• Member Since 21st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen March 3rd


Hi, I'm Windburst. Fan of Twixie, Lyrabon and transformation fanfics. I can't keep an update schedule at all, and expect typo's in my stories, but if you can get past that, welcome aboard!

More Blog Posts13

  • 275 weeks
    so, it's been 5 years?

    As the title says, I honestly can't believe it's been 5 years. So much changed for me yet here I am visiting again. Before anyone still following me (i'd be surprised if anyone still is) gets excited, I'm not coming back to write, just to read other stories and get some memories back. However I do feel like I owe those that did follow me some closure in how my stories would have turned out.

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  • 508 weeks
    So... I'm still alive

    You know what I hate? When I'm reading a fanfic, and I start to enjoy it. It's not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but it has me enjoying it anyways. It's a fic that's been going on for a while, and all off the sudden you realize that there is no more chapter to read, so you wait in the hopes that the author will update, and hopefully soon! Only, that doesn't seem to happen. You wait

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    6 comments · 841 views
  • 530 weeks
    Small change concerning Trixing Switch

    I'll go over current chapters and fix some minor spelling errors and the likes that I forgot (or didn't bother with...) as well as adding some minor stuff to the opening chapter, that I feel is way too short and was mostly written to get this thing of the road. The biggest change though will be that I'll name chapters from now on, since I find the current chapter numbering a tad hard to

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    2 comments · 480 views
  • 531 weeks
    It's time for an update!... tommorow though

    Right, I think I made you folks wait long enough so I'll be posting the next chapter of Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops and You tommorow. It's quite big (just a few words short of 20k) and is part exploring, part discovering and part clop. The reason this took so long (besides work) is that I lost a big part of it when I went all retard after having writen none stop for a few hours and didn't save,

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  • 538 weeks
    Updating soonish, and some news regarding it

    Hey folks, I'll be updating both my ongoing fics in the next weeks to come, but wanted to explain some stuff.

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so, it's been 5 years? · 3:27pm Feb 26th, 2019

As the title says, I honestly can't believe it's been 5 years. So much changed for me yet here I am visiting again. Before anyone still following me (i'd be surprised if anyone still is) gets excited, I'm not coming back to write, just to read other stories and get some memories back. However I do feel like I owe those that did follow me some closure in how my stories would have turned out.

To begin, I started writing minor fics back on 4chan during early 2012 when /mlp/ came to be. Mostly in AIE (anon in equestria) and PTFG (transforming general). I never thought my stories were any good, but I liked to do it anyways, if only to get through the boredom of being a total NEET. I pretty much was depressed back then and MLPFIM got me through the shit on a daily basis. But writing stories for 4chan and posting them on pastebin(s) is different than Fimfiction. I saw/read some really good fics over the years (this being from 2012 to 2014) and I wanted to try to get something better than simple greentext anon smut stories hence Trixing Switch came to be. I'll be honest and say I started writing this right after my grandpa died and wanted to just hide myself with writing instead of dealing with it, and for a while it worked, Trixing Switch came rolling out of me at a steady pace for the first few chapters but quickly slowed down. The problem? I had no real story to go on. I just had some basic thought in my mind that some dude switched bodies with Trixie and was bumbling about in ponyville, was going to have to make friends with the mane 6 and since Twixie was my favorite ship fall in love with Twilight. The first few chapters ended up working ok but I quickly grew stuck not really knowing where to go, as you can easily tell from the update dates. i had already written some plotpoints for later down the line, but now I had to freshen them up and somehow tie it all together.Problem one is that when I think I can easilly come up with a thousand idea's and try to make it happen, which I actually attempted to do. Problem two came that I kept adding new stuff to the point I just couldn't really write it down anymore and thus ended up dropping it when I started to lose interest in FIM.

Basically I was going to end up with another group of humans becoming ponies and sort of being the second mane6, each character was going to have their own story with Trixing Switch tying it all together. One of those was the Lyra story Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops and You, I was also going to have a Blueblood story, a Rumble story, a made up new changeling Queen and the final one was going to be Sunset Shimmer. Each story came in a timeline in that Trixing Switch was actually the last one and the rest happened a few months before it, yet each character would end up showing up in Trixing Switch as well.

To begin with Heartstrings, Sweetie Drops and You: This one was a human being cheated by Lyra in swapping bodies and becoming trapped in Equestria, after some heavy fucked up shit like a Bon Bon forcing herself on 'you' thinking you are Lyra playing some BDSM games; she finally learns that you weren't lying when you said you are a human. After some drama Bon Bon and 'you' did grow together and become a couple for real. Lyrayou also became a famous author by stealing movie ideas and making them into books, just changing the title and character names for a bit. Thus the humie fandom started on Equestria. I had this pegged for about 12 to 15 chapters and had this planned to be kinda heavy on the clopside but also romantic enough near the end after you and Bonnie end up dealing with the aftermath of learning the truth. Not really happy how the few chapters I did write ended up so I simply dropping it when my interest waned. This story starts about 6 months before Trixing Switch in

Blueblood fic: I did not write too far into this one, but I do have the first 6 chapters done minus some minor clean up work, the story doesn't even have a title. This one was kinda different in that the human used to be a woman and that for once you never do learn how the switch happened, Femblood (as she calls herself in her mind) just wakes up and tries to not freak out being a tiny horse. Femblood quickly learns that he's really hated and blueblood was a giant prick so now she has to deal with the aftermath. Enter a new maid pony that doesn't hate Blueblood and just wants to do her job but is afraid of the prince from the stories she heard. Slowly but surely they become friends, and when Femblood lears that maidpony has a sick mother that needs expensive treatment, (s)he wastes no time to pay for it. Later on femblood uses "her" money to help the less fortunate, an orphanage and so on and on. Gets in a romantic relationship with maid pony and ends up marrying her right around the time the coup happens in Canterlot which we first learn in Trixing Switch. Femblood plays an important point in saving Equestria, and everone starts to like him, ends up with him marrying his waifumaid. This one was a bit ambitious with the main story working out but needed a lot more detailed work in base story. I didn't even have a name for the maidpony yet but I wanted this story to be more romance and sappy, not much drama and sex in this one, it was more supposed to be a feel good story. Timeline was 3 months before Trixing Switch

Rumbling Test: The name of the Rumble fanfic. If I wanted the blueblood one to be sappy and romance, then the Rumble one was the opposite. This one was a human who had it all, only to end up being killed in a freak accident, to make matters worse, he gets brought to Equestria by Celestia and Luna after they accidently killed the real Rumble (yeah, i totally didn't even know where to even begin with that) so the guy goes through a whole heap of issues. First chapters end up okish with HuRumble learning about ponyville, but quickly end up emo and clopheavy. Flitter and Cloudchaser end up teasing HuRumble only for him to have some minor magic thanks to Celestia and Luna and abused it to gets his rocks off with the sisters. Each chapter after that pretty much is clop with cheerilee, some other ponies and even Scootaloo which ends up pregnant. HuRumble finally learns that what he did was not ok and wants to kill himself in guilt only for Scoots to stop him at the last second. ends up with a harem of Scootaloot, Flitter and Cloudchaser. Ironically this story was more meant for myself to write some darker stuff, for a guy that always wrote <rape on 4chan, I never actually wrote any rapefics to begin with so this one was going to end up being the one. While still not true rape, it did use mindcontrol and forced estrus. I only have snipets of this story written down and i'm not even sure if this was going to be the final that ended up on here, but since I never did write it down, we'll never know. Story took place 2 months before Trixing Switch. In Trixing Switch Rumble was actually going to be a nice guy, just way overprotective of his little harem.

Changeling story: This was going to end up being a human that ended up in the badlands, had to flee a Hydra, end up in a cave and drinks some water, only to change into a new queen changeling. after the change said queen starts laying eggs and ends up a small hive, only for the queen to act different than other queens since she loves her children. suddenly some eggs gets stolen by none other than Flim and Flam so new queen has to get them back while taking her still baby changelings along for the ride in some adventures. She gets them back a few chapters later and nearly kills the two ponies for stealing her babies but they can escape, queen finds a new cave in the everfree and starts her hive there. The story was going to be different in that we had a changeling hive that didn't need to steal love to survive, since they never even know they can do that, mother queen (you) simply nurtures her hive through loving her kids. While i needed a lot more to flesh it out, the basic story is actually written out. This one was mostly adventure, hive building and changeling shenanigans only to bleed into Trixing Switch later on when the hive saves the CMC and Trixie(you) from the same Hydra from the start of the story. This one was the first story to come together with Trixing Switch and actually was chapter 28 from Trixing Switch to mix together. Didn't really have a timeline for this one set up yet but the mayor point in this story was that the changelings didn't speak any language from Equis since they spoke the same language as their mother, english.
To add to this, this was though up LONG before the new redeemed changelings ended up in FIM (something I'm still not a big fan off)

Trixing Switch and sidestory Codename Shimmer. these two actually ran together since this was the main point of both stories. Youtrixie end up being screwed in a deal the real Trixie doesn't even know is a giant cheat to end up screwing around in equestria. Won't really write the whole plot here since you see the start in the story but in short, you're a diversion since the coup failed. You're supposed to be causing chaos and mayham so the ponies that caused the coup can continue it but end up befriending the mane six. Reason trixie is being so weird is that you got a whole bunch of spells cast on you causing you to have freakouts and sudden moodswings all the time. I'll spare you the details of some of the other points that i had written in that i feel didn't really fit but I do actually have up till chapter 49 written, just needs a lot more fleshing out. Before anyone asks, i'm not going to post it since I do actually hate it but some plotlines was Trixie being captures by the ponies that ran the casino the real Trixie cheated money from, Trixie gets rescued by a very pissed off Twilight together with Sunny Law, Twilight teaching you magic and you ending up kissing her, starting a relationship with Twilight, some corny sidestories where you have minor adventures with the other mane 6 and the characters from the other stories I had planned, only for you to get captured again, this time by the ponies running the coup. Idea is that you get forced to have a magic surge that would end up destroying Canterlot but you actually end up being in control and beating the bad guys, that was supposed to be Arc1, with a second Arc being the Sunset Shimmer Story, a 3rd arc where magic dissapears and you have to go to Tartarus to save it (hilarious how S8 end ended up being kinda similair), my tartarus was a lot darker and had several plains of nastiness though, and a final arc tying it all off. Idea was that Trixing Switch was going to be this huge story with at least a 100 chapters but alas, it was not to be.
codename Shimmer was a sidestory that was basically a giant edgy shitpile. This was a serial killer on dead row that suddenly becomes Sunset Shimmer and is forced into a project that was supposed to ascend a unicorn to alicorn status by the same ponies that did the coup. To do so sunset has to kill clones of Twilight who aren't as strong as the real twilight since she's now an Alicorn, only to be finally stopped by trixie and the real twilight. If anyone is an anime fan, you can clearly see I stole this idea from the anime To Aru Majutsu no Index where Sunset is basically Accelerator but it was the best I could come up with. Needless to say, i hated it and I'm kinda glad I never got this far into Trixing Switch to get to this point.

As I wrote this I also kept adding new stuff, like Ddraig, a whole plotline where some chaos god (not discord but some lovecraftian dude) was trying to be freed by youtrixie in the lowest parts of Tartarus and ofcourse the rest of the stories ending up together. I had some really fun plotlines with Lyra and Trixie becoming friends after they both learn they're exhumans, Trixie and Twilight teaching the new Changeling Queen the Equis language, Trixie and Twilight dating only for some rival of the real trixie trying to make you two break up in some point of revenge and so on and on.

As you can tell, none of this came to be. I slowly became a normie, sorted my life out, got a job which i still have, and sadly started losing interest in FIM as the seasons came on and more and more of what made FIM so great seemed to become obsolete. It's not till last month that I even saw S7 and 8, as well as the movie, and im kinda getting back into FIM, but at the same time, that feeling that I had during late 2011 when i first joined the fandom is simply gone. i did start reading fanfics again though (and noticing i'm liking those more than the real show) and I would be lying if I said that i don't feel the urge to write again (heck I just wrote this blogpost that's kinda a huge emo filled letter) but i doubt I will come back as a writefag again.

Report Windburst · 624 views · Story: Trixing Switch ·
Comments ( 1 )

Hey there,

Glad to see you posting, even if it doesn't mean the stories will continue (I particularly like/liked Trixing Switch).

Depression can f*ck you up, no matter where you're at-I went from being a high school drop out to completing a PhD in molecular biology, and now work as a post-doc doing research in Germany, and depression got me all along the way, and still gets me. MLP still acts as an escape for me.

Any way, I hope there's still joy for you to find here.

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