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Jade Dawn

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Movie Review: "The Prince of Egypt" (1998) · 1:53am Jan 30th, 2019

When the phrase "best animated movie of all time" crops up in conversation, usually the first thing people will name is Disney's The Lion King. Others will name The Iron Giant as the best. And admittedly, they both fit the bill quite perfectly, with entrancing stories, well-written characters, and beautiful animation that is sorely lacking from today's cinemas (seriously, somebody start a movement to bring back 2D; I'm sick of CGI cartoons!).

But while both of the aforementioned films are masterpieces, none have quite reached the level of admiration and awe I hold for Dreamwork's The Prince of Egypt.

You all know the tale. Baby Moses is put into a basket so he won't get killed off in Egyptian Planned Parenthood, gets adopted by the Pharaoh's wife, eventually discovers his Hebrew heritage, God tells him to free them all and bring them to the Promised Land, and do I really need to go over the whole story? I think almost everyone has at least a rudimentary understanding of the Moses story.

I've been watching this movie since I was old enough to comprehend what a movie was, and I've loved it for just as long. I still remember when, after my first viewing of it at the tender age of three years old, going outside into the front yard on a cold winter afternoon, picking up the biggest stick I could find, going out into the driveway, and shouting out "With this staff...you...shall do...MY WONDERS!", and slamming that thing into the ground as hard as I could.

Imagine my disappointment when God didn't miraculously part the pavement. It's probably just as well. I doubt any earthly insurance company would have covered it.

This movie is awe-inspiring, plain and simple. Words cannot describe the sheer awesomeness of it. The characters are incredibly well-written. You feel for Moses as he discovers the truth of his past, and all the implications of what it means for him as a human being. The animation is the most beautiful I have ever seen in all my life. Yes, even better than The Lion King. And the music...oh, good Lord, the music! Hans Zimmer's best work is all right here in this movie, with both ambient music and songs.

I'll give you an example. There are very few songs on this Earth that actually move me to tears. The lullaby sung by Moses' mother as she places him in the basket is the big exception to that. I still distinctly remember when I finally was able to comprehend what was going on in that scene. I bawled my eyes out. And I still shed a tear whenever I watch that scene.

That, dear friends, is the power this movie has.

Another thing that I absolutely love about this film is the feeling of sheer presence surrounding God whenever he directly addresses Moses. This isn't God as in Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. This is God himself. And I think the movie nails it, at least in terms of what we as humans can render him as. In that first moment of him talking with Moses, you instantly know everything about His character; He's a kind, loving being who cares for His creations. But when somebody steps out of line, look out. There's just this sense of raw power and divinity that comes from these moments. Whenever someone asks me what I think God is like, I think of these scenes. The only thing they could have done better would be to show a sense of regret during the plagues, with him looking on sadly as it comes down to brute force to convince Pharaoh to end his cruelties. I can't imagine that God ever likes having to inflict punishment. He'll do it when He has to, yes, but that doesn't mean He's ecstatic about it.

It's at this moment that I now realize that transcribing the epicness of this film into words is pretty much impossible.

Now, this film does take some liberties, and they actually say so right at the beginning. Moses was never adopted-brother-pals with the Pharaoh he ended up facing, he didn't meet Tzipporah before running off to Midian, Aaron was never Hebrew Jeff Goldblum, and a bunch of other stuff. But the way all these little things are handled, you actually don't mind at all.

My overall rating for The Prince of Egypt? 6 out of 5. No, that is not an error. It's that great.

This is Jade Dawn, signing off...for now.

It's a semi-little known fact that the creators of Superman were Jewish, and likely were inspired by the Moses story when making the character (seriously, look how similar their stories are!). Now, after watching this movie, I can't help but wonder what it would look like to make a Superman movie with this kind of character-writing, music, and emotion. I think it would be truly epic.

Report Jade Dawn · 633 views · #Movie Reviews
Comments ( 9 )

Truly a masterpiece of filmmaking. :pinkiehappy:

It was a very good film, I loved watching it. :heart:

Yes it was, and so did I. :)

By the way, how have things been with you? I haven't seen you around the site in a while.

Well, things have been okay. Am still writing, and I hope to write smaller projects (including the puppy reboot). I have also started talking with someone, in the early process of making my OC. Things are pretty well; just the odd user that I clash with sometimes. How's you?

Pretty good. Doing OK at college, I guess. I've started work on Chapter 5 of From Far Beyond, and I've got another short story in the works on the side.

This was an awesome review you made. You truly nailed everything!

I know, right? This is the forgotten masterpiece of animation!

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