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-GM, master of... ( Discord | Patreon )

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A New Kind of Adventure · 12:35pm Feb 1st, 2019

The League of Sweetie Belles has a simple concept: take a bunch of alternate versions of Sweetie Belle, throw them on a ship, and then have them explore various pony-related universes one chapter at a time. These worlds will, naturally, come mostly from various fanfics on this site.

First of all, credit where credit is due - the whole idea for fanfic jumping comes from Wanderer D and his amazing fic The Sweetie Chronicles, which all of you need to read. It is, quite simply, one of the best things on this site. That said, I don’t plan to go the way his fic does, and the fact that I’m also using Sweeties is just pure coincidence. (I happened to have a League of Sweetie Belles laying around, just perfect for a story.)

I hope you will join me on this journey with the League of Sweetie Belles… And you can be a part of it! How exactly? Well, by giving me world suggestions! I’ll take almost any suggestion under consideration! Does it have to be your own fic? NO! But it can be! Do you only have to suggest one? No! Suggest many and often! Does it have to be something popular? No, I’d love to see some less well-known stuff, it’ll give me an excuse to dig in. Does it have to be T-rated? No! I’ll gladly look at some more mature fics, even though LSB itself will not go above a T rating under any circumstances. Does it even have to be a fic? No, I’ll accept suggestions to read fan comics, watch fan videos, abridged series, the like! Suggest ANYTHING!

Well then, what are the criteria?

1) I have to like it. I won’t write for a world I don’t enjoy in some way or other.

That’s… it really. I’ll do anything so long as I find it enjoyable. That said, I’m more likely to include stories I both like AND can think of a compelling reason to send the Sweeties there. Stories with great worldbuilding go to the top of the list automatically, while more slice of life stories will probably sink to the bottom. BRING ON THE SUGGESTIONS! You can suggest anywhere - my user page, the story itself, but it’s most likely to get noticed on this blog post or the forum post linked at the bottom. If multiple people suggest the same story, it's more likely to be considered.

A few final notes:

LSB’s rating is slightly different than SotS’s, unlike Yiyxa’s lowered rating. LSB, in an effort to allow itself to encompass more fics, will allow sexy stuff and more outright adult themes if a setting requires it. So long as I can keep that T rating on it, we’re good.

For people who want their own fics featured, yay! You have the option of contributing to the story, assuming I like your submitted story. You will automatically get access to the chapter draft and be able to read it ahead of time, or you can help me write it, or you can even suggest possible plot threads! Or you can just let me do the normal thing of ‘write what I think is best’ - you’ll have the choice. Also, there's nothing saying two stories from the same author can't be featured.

Yes, the League of Sweetie Belles IS part of the Songs of the Spheres continuity. No, you should not have to read that to enjoy LSB.

All worlds visited in LSB are non-canon to their original stories unless the author of the original story says otherwise.

Go here if you want to see up-to-date LSB writing information - such as what stories are being considered, etc.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now - enjoy!

-GM, master of stuff.

Comments ( 24 )

Here's one for ya, my Stargate story; Stargate Shangri-La.

An excuse to go to Stargate this early in the story? Heck yes!

-GM, master of fun times.

I'd suggest my Sweetie, but the universe is fairly standard.... One of the few deviations happened after Crusaders of the Lost Mark: We have "Cutie Mark Crusaders Inc." I pushed so the girls did make an organized business out of their talents... They even have an office in the Project P.E.G.A.S.O. Building with secretary and support teams, no longer crusading is a 3 mare job...!

Other than that it is a standard universe

Hit me up whenever.

For a few suggestions I would recommend the trials of Ascension. The moon's apprentice. The stories in stone is series. And the weed world almost all of these are pretty big and very interesting variations on the standard Equestria

Awesome stuff!!
Oh! You could do something with the little princess monster story, I'd love to see how they react to twilight.
You should also consider the Scion of Chaos universe. It crossed over with Sweetie Chronicles already, and is pretty much abandoned last I checked, but I'd love to see anything with that version of the cmc again.
OH! Another one is sweetie and the tablet of knowledge, another abandoned fic that I really loved.
Is there anything going against using dead fics?

Nothing against using dead fics, in fact I believe I will try to provide some closure to those that are TRULY dead if I can.

-GM, master of the closing.

Aww. If I had been writing a bit more diligently, I'd have a Sweetie to offer with some neat elemental powers, but my story isn't all that far along yet...

Still, good luck! This is a neat idea - involving other writers in your work is always exciting.

If I can vote for any of the being considered stories. I would like to see Stargate: Shangri-La, Of the Hive, and My Little Portal.
I also, see you have Mente Materia and Fallout equestria as part of the story or being considered for a part in it. That a good thing if you are planning to write anything about Sweetie Bell from The Sweetie Chronicles in this story.

Almost forgot, here is some more ideas if you like an of them:
Upheaval: This has some character building plots you could think about.
Into the Black: The aliens in this one are real good bad guys for any story.
Hegira: Option Gamma/Eternal Delta: I recommend the second book for story ideas. :twilightsmile:
Apple boom: Transform and roll out: You talk about Transformers before, but have not had them yet.

Sweetie Chronicle, currently, has no plans to actually appear in the story (it likely wouldn't make sense until the Sweetie Chronicles itself ends, actually) yet. That is a YET. If the LSB gets enough traction, I might consider asking Wanderer D about it.

-GM, master of pieces of eight.

Not the Hero might be good. Basically, it's a Discord who's had his world invaded by a Mary Sue who's brainwashed the main characters into loving him. Discord is the only one who realizes this. Highly recommend.

Is there a page where we can vote for each available story?

If not, I'd like to second Apple Bloom: Transform and Roll Out and Triptych. They hyper-grounded setting of Triptych would clash with your setting in an interesting manner, and Transform and Roll Out is a really interesting implementation of what sounds like a bad premise.

I'd also like to suggest the now-defunct Harmonies Warriors. The MCU is fun, and I really enjoyed working on it back when it was a thing.

I'd also like to add Sigil of Souls, Stream of Memories. Steampunk/Magic Girls is a combination that hasn't received a lot of attention before, and the world-building is very solid.

Leaving a comment on this post is generally a good way to make sure I see things and to keep track of everything that's already being considered. I'll be adding yours to it shortly.

(you can technically vote here OR there, but there it's easier to keep track of.)

-GM, master of THONKING.


Oh, Side Note: I think Estee mention in one of they're blogs that they were nervous about a series of knock-of Triptych stories because an unnamed author put them in a research library

Short version: someone is looking at Triptych as potential fuel for their crossover saga -- and didn't ask me. I found out when they added it to their labeled survey library.

and they're dealing with some really intense IRL stuf, so if that was you, you might want to go say something calming.

I find it vaguely amusing to see someone else with a massive multiverse crossover. I've been sitting on my original idea for almost a decade because I realized that the setting it became is difficult to write an interesting story with it. I have come up with some ideas in recent times, but I ended up with so many other projects its been pushed back.

My other fic is the more subtle crossover variant, mostly because I'm shit at coming up with characters so I just ram other characters in. Like Sweetie-Bot originating from a combination of a heart disease and an SCP-based treatment (its the one with too many gears)

Oh, geez, I'll go talk to tem then. That WAS probably me, if it happened in the last week. I'll go check it out. I'm curious why I wasn't messaged about it though...

EDIT: found the blog post, replied, and now we wait. Thanks for letting me know.

-GM, master of squids.

Heyo GM, I've got an interesting suggestion for you for a potential Sweetie. The Sweetie Belle from the "Iron Hearts" series, wherein this Sweetie ends up becoming an Acolyte of the immaterial galaxy's favorite indecisive mollusk, Tzeentch! The series is admittedly long and across multiple books, but one certainly psychotic iteration of Sweetie who has a direct pipeline with the Architect of Fate would be... interesting. I'll toss a link to the first story in the series... here!

The Moonstone Cup would break into wonderful chaos from interdimensional visitors.

Maretian would derail wonderfully. Also would have a bonus for being a double-crossover and having a compatible multiverse already canon.

Past Sins for fun times. Kind of honestly surprised we haven't seen any Nyx running around in Merodi.

Background Pony. For the love of God Lyra deserves a happy ending.

Submit all LSB submissions at this link. I need to be able to keep track of who has/hasn't submitted/voted.

-GM, master of submission.

If I may, I have a few suggestions—
MLP Fanworks:

  • The Pony.MOV Youtube series (if you haven't done it already)
  • Bride/Daughter of Discord
  • The Last Pony on Earth series
  • A New World, A New Way
  • Precious Blood (this one's by Disneyfan and features minor Button Mash/Sweetie Belle)

Nowadays, you need to post your requests on this thread.

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