope you can get more sleep soon.

Great to hear that the new alpha readers for A Game of Stakes are pulling their weight, and that that one prereader having a problem with the thing was an isolated issue. I honestly can't imagine what issue that one guy was talking about, myself.

Have you ever read Startide Rising, by the way?

Yeah, I've been slipping lately and only hitting the bare minimum of my daily quotas. Between that and work ... Eugh. Trying to get things back on track.

I haven't read that, no. I take it I should add it to my list?

If you like realistic depictions of uplifted dolphins (with all that entails), then I'd say definitely.

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