• Member Since 10th Aug, 2016
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Founder and Head Writer on Equestrian City Project

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MetaVerse Weekly Roundup - 03-17-19 · 6:27am Mar 18th, 2019

Hello MetaVerse fans,

This week we’ve got “Collision Course” aka Equestrian City episode 14 loaded and near ready for release!

At the same time the Fallout inspired spin off Total Wasteland gets some attention as does a Starlight Glimmer Side Story!

We've got several new art pieces ready for release so stay tuned for those. Trail, Moon and Ant are hard at work pumping out content for everyone to enjoy! Dont go forgetting to stop by Discord (Which is going public now!) to say thank you to our stellar team of artists!

We have Zap, whose been with us through thick and thin, taking an indefinite leave of absence! We wish him the best in his journey and standby to welcome him with open arms when life straightens itself out.

Additionally Emerald Blast is also putting up their Do Not Disturb tag while they refocus on their studies and schooling. We at Equestrian City emphasize that schooling should always come first and this is no different. The final pieces they gave us will be placed in Initiations in the near week. Good Luck Blast!

A quick rundown of our current staff for those filling out your scorecards: Moon Pearl is my lead artist. Along with my approval, they are monumental in our art direction.
Rounding up behind them is our resident Gazelle Trail Grazer and Ant (who I cannot pronounce their name for the life of me).
Freelancing for us is the constantly badgered Art2u and Butcher X. .

We are in the middle of migrating our web responsibilities to one DSHooves (whom you all should know) and LongWoodGeek are getting ready to vacuum our mess of a webpage up and get a spiffy new look for our site. Stay tuned for more!

I've begun streaming my work on the fallout 4 mods I'm converting with the help of ThuggySmurf and his crew of Mod Gods. I've actually been asked to do a bit of writing for them as well!

I'm in the middle of putting my youtube channel up to get more things you all can possibly listen to maybe!

Comments ( 1 )

All right then, I look forward to seeing all of this. Thanks for the update! :twilightsmile:

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