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Forget not that I am a derp.

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Unveil the Menagerie · 12:01pm Jan 10th, 2019

Several items to cover here. Firstly, if you want to participate in the Bronycon Bookstore (I personally plan on converting Oversaturation to dead-tree format,) fill out Aquaman's survey linked here before the day is out. It's not a hard deadline for signing up for the project, but it is a deadline for Bronycon vendor applications.

Secondly, I'd like to lead into item three with a brief photoessay of why I love a certain card game so much:

Me, two weeks ago: Wow, that sure was a fun Friendship is Card Games. Frog Rogues, Cat Survivors, Fish Wizards. You can't get that kind of creature type zaniness in normal Magic. Oh hey, that reminds me, Ravnica Allegiance previews start this week. I wonder what kind of stuff they'll have this time?

Wizards of the Coast:

Me: Oh. Right. Simic Combine. Still, at least that's just the big monstrosities and not—


Me: Okay. Fine. But at least—


Me: ... You know what? I'm not even mad.

This brief overview of the Simic Combine's modus operandi (a.k.a. the "¿porque no los dos?" school of biomancy,) leads into my third point: With Ravnica coming apart at the seams, it only seems appropriate for me to write a proper Implicit Neighs sequel after the dust settles and we see just what happens in that mysterious third set. However, I wanted to get a feel of things from you guys: Should I make the improper sequel canon, or just leave it as a silly Elseworlds thing?

Comments ( 16 )

I expect to see someone write a Sharktocrabtavia story, now.

Author Interviewer




Wow, and I thought MY alien creature concepts were crazy :derpytongue2:

WELL WHO'S CRAZY NOW? :rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:

(seriously, if not for the self-modification aspect, I'd probably want to intern at Simic for week to see how the insanity happens XP)

Sharktavia Evolved is canon, and you cannot tell me otherwise.

Wait, a third set in Ravnica? I thought Wizards was only doing two sets at a time in any given world nowadays...

:pinkiegasp: Yes.

Today, on When Seafood Combo Platters Attack.

There's always a crazier idea. Always.

This isn't a block per se, but it is a three-act structure. Guilds and Allegiance are setting the stage for the Gatewatch-Bolas rematch on Ravnica, presumably in the midst of open war, the Eternals coming in via the Planar Bridge, the Immortal Sun getting involved, and any other dangling plot threads that need tying up.

Mind you, a lot of that is speculation on my end; Wizards has remained quiet on what that set will entail, beyond it being set on Ravnica, following up on Dominaria, and not focusing on the guilds. Indeed, that's the Doylist reason for prefacing it with Return to Return to Ravnica, to satisfy our expectations for the city-plane. Given that the last time they kept something this quiet, we got New Phyrexia...

Well, we'll see what happens.

Bolas Showdown 3: Ravnica Redux? Well dang. There's another hundred of my dollars that WotC owns now.

And since this is the second time Bolas has fomented war in Ravnica, could we call this prospective set Guild Wars 2? :trollestia:

Author Interviewer

It's the worst OOO combo All I can think of is sea-form Vinyl and Octavia helping out Rarity with one of her seaside "problems". :B How's that for fandom meme agglutination?

IIRC, WotC recently decided to do away entirely with a formal block structure, and will now spend as many or as few sets on a given plane as makes sense for the story

... crap.

There were other things I wanted to write. Now I'm tempted to write this. How could you do this to me? :applecry:

Author Interviewer

Quite easily, it would seem. :B

inb4 Sharktavia XIII-2: Diet Hard with a Vengeance :derpytongue2:

We would also accept Sharktavia 358/2 Final Remunch.

No promises when it'll be done, but I'm on it.

Good news!

TShark(tocrab)tavia 8: Diet Hard with a Vengeance
A menace rises from the depths. Again. For the second time just this month. Rarity is on the case… and she’s not the only one.
SirNotAppearingInThisFic · 1.8k words  ·  22  0 · 390 views

I am STILL mad about new phyrexia and the Mirran choice being a farce.

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