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Forget not that I am a derp.

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Infernose Kirin · 1:07pm Dec 1st, 2018

It's funny. I originally intended Kirin Derpy to just be my avatar's Halloween costume, but a combination of procrastination and massive positive audience reaction have me wondering if it's time to retire Princess Herplight Derple. If nothing else, this one's ready made for a Rudolph-flavored December retool.

And speaking of procrastination and costumes...

I've been meaning to ask this for some time now, but as anyone who's been waiting for How Lyra Met Bonbon since I first announced it can tell you, I'm very good at procrastinating. So, I was struck by inspiration for a cosplay at Bronycon, and I'd like to give it a trial run before Baltimare's Last Hurrah. I'd also like to branch out on pony conventions a bit; see previous sobriquet. So, what can you all recommend? I could (and probably will) do some research of my own, but I'd like to hear from the voice of experience on this one. Thanks in advance, everyone!

(For the record, I'd like to stay within the United States.)

Comments ( 9 )

I've heard good things about EFNW, but just the thought of attending an event attended by thousands makes me panic.
Could be worse, you could go through names and avatars with my frequency.

I think Kirin Derpy is less iconic than your previous avatar, but it’s definitely cute and appealing. It’s also still recognizable enough as “you.” So I dunno, I think it’s cool either way.

Cosplay is fun! And if you’re looking for cons to add, may I recommend any of the ones run by Charlie Worthley? The recurring ones are Whinny City and Ponyville Ciderfest, plus this year he’s bringing back MLP-MSP for a final hurrah. I mention Charlie by name because he’s building a reputation as a guy who knows how to run a tight ship year after year. And while I haven’t been to MLP-MSP, I’ve heard great things, and I can personally vouch for multiple Whinny Cities and Ciderfests as good times—especially Ciderfest.

Ciderfest is freakin’ L-I-T, as the foals say. :derpytongue2:

I'll miss Princess Herplight Derple.

Oh well.

I'd keep both images on-hand. If you were to periodically switch between them, you've had each of them long enough (and since they both feature bestest pony) that likely nobody would have to check twice to know it was you.

Rudolph-flavored December retool.

Oh, I guess that's my cue to swap in my holiday avatar.

I'm pretty sure at this point that "Meet FoME (and maybe a couple of other Fimfic people) in person" has somehow made its way onto my list of things to try and do someday. Bronycon doesn't seem feasible for me unless a few (more than two, which would always be in a line) stars align, but it's more deliberately on my list of things to keep in mind should a good opportunity be found.

If you want to party go to BABSCon.
If you want to meet fellow writers go to EFNW.

I had a great time on EFNW last year. Their writing track is fantastic.

The only other convention I've been to is EFNW, once, but I enjoyed that. It's been only the once so far because of things like time and money, not any dissatisfaction with the con itself.
Of course, this was some years ago, but from what I've heard EFNW's quality hasn't dropped. If there ends up being no East Coast con in 2020, I might well find myself checking to see just how practical it would be to get out there again instead.

This. EFNW consistently has a stellar writing track. Babscon has a Klingon bar.

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