• Member Since 19th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Wednesday


A writer who has no idea what he's doing

More Blog Posts126

  • 179 weeks
    What I would do differently

    As my main account announced, the Shooting stars fic is done and cancelled. And in it's place is something new. At the same time, a certain writer released season 10 of starfleet. and that got me thinking...what would I do differently.

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    2 comments · 977 views
  • 222 weeks
    Random thought

    Random thought, but in a world where Duel Monsters is real...

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    0 comments · 451 views
  • 223 weeks
    3rd anniversary

    OOOPS! Sorry, kind of forgot about something important.

    Sorry, but when your dream (A Sonic movie that did well and made big) came true you kind of frogot. Well, that and having some fun on other sites picking apart some new targets. And weapon making.

    More on weapon making later.

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    1 comments · 456 views
  • 228 weeks
    WHat??? A new chapter?!

    Yeah, End of Hatred is updated.


    I have a lot to explain don't I.

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  • 247 weeks
    Evolution new chapter!

    Yay, a new chapter. No, I havent' watched all of the finale though I was spoiled and it ended the way I wanted it to.

    But, you are probably wondering why it took me over a year to finish. Well, it's a long story, and no it doesn't really have anything to do with my burnout or annoyance.

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    0 comments · 474 views

4 years to the day. · 9:12pm Feb 21st, 2019

Ok, so lets start off with some announcements and things...

First, I am going to try and get End of Hope updated tis month. If I can't? Might just take a break from the story for a sec, recharge my batteries and write on the other user for a bit. Got somethings I need to update there as well including a reboot of a certian fic I know people want to see come back.

Seccond, I know the show is ending with this season. To tell the truth, I kind of expected it. From what I've been reading and seeing, it just feels like they were floundering for ideas on this season and just waiting for the time to run out. I will watch the last one of course, but still...

Don't take that as a "Show ruined forever, leaving fandom. You all suck for liking episode __________ because there was something there that I disagreed with, Wahhhhhhh!!!!" Nope, its just a "Ok, let me hae a break and come back later." I know there is a G5 coming, and I can't wait for that. And I know this site, as well as EQD are staying. Wether this means we'll embrace G5 or stick with Generations 1-4 I don't know, but I'll be there. After all, we have way too many fanfics, art, and vids to dissappear. At most, we'll just shrink like a lot of other great fandoms, waiting for the next big thing to bring us all back together again.

And now...for the fun part.

Four years since I started my journey, four long and adventoures years of starting probably my biggest, most exciting, and probably note-worthy fic. Yeah, I had a project on my other account and some other good fics there you could read, but I don't think I have gotten nearly as many comments over there as I did here. I am, always shocked and amazed by all of it. The fan art, tropes page, the fans, and the laughs. Thank you.

It's weird to think of how it all started, just me wanting to write a porn in my head to enjoy some of my vore fantasies because I couldn't write those stories with the mane six. And then I found myself writing about Applejack wrestling a boar, fighting Lighting, and Luna leading rebellions. I began to write the stuff I loved about the mane six and soon the story became something bigger, something that I...originally was trying to foister onto someone else. I had so many projects at the time that I wanted someone else to do it. Can you imagine that though? Someone else writing this thing? Who would be crazy enough for that!!!! But I chose to because I thought I was the only one who could, that I knew enough about the subject that I could pull it off well. And, well, I pushed that.

I kind of have to laugh when I see certain comments, reviews, or riffs on my stuff. Oh, I don't take it like a certain someone and go "I'm right you're wrong, bite me!" I take every critism seriously and listen to how to fix it while at the same time, laugh, make snark, or offer my own thoughs about where I am comning from at the time. Kind of like how I read "You did this just to spite him! You did this to make him mad or to get back! This hate fic is..." and I have to tell them this. It's not done to spite him, at all. I couldn't care less if he read it or knew of it's existance. Hell, I called it a Mykan tribute in the beginning just to see who would fall for it and then join in the laughs when people call it out on how crappy it was. Because you see, if this was a real spite fic, hate fic, or something, it would never be published. I have thousands of hate fics in my head already that will NEVER see the light of day.

No, I wrote it because I found a porn fic I wanted to post, one with plot. Well, that and one important reason...because I wanted a story where the mane 5 (and then six) face off against a dire threat, fight back against an oppressive regieme, and free their world all the while showing the powers of love, friendship and compassion. I won't lie and saying that it wasn't fun to kill Starfleet, it was, for a bit. Then, when I started to want to make the starfleet cast likeable before the kill, well I think you seen the results. Dyno and Myte may have been the originators of the plots, but Lighting, Artie, Starla, and Kudos were the end result of that long journey. Even the porn idea was slowly being scrapped when I began to forget to write my goal of doing a sex scene and/or gag every chapter. Hell, Grand Ruler was going to be more comical and he turned out to become a metaphor over time.

It's also kind of funny to read a comment about "Conquest! Baron von puppy kicker, mr. evil mcnasty." or my favorite "Conquest should be a villain that needs to be more serious and dark." Like they don't realize something, Conquest is always meant to be silly, over the top, insane, and fun. He doesn't represent me or the readers (I should HOPE that most of you find rape to be deplorable), one of my friends while I was writing the opening chapters told me to make him over the top, and I did make him as over the top as I can. If he represents anything beyond what the story meant for him, is the satire of what a bad fanfic author is. "I hate this female character, let me rape her! I'm mad at these characters, I am going to kill them! Don't tell me that there is more or I'm not looking at the character in the right light, I hate them and gonna kill them!" and most importantly, when he is tired of a world/fic, leaving it incomplete. HE even trolls people just to make you mad. When I see people complain, all I can think of is that it's all going according to my plans.

I even always told myself, "If this were the cannon show, Conquest would be a two part villian, at most. HE would hurt the mane six, and then lose in the next part." Starfleet, yeah, they take him seriously, but the mane six? Nah.

Regrets? Yeah, I ahve some. I still should've made it obivious how bad it was in United Equestria instead of relying that no one but Mykan haters would read it. I wish I had done more with the early days of the Umbra Circle (And for the befits of certain riffers, make it obivious that they are not mass murders) and show their wants needs and characters. I wish I had shown more of Buddy's relationship with Daphine and done more with the CMC (Although, thanks to a certain RP I did with the bro? I kind of gotten an idea for a spin off story)

Now, let's talk inspirations while we are all here...


Well, I think some of you might notice a certain style I was going for with certain bits, talking about story metaphors and character tropes and such. Well, that's because my biggest inspiration with this has been Peter S. Beagle's Last Unicorn. His story had always had a place in my heart and how it basically deconstructed fairy tales years before an oger thought he had it done. Also I have been inspired by NEil Gaiman's style of fantasy, with a mix of the stories of Tolkien and Lewis for good measure. I also take inspiration for some of the more darker theologies from the awesome MArk Twain.

Comic books:

Oh come on, like it hasn't been obivous that I am heavily inspired by multiver shennagians from thGeoings like Marvel and DC comics. I don't just look at the speedforce (Then again, no matter the story, if there is a speedster, I will use the speedforce) and use it. I look at the great villians like Doom and Luthor or the more silly villians like Paste Pot Pete and Mysterio. I also am inspired by the writings of Mark Waid (Hope) and Geoff Johns (Grabbing continuity and begin to abuse it like crazy!)


Someone asked if I was inspired by Kingdom Hearts when it came to Titans Trio and, well, they aint wrong. I only got back into Kingdom Hearts a year before hand, but a lot of what Organization XIII went through (What is a heart, what makes one a heart, what is involved in being a heart) really inspired me. Also helping was my love of Final Fantasy and the mix of science and magic (I was even hinting that future Equestria would be heading to a Midgar style future.)


Ok, this is going to be interesting. First of all, I have always been inspired by Dragonball Z in my style of fights. It should be obivious from the attacks, the speed of the fights, and the big attacks. I have also been inspired by the morals of Ruroni Kenshin (Not the author) Fullmetal Alchemist, Assassination Classroom, Digimon, Death Note, One Piece, Inuyasha, the characters and realtionships of Sailor Moon, and I wanted to make it more like Berserk in style and tone. Hell, I always called my other account the Shonen channel and this is the Senin channel. But there is one more and you might had been listening to the song while you read this...

Naruto has an interesting history for me. I loved the hell out of it in the early 2000s but at about 2009 or 10 (Right around Naruto confronting Sauske at the bridge after the death of Danzo) Ibegan to hate it. Saw Sauske as nothing more than a tool, Sakura was a bithc, and Naruto was a whimp compared to the other badass anime characters I read. I hated the hell out of it and I think a part of that was because well...it was just the cool thing to do. It was popular, hate it. A bunch of other angry fans didn't like it? Hate it! A couple of reviewers despise it? Hate it! I jsut shunned it for the longest time.

However, things changed. I played Ultimate Ninja storm 2-4 and reminded me why I loved the cocky orange wearing Ninja to begin with. I found a lot of things that I never realized about it, foreshadowing I didn't noticed, and character themes that I never even paid attention to. Thanks to a reread, I was quickly pulled back into the fold and reminded that there is a reason why I loved it.

What does this have to do with my inspiration? Simple...In spite of me hating Naruto through 10-18, somehow, some bits were still with me to this day.

-Conquest and Fratello both weild the Arametsu at certain points.
-rhymey weilds the Chidori against Rainbow Dash during their final fight.
-Rainbow Dash weilds the fucking Rasengan not once but twice (The areophants fight and then against Rhymey. She creates a red Rasengan to use on him)
-I was surprised to see Naruto take out Dark Naruto in a similar fasion to Pinkie's beat down of Conquest in the end.
-The themes of looking underneath the underneath, find common ground, open your heart, hatred is stupid, and you should be friendileier were all there.
-Some of the tricks in the fights are very NAruto like.
-Twilight Sparkle even uses Naruto's shadow clone trick to learn something damn fast.

So, somehow, someway...Naruto had been with me all of this time. Influencing this story and I never knew it.

CardGames and RPG:

Magic the Gathering and DND are not only the source of a LOT of the magic system (Mana and the like. I mainly used it as a way to talk about stamina and make it sound cool) but a lot of the spells show up there. Sun Shield, Storm of Vengance, Flame Strike, Ice Spear, Chandra's flame whips, Fire seed, and more. I bascially had the book of spells and a MTG card list in front of me as I wrote the fight scenes and threw in as many spells as I could (Twilight's was basically whole book)


In case you might not of noticed, I was also inspired by the ideals and themes of not just Star Trek, Sentai (I love how one riffer thinks I hated the idea. No, my problem is that Starfleet was Sentai written poorly and how people think sentai is like. It's like how I hated the way Starfleet summoned the attack names, because it was done poorly. I LOVE shouting the attack names) but I also draw upon a higher power. Yes, I have been inspired by and will always follow the love of Babylon 5.


In case no one could guess, I love making you laugh. Wether it be through visuals that I describe to the best of my abilty, or just a pun/clever wordplay or even mess with your expecations (See Emerald Shaina) I love the idea that I am making you laugh. Again, I laugh when I see some riffers take certain moments way too seriously. Like Conquest's speech about Bambi's mom being raped.

Them: IS this supposed to be funny? You are being so edgy and dark!

Me: You would not last five seconds watching HEllsing Abridged. (And yes, that is the stlye for some of Conquest's humor. When I write him now, I just hear abridged Alucard) YEs! It's meant to be funny!

I'm not going for shock to horrify, I am going for over the top and make you laugh for a bit. And so, here are some of the things that I am inspired by: Looney Toons, Animainacs, Team Four Star, Foxworthy, Robin Williams, Abrams and Zucker, George Carlton, The three stooges, MST3K, and Monty Pyhton. No line is too much for me to cross, no boundary too wide, and I love making you laugh and go "Maybe I shouldn't be laughig at this gag."

And that's basically it. So...what's next?

Well, besides the rewrite and some updates. I might do an anniversary "Film" featuring the next generation cast or that CMC side fic. I might also have some fun with certain other stories.

Thanks all of you for reading my fic.

Comments ( 11 )

I know the show is ending with this season

Huh, ending...

Imagine joining a fandom in the last days of the object of adoration, when many of its most prized writers and artists have moved on to other fandoms, to their own ventures.

The Mane Six will live on (though in a different form). But what about the background characters? Ditzy, Whooves, Vinyl, Octavia, Lyra, Sweetie Drops... is it the end for them?

Oh well, better work on that picture I had drew a long time ago of the Background Six coping with the inevitable end.

Say, have you watched Part 5 of JJBA, Golden Wind, yet?

Well... I don't know what to write
Thanks for the update
And thanks for caring Soo much for your world
I will wait for whatever you throw at me

Just to point out, many of the secondary ponies such as Cheerilee, Fleur, Moondancer and the CMC are named after previous generation ponies so there's a good chance some of them will be carried on.
I'm pretty sure we'll see Derpy/Ditzy again considering even the movie acknowledged how much she meant to the fans.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

But I doubt they will be the same Pone.

Of course.
Still, the spirit and inspiration will live on.

After all, we have way too many fanfics, art, and vids to dissappear. At most, we'll just shrink like a lot of other great fandoms, waiting for the next big thing to bring us all back together again.

I certainly hope you're right about that.

Comment posted by heavens-champion deleted Mar 4th, 2019
Comment posted by heavens-champion deleted Mar 4th, 2019
Comment posted by heavens-champion deleted Mar 4th, 2019

So, uh, what is your other user profile?

I look forward to what you have in store next.

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