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Don't like, don't read; the principle of not being a prick · 6:21am Feb 6th, 2019

Just need to get this off my chest, because it's bothering me. This is... kind of a vent. Partially from a recent experience, and partially in general, so feel free to skip it if you don't like it. As it says in the title. :twilightsmile:

If you don't like something, that is okay. If you looked at something and went "this doesn't sound like me," and then you gave it a chance and you didn't like it, that's perfectly fine. If you downvote a story because you do not like it, that's fine too. That's what that button is for. If you're just going "meh, not my thing," you can always click away from the story.

If you were asked for feedback about that story, and you disliked it, you can tell someone that. You can correct grammar too, if some technical issue with the story is glaring at you like I glare at my computer when it crashes while playing Destiny 2. That's perfectly understandable.

Is it necessary, though, to give someone unprompted non-constructive criticism about a story? Do you want to be the person in the comments that says "This isn't my kind of story," as though that changes the fact that the author wrote it, and wrote it for an audience that isn't you? No one is making you read that fic that you don't like, and unless the author specifically says "I want feedback on this fic," why would you give them your unsolicited opinion if it's only negative? What does that accomplish? Do you want to give someone who spent time writing that the complete opposite of the warm fuzzies?

Allow me to demonstrate a revolutionary process for reacting when you don't like a fanfiction, and feel the need to comment on how much you dislike it:

Browser instructions:
Look at the top left side of the browser. There should be a little arrow up there that points to the left. Click it. Alternatively, Alt (for Windows) or Ctrl (for Mac) + the right arrow works.

Mobile instructions:
Tap the bottom button, or use your browser buttons (more options is what mine displays, the three little dots in the top right corner in Chrome for me) and then click the little arrow pointing to the left.

It's that easy. Now you aren't wasting your valuable time on writing (and replying to) a message about how, personally, you don't like this story very much at all. And, as an additional bonus, you aren't wasting the author's time with an opinion they didn't ask for, and most likely don't care about, but will still make their day slightly less wonderful.

Also, don't review something you hate if someone doesn't want it reviewed. I stand by the opinion that it's always polite to ask. Permission is the key between potentially constructive criticism and destructive criticism.

this PSA is sponsered by the number 923 and a very tired author

Report Silent Whisper · 385 views · Story: Fruit Salad · #journal
Comments ( 18 )

This and my weak spirit is what killed the Changeling Doll~

I have absolutely no clue what you're saying, but okay!

Hear hear! Nice to see someone who understands, if you don't like it, you don't need to view/respond to it.

I agree with you. You don't like it, then don't go on a rant about how much you hate it. It doesn't keep us writers upbeat. Sorry that you had to deal with this.

Most of the "critics" on this site are blowhards, tbh. Anybody using numbers as if art is somehow a thing you can cram into a five point scale without actually engaging with in anyway is like literally the definition of Weak and Boring.

I partially agree. If you just want to say "I didn't like it" without any feedback, it's kinda useless, but I don't see too much of a problem with pointing out story problems. Being a writer should be about improvement. Feeling bad for a while is worth it if it makes you a better writer.

It's an easy way to find out their opinion if you don't want to read the whole thing. Also, a scale can very much work, if specified enough. For example, this is my general scale when I rate things.
1 - Absolutely Terrible; so disgustingly bad it made me clinically depressed from how bad it was
2 - Really Horrible
3 - Awful
4 - Very Bad
5 - Bad
6 - Below Average
7 - Average/OK
8 - Good
9 - Great
10 - Amazing

Scales in general completely miss the point. It isn't a matter of doing it better. You've missed the point.

How so? You're saying using a number without any context is bad, right? Well, this does have that. I don't see how saying something is "good" or "bad" is boring and completely misses the point. Of course, it's subjective, but anyway, it's just their opinion.

The point is that their opinions about if they dislike it aren't welcome. No one cares what they think, and unless they ask for it, you shouldnt be offering your unsolicited review on how you didnt like it. Not everyone wants criticism, constructive or not.

Right, they only care what they think if it's completely positive. Also, there definitely are people who do care and want criticism.

There are, absolutely, people who want criticism. But a lot don't. It's a safe bet to not give it unless it's requested. A lot of people write for fun, or don't want critiques on how they can do it better, or a million other reasons.

I suppose. I guess it's just kinda disappointing seeing good talent go to waste because they don't get enough good criticism.

I get that, but somedays, for me, I dont need what I wrote to be the most groundbreakingly perfect story. Some days, writing something is *enough,* and it's a safe bet to, at the very least, ask. Besides, wouldn't your talents at reviewing and critiquing stories be better appreciated by those that actually want it?

I suppose. It's just a tedious process asking every single person whether they want critique or not.

Less tedious than getting feedback from someone who doesnt appreciate yours

Eh, but I guess there's a solution to solve both problems.
(insert author name), if you want critique, read this. dfbdhvdfjsdbfjsdfjsdfsdfj

I hope that you will return to that story someday, it is adorable.

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