• Member Since 16th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I write horse words and have picked an avatar.

More Blog Posts11

  • 234 weeks
    Incoming Horse Words

    Finally, after a long, long hiatus, I'm back to writing. Too much to describe, too few words. Just know that I am alive, and the Vessel's journey will be continuing at some point. In the meantime I do expect to get some little something out in the near future, what, I dunno. I've discovered I'm great at improv writing, which I've been putting to good use in practice as of late. Also

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    1 comments · 252 views
  • 254 weeks
    New Story!

    New story going up tomorrow! Won't be edited, but I'll do my best to work out as many kinks as I can!

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  • 255 weeks
    Ich Will...

    ...to believe I've finally got time to write again! And something short will be coming down the pipe in the very near, today or the next few days, future. Just a short little stupid thing with the Knight, Spike, and some fish. Is it cheating to use magic daggers to fish? Because I don't think so.

    Also Hornet is most definitely not Void.

    Stay cool, folks.

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  • 260 weeks
    Updates, updates, updates

    So to any weirdos reading these things, I've finally gotten back on my metaphorical writing feet. Spent the last while working on refining my style, and in the meantime gotten a better grasp on what it means to be a writer. Turns out it's a lot of flailing at a keyboard and editing. That's it. So with that said, Ima try and get something short out sometime, what, I don't know. If anyone has any

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  • 272 weeks
    News Update- Stories

    So I've been busy as a mug as of late. Got moved only for the new place to have its share of issues, but those have been mostly resolved (I hope). So with that said, I've got free time again. And, gonna be honest, I have too many story ideas at this point. So, I'd like some input from folks who don't mind giving me a moment of your time. I've singled out three ideas that stand out the most, so if

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News Update- Stories · 5:09am Mar 18th, 2019

So I've been busy as a mug as of late. Got moved only for the new place to have its share of issues, but those have been mostly resolved (I hope). So with that said, I've got free time again. And, gonna be honest, I have too many story ideas at this point. So, I'd like some input from folks who don't mind giving me a moment of your time. I've singled out three ideas that stand out the most, so if you don't mind, please take a moment and comment below which you'd like to see the most, would really help.

A Vessel's Journey, Tea and Termites. Sequel to the first story I've wrote here that features our fair Knight heading to Fluttershy's cottage and getting the lay of the land. Also some tea. Probably guaranteed violence ensues with forces of the unknown.

Mine is a Warrior's Soul. Fable story! Nostro's time in the world of the living isn't yet over, and the gods have ordained him ready for another task before he can find true rest. That task? Training a young purple dragon to be a true Hero! And hopefully not set the world on fire. I don't want to set it on fire, do you?

Ember Spark's Guide to Enchanting Items: Arcanasmithing 101. Professional pony teaches you how to make some enchanted items that are in no way shape or form illegal for sale. That'd be breaking the law, and we don't want that do we? Yes.

Either way, I'll get something churned out here in the next couple weeks come hell or high water. Please don't let it be either, we just fixed the leaky roof. :raritydespair:

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