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HI I'M TRANS AND THIS IS NOT OKAY · 1:45am Oct 22nd, 2018

Comments ( 27 )

Here comes the second civil war.

I'm not sure what bothers me more.
That this is a thing, or that people are actually applauding this.

Ms. Lhamon of the Obama Education Department said the proposed definition “quite simply negates the humanity of people.”

A right mess this is.

Without getting political, I just hope things work out for a better future.

I'd had thought he'd been impeached by now.
Four years of Trump is unthinkingly insane, eight years sounds impossible.

Comment posted by MorningRose deleted Oct 22nd, 2018

Where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?

When the party in charge is a bunch of power-hungry and greedy Christian elitists who are homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic as can be, and they have a president that will do everything they ask, they won't impeach him for anything. Trump could have physical intercourse with The Constitution on live TV and not be impeached as long as he somehow implicated Democrats or liberals in the whole shebang.

Anyway, Trump and the Republican party pissed me off already with supporting Ajit "Corporate Telcom Whore" Pai because he supports helping corporate executives a.k.a. who the Republicans really represented when he destroyed Net Neutrality. They pissed me off when they said "Anthropogenic climate change is a lie, so we're going to just do f*** all about it despite the massive evidence of it existing. We don't believe in what scientists say with their 'facts' and 'research.' " Being prejudice against trans people can't make me hate Trump or Republicans more.

I just hope the Blue Wave happens and, come 2020, people not only vote Trump out of office, but they vote for him to be put on trial for treason along with every congressional and executive Republican in existence.

(Sorry for the vulgarities and emotion behind this post, but as you can tell, I'm not happy with how my country is being run right now. I'm not happy with the people that still support this bozo and believe Fox News' brainwashing either.)

Impeaching Trump means President Pence
That would be worse

How did I not know you were trans? Not that it matters. :twilightsmile:

Either way, this is definitely not okay, yes. And I say that even though I am also trans.

That's not exactly why this is happening. It's happening because trans people are only 0.4% of the population and conservatives don't like us (trans), so this rallies his base.

I mean, it's still deplorable as fuck, but it's not because Trump is doing what he's told. He's doing it to his own benefit.

People dont realize that impeachment is the govermnet(local or federal) saying "we want to charge someone so go investigate this govermnet official" (since it can be done to governors depending on state laws, other federal officials and more, not just the president). I mean the whole West Virginia Supreme Court was removed/impeached just this year.

Besides that you need something to impeach him for like treason or bribery. (Or have a simple majority be corrupt enough to be willing to misuse power and impeach him/anyone else for made up stuff). Thats talking about the house, then it moves on to the senate for them to be the ones deciding about it.

Even then, removal from office isnt a sure thing and until the end of it (no idea how long it would last?) he remains in office. And you need a 2/3 majority in the Senate to decide to impeach, not the house. What is very unlikely to happen.

And yeah, Pence as president is a given if Trump is impeached. If Pence is impeached alongside Trump (both would have their own impeachment process i believe?) then Paul Ryan/Speaker of the House is next in line for President.

I don't mean all conservatives! Sorry. I mean the bulk of the Republican base. Anti-trans is currently a winning issue for the GOP base because transgender people aren't as common as GLB people, so for a lot of people they have no positive experiences in real life and let their prejudices guide them.


Here comes the second civil war.

Really? Cause he's been in office quite a while now and it hasn't been the end of the world like so many psychotically paranoid people predicted. What's taking him so long? :rainbowlaugh:


Death to trump for trying to take away trans Rights

You do realize that threatening a President, no matter what you think of him, is against the law, right?


It's happening because trans people are only 0.4% of the population and conservatives don't like us (trans), so this rallies his base.

I'm conservative and I like trans, bi, whatever the hell anypony is. Please don't judge us all by what you perceive to be the truth when it actually isn't and you haven't talked to every conservative on the planet.

And I'm not going to hate anyone because someone tells me to or that I should. No one's been put in a concentration camp, nothing like what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany is going on, so take a deep breath, everyone, and get a better handle on your fears. They are coming from your reactions to events based on your life experiences/traumas and will only lead to your own anger, hatred and suffering. No one can clearly perceive what is going on in that state of mind. Why do you think it was such an effective weapon of King Sombra's?

yes I know that and I'm not threatening him I'm just saying my point of view I wouldn't ever do that or even be associated with anypony who does. Plus I never liked him even before he was president

I honestly think that something will break out, so yeah, huge uh-oh. There's no way this shit will slide by with nothing happening.
I don't know either.
I don't know what to hope for.
My thoughts exactly. Though, if I remember correctly, I think every president who was impeached was eventually cleared, sadly. Looking at the usual reasons for impeaching federal officials (which includes 'drunkenness', apparently) in the past, Trump certainly qualifies for it with all the things that have come up...
This is... touchy to reply to, so I'll answer with a fun(?) fact. Of U.S. presidents that have been assassinated (not attempts), there were slightly more Republicans. The general characteristics of assassins is that they are political extremists (both on the political spectrum and with how they chose to carry out things), mentally ill, or both.
Emotion and vulgarities are understandable, but I think that's also assuming too much about some things, especially when there's huge fundamental flaws to both sides, left and right. To treat one as perfect is far from true.
Trump is a bumbling businessman who often caters the majority for small loans of a million dollars. I can safely call him a brazen, sleazy idiot. Pence actively advocates for conversion therapy, and legalizing that would be to legalize torture, plain and simple. Trump at least will tend to keep his eyes on money, and even if he's a horrible face for this nation that's disrespectful to our allies, etc. Pence could probably do worse things. (Note that I said probably.)

How did I not know you were trans? Not that it matters. :twilightsmile:

There's probably a few reasons for that. I've noticed I'm usually not referred to with any specific pronouns all that often, and most people tend to guess or are divided over what my gender is. (Depending on who you ask, two people could use very different pronouns for me!) I'm also much more vocal about it on Discord, which is where it tends to pop up.
This captures things pretty concisely. Sure, there's always bound to be more to it, but this honestly suffices.
And there's nothing wrong with that. I don't give a fuck if someone is conservative, but if they're dangerous, idiotic, and so on it doesn't matter what party you vote for, that's when I hate you.
Yeah, it can be a tricky business. (See where I mentioned that you can technically get your name cleared.)
Anti-LGBT+ is a winning thing for them. I mean, aside from GLB* people (though honestly, they probably only know GL well enough) there's many other minorities covered in that acronym, like asexuality, that are targeted. (It's really not easy being any letter in LGBT+, aces included :/) They're hardly a faction known for being kind to small groups. (And toxic small groups/factions are thing, but I'm talking race/gender-focused sorta stuff here).

*Okay, so the usual acronym is Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Trans but why is it that homosexuality (lesbian and gay) get two letters... when they're both homosexuality?

I'm conservative and I like trans, bi, whatever the hell anypony is. Please don't judge us all by what you perceive to be the truth when it actually isn't and you haven't talked to every conservative on the planet.

At this point, I think it's clear from context that the only conservative being addressed in these comments are anyone who is anti-LGBT. I've been purposely refraining from mentioning any political side I'm on, but there's no way I can just let something like this slide. It's a human rights violation, plain and simple. Like the bathroom issue? That really pales in comparison to this because this isn't just saying 'okay so you can't use this, sorrynotsorry!' this is far, far worse.

And I'm not going to hate anyone because someone tells me to or that I should. No one's been put in a concentration camp, nothing like what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany is going on, so take a deep breath, everyone, and get a better handle on your fears. They are coming from your reactions to events based on your life experiences/traumas and will only lead to your own anger, hatred and suffering. No one can clearly perceive what is going on in that state of mind.

This is really for more than reactions, and yes, it is true that no one has been killed in such a fashion, thank goodness. However, just because nothing of that severity is happening doesn't mean nothing wrong is. This is still a human rights violation. This is still frightening unless something equally drastic were to counter it. There is still violence against people (obviously) and in this case, LGBT people, that happens every day. This would do much more than increase that.

The impeachment processes for being drunk were back in the 1800 so i imagine it was more likely for a judge or other official to stumble in drunk to work. :trollestia: Also imagine the specifics of the process changed over time.

From what i know of it, Impeachment itself isnt any criminal charge (that can be done separately), its a process, so there isnt really a "cleared" of the impeachment since thats just a process, you are either found guilty or not of the charges after the house starts the process.

You can be completly innocent but if the house decided they dont like you they can start impeachment. Thats why the senate needs 2/3 majority to find someone guilty of whatever after the impeachment has started.

You might switch it to a simple majority in the senate too, but imagine if it was, the trend of House and Senate switching to the party opposite of the president would lead to constant impeachment processes.


The impeachment processes for being drunk were back in the 1800 so i imagine it was more likely for a judge or other official to stumble in drunk to work. :trollestia: Also imagine the specifics of the process changed over time.

Indeed it was!

And by 'cleared' I meant acquitted.

The fact that these people don't understand the incredibly simple distinction between sex and gender is bad enough.
The fact that they then try to turn their anti-scientific bigotry into actual policy is utterly unforgivable. Legislating that gender is genitalia determined at birth makes about as much sense as attempting to pass a law that says the sun doesn't exist. I mean, have they considered intersex people for a start? What am I saying, of course they haven't.
I truly don't get what it is about trans rights that attracts so many insufferable arseholes that are so completely convinced of their incorrect world view in the face of so much evidence to the contrary.

Trans rights are human rights, now and always. Respecting someone's gender is just simple basic human decency. I'm so sorry that this is happening.
Love and solidarity from the UK.

There's a reason I lashed out at Republicans and not conservatives. I don't hate conservatives because I know everyone that identifies as conservative isn't like the national Republican party. It's a spectrum of individual ideologies just like liberals are a spectrum of individual ideologies.

I believe conservatives need a better party than the Republican party because the Republican party is more or less represents the worst things about conservatives. The Republican party is a corrupt corporatist, fascist, and theocratic party.

I'm not saying Democrats are perfect. They're not. They're far from it as they showed in 2016 and keep showing. It's just that if LGBT have any hope in the future, it's through the Democrats as they are at least turning to listen to more liberal ideas than the Republicans, who revel in the "Liberals are evil" idea to their own fault.

If our administration truly believed the sun didn't exist, they would make a law about it. They do that to other science that opposes their views. So much for small government, eh?

It's not really not understanding at this point, and in most cases, I don't think it ever was.

There's a reason I lashed out at Republicans and not conservatives. I don't hate conservatives because I know everyone that identifies as conservative isn't like the national Republican party. It's a spectrum of individual ideologies just like liberals are a spectrum of individual ideologies.

I believe conservatives need a better party than the Republican party because the Republican party is more or less represents the worst things about conservatives. The Republican party is a corrupt corporatist, fascist, and theocratic party.

...Except that this applies to liberals, conservatives, Republicans, and Democrats. No one is really an exception to that first paragraph. Liberal, conservative, democrat, republican - each side has flaws and extremely toxic parts to it. No matter what side you're on, part of it is going to be awful.

And I really hate that LGBT+ rights have to be depended on through a political party. It indirectly holds LGBT people hostage, in a way, if they don't agree with everything else This Guy/Gal Running For Office says... except LGBT rights. It really shouldn't be a political issue in the first place.

I agree, just like some other things shouldn't be political issues.

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