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New York abortion law · 5:29am Jan 27th, 2019

As some of you may already know, New York has just signed into law the "Reproductive Health Act," which is a law legalizing late term abortion. Let's be clear; LATE-TERM abortion. As if it wasn't enough to legalize murdering a developing child that was only weeks old, if that, now NY has made it legal, in their state, to kill the unborn just months before birth, when the infant is well developed, able to feel pain and nearing the time when, barring the abortion, they would have been born.


2:26-2:39 in particular.



(Warning; the article above features a VERY disturbing picture of an abortion process. DO NOT read it if your heart is faint.)



(The above is very emotionally stirring.)



(The above is both very sad and very heart-provoking, as well as graphic and gory.)

Once a baby is conceived in the womb, it is no longer part of the mother's body, and she therefore has no right to destroy it at all. Claims of "parasitism" are also out; of course the developing infant is receiving nourishment from the mother, but all infant life needs the time and resources of the parent in order to grow and be born.

Abortion is wrong. Pure and simple. Period. There is no middle ground to stand on.

And the fact that some were cheering about the law being passed shows how fall we've fallen... As much as love and forgiveness need to be part of the believer's life, so too there needs to be justice. Don't (I repeat, DO NOT) go burning cities or harming (or even hating) people for this, but don't forget it and allow it to squeak by without protest and condemnation of the act (not the people).

I'm hoping and praying that this law can be overturned and destroyed, along with other laws like it. It needs to be. No reason given can justify baby murder (or murder of any kind, for that matter).

This blog is the least that can be done.

Thank you for reading, and may the Lord have mercy. May this thread do Him honor.

Comments ( 12 )

bro this shit needs to stop, these babies are alive too

this is why im pro-life and i voted trump

Though I would prefer the baby be given up for adoption, if the baby's birth would, for one reason or another, cause the mother or the infant to die, well....

Like, if the birth would, say, if the mother is already weakened by a disease or the like, kill her ,I could see it, as well, there's a chance, if the mother dies during the birthing process, the baby would as well.

I mean, otherwise, I'd prefer adoption, but yean

I can't say I'm surprised by any of this anymore.

I see what you're saying, but at that point it's a coin toss. There are tonnes of stories both fictional and real where the mother dies in childbirth, but the baby still lives. As tragic as it is, it still doesn't justify abortion. Taking a chance for the sake of a new life is better than murder.

Normally, I don't much care for what laws are passed in places that I don't live. This is a rare exception.

My stance on abortion is this: as long as the embryo's at a developmental stage prior to developing ANY central nervous activity, then whatever. It would have no capacity to feel pain, no capacity for human thought, emotion, etc.. I DON'T advocate it at all, I just don't care prior to that point. AFTER that point, however, the child should be carried to term, born, and put up for adoption if undesired. Exceptions can be made for the mother's safety, or for similarly dire circumstances.

This law is akin to murder, and I'm surprised that ANYONE would allow it's passage into official law. I guarantee that no one was paying any attention to it when it was suggested, and that anybody who actually knew about it only did because they were pro-abortion. Nobody with a working moral compass would think this is okay.

I can't help but be suspicious that the main reason for this rather extreme bill was to provoke a response from more extreme folks on the opposite side. That seems the be the main thing in American Politics these days; just a giant experiment about how to demonize the other side as well as provoke them into justifying the demonization of them.

But maybe I'm just gotten jaded about American Politics and the tunnel vision that activists have gotten.
Heck; last time I had a genuine discussion regarding Abortion and such; I brought up my objections to Capital Punishment (apparently a huge mistake) and was bluntly given a lecture about how 'Un-American' I was for being opposed to the execution of prisoner.

But I digress.
Either way, both sides have it wrong.
If Americans really want to take a stand against abortion, then maybe Americans need to do something about the reasons that unplanned pregnancies and their terminations happen in the first place.

Late Term Abortion??
That is so wrong.
There are so few things that are as f***ed up as this.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I hope the people who legalize this drop dead. But not before I personally punch them in the face for robbing Mother Earth of another child.

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