• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."

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Ask Me Anything · 6:16pm Dec 17th, 2018

Seeing as I spent my entire morning writing, my early afternoon walking outside, and I don't have any pressing things to do until the evening. I figured I might as well do an Ask Me Anything.

Ask me any question regarding myself, fanfics, comics, things of any nature provide none of it is asking for spoilers to future works. I also hold the right to deny any question if I feel it is too personal.

If I don't get to you immediately it means I am off doing something, so ask away.

Comments ( 47 )

Do you have a MLP OC? If so, what is it's race? Pony, Dragon, Gryphon, Changeling or any of the other races we have seen in the show?

Sorta, I only made it once because a friend requested it for me for a picture of all his friends OC. Since I didn't have one (because I'm not into that self-insertion stuff) I just made one on the fly. Its a pegasus.

If you could write in any setting (games, comics, movies, etc.), what franchises/universes would you want to explore?

Do you have any tips on making a convincingly dark story?

Game of Thrones, Warhammer 40K, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Marvel, DC, Undertale, and Pokemon

1. Make the heroes suffer
2. Take aspects of our world that are dark and apply it to the fictional world
3. Make the bad guys 3-dimintonal that some people can relate or Pure Lovecraftian Abominations
4. Destroy everything that was good in the world so that the quest is to rebuild it or make it anew
5. Make your audience angry or cry
6. Turn good guys into bad guys and visa versia

Do you know any good free language learning courses?
I need Japanese, Vietnamese, and Latin

How do you feel about the normies?

Which normies? There are normies/casuals for everything

Cool, what do they look like?

Grey coat, black mane, shades, wearing a jacket with my author logo as my cutiemark

What is the square root of 484?

In your opinion, what is the best comic you have ever written?

It's a three way tie between Angels, Brother From a Feather, and I Will Never Leave You

If you were a stand user, what would it be like? And what would it be named after?

I don't self-insert, but I do have a fave OC. I've created a total of 3, one of whom has three alternate backstories. I will admit, both/all are some messed up ponies.

Can I ask... for more SpEmber?
I'd hate to see this ship scuttled.

I have no plans outside of my current Spike x Ember fic

Yup, yup!
That's what I wanted to know!

Can u send me a link for Angels? I don't think I read that one.

Pretty good comic.

Heres one more question. In your opinion, what is the WORST comic you have ever written?

What prompted you to come up with the idea of the Assassination of Twilight Sparkle and where you surprised at how your fans embraced it?

Mostly based on the whining about Alicorns Twilight and to show how one death can cause a domino effect

I've tried writing and lost interest and stopped too many times to count. How do you stay with it, for lack of a better term?

I guess because I love doing it and I like seeing what people think of my work which strives me to do better

How's things?

Good for the most part

Have you ever wondered if we're the reflection and the person on the other side of the mirror is the original?

I always believed there are an infinite number of us doing infinite things in infinite dimensions

Fair enough, but what is your writing process? do you just set down and let tthe words flow, or do you write up notes and plans, or what?

A bit of both. It depends on the story. Really long ones I plan everything down, but short ones I write on a whim

Is there an episode of MLP that you downright despise?

Any of the Yak episodes really. I don't like them, but I do like Yona. She's funny.

Why does a new page of Flurry and Stag take so long come out?

okay but that doesn't explain why.

The artist takes more time then I liked but I talked it over with him and hopefully updates will come sooner

Why ponies? Also, do yo think mlp would attract as much as it does if it wasn't pastel?

I don’t know just cause?

Fiar enough.

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