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Would you read a rewrite of "Ein Sof Zealotry"? · 8:16am Mar 25th, 2019

Hey everyone. It's been... Goodness, I don't know how long it's been since I even been on here. Well, I suppose I should just get to the point, as I have some explaining to do.

So some people might have noticed that the story "Ein Sof Zealotry" was unlisted and recently republished. I honestly don't have much of an excuse for this, but the story had been on hiatus for far too long, I and the original author just couldn't work on it anymore. Why am I putting it up again? Well, two reasons.

Firstly, this was the biggest project I had ever worked on and I originally unlisted it because during the year 2016 until recently I had been going through a... turbulent time in my life. I won't get into the details because honestly they aren't interesting or fun to talk about. What you need to know is that I had sort of went through a breakdown and just didn't want to be part of the community anymore for awhile, with some exceptions here and there. Well, after some thinking I decided to put this back up because as I said it's the biggest project I've really published and you know what, people liked this story despite its major flaws and some people might want to look at it again. I know I have been recently. This leads us to...

Second, I was actually thinking about going back and rewriting this story from the ground up. I haven't decided how I'm going to do this yet and knowing my track record and schedule, it might not be anytime soon as of writing this post. But if it garners enough attention and interest, I'll invest more time into it. Sadly, I wouldn't expect the original co-author to be part of this as he's busy doing his own thing and frankly I don't think our schedules would allow for it (we live on entirely different continents). But with this rewrite, I'll either be working on my own or with some help of a close friend of mine, you may know him. His name is LanceOmikron, who wrote Creeping Happiness and is involved in work on The Bridge (shameless plug intended). This is a very very recent idea and I'll be honest, it isn't high on my priority list right now with work and personal life, but if people are interested enough, I'll return to this with gusto. I have been working on learning digital art so I would try to make more of an effort to include artwork and eventually I hope to make animations for this project once I have a firm grip on CC, Blender, whatever. Just no time soon if that happens.

Anyway, lemme know what y'all think and many thanks for supporting, many apologies for the confusion and frustration, and safety and peace to all.

Comments ( 13 )

Honestly that would be pretty neat if you decide to rewrite it. I did enjoy the original story though, but I'll need to re read what you have here to remember all of the details.

Rewrite is needed with all the new info available and the fact that you went on hiatus for so long rereading it all would take some time anyway.

Well what I'm going to do is if I rewrite, I'm going to either have the original chapters in a doc linked in the authors notes, or if the new chapters differ significantly I'll leave the chapters in so people can compare them side by side. It will take time to decide what to do. I'm probably going to end up doing the latter out of convenience anyway.

I already have a few changes in mind, I'll create a list later once I have an idea what I'm doing that will list the changes. I'm almost considering waiting until season 9 is done so I can see what else I have to work with. Though I'm not sure I have the patience to do that.

only if you want to. ^_^

If you want to do a rewrite it would be great. I'm sure we would all like to see how much both your writing and your artwork have changed over the years.

belated welcome back, looking forward to what's in store...

just did a re-read of Ein Sof Zealotry...

I'm very late to post this, but I absolutely would read a rewrite!

Ein Sof Zealotry is one of the few stories that I treasure here on FimFiction, And I always try to check up on it a couple times a year if possible.

As always with stuff like this please prioritize your health over writing and only write it if you want to. :)

Hi, thanks for the kind words, they mean a lot. :)

I'm gonna sound like a broken record at this rate, but ESZ isn't terribly high on the list of priorities at the moment with my work, my finances, and my personal life taking up much of my time these days. Don't expect much on this story for the short term, as I still need to get my new co-author up to speed on the current story and discuss the rewrite, but he's an editor and contributor for The Bridge and has his own story called Creeping Happiness so I'll let you draw your own opinions.

Edit: I realized I already shouted out Lance and the Bridge community in the post itself, so this portion of my comment was kinda redundant. In my defense, it's an almost year old post.

In the meantime, I have two other projects in the works (of which I'll surely drag my feet on too because you know me by now). One is Ante Solem, information can be found here, the other is another project called "Queen of Crimson Crows", of which I do not currently have a post about, but it's a side project I've been playing around with for as early as January of last year; there will be a post on that one going up later once I have a proper cover art drawn up (in fact I should probably get on that tonight).

I do hope get my ducks in a row soon and start on this thing I've been promising. I was waiting for the show to end so I could see if there was any interesting lore we could add in and now that it is over, I'm hoping to get to that this year. Spoiler alert though, the rewrite will probably be drastically different, a lot of fat is going to be trimmed, some things are gonna be added, many characters are probably gonna be significantly changed or even dropped entirely to streamline and update. The direction and tone of the rewrite will probably be very different from the original vision of the old story (I for one have always regretted how Sunset was written). But in the meantime, as it's been awhile since I've really written, I want to work on these other projects to get the creative flow going and to shake off the dust. I'm hoping to get artwork along with it to, as I've made the switch to digital art and no longer bound to a lot of the restrictions from the past, I'll be able to make more dynamic pieces.

Anyway, tirade over, thank you for sticking with me this far. You have a good day/evening.


Hey there, I'm sure no one is going to see this but I want to give a general update on the rewrite idea.

I still do intend to at some point in time, but 2020 kind of screwed up a lot of things, the plan I had being a casualty in there. Also I kinda just forgot I had this going on, I'd been... Shall we say, lazy in my endeavor to review the material and I had started a whole new project in the meantime (Queen of Crimson Crows in case you're interested). I'm gonna go through with the idea eventually, it's just been a real hastle and I honestly can't give an ETA on when it will be, though I do have an idea as to the direction I'd go. Might be a year from now, might be much later. It's just going to happen when I have the time and desire to do it. I understand any frustration involving this whole project and don't really blame anyone jumping ship.

Nevertheless, I do hope I can live up to some kind of promise.

hey, take your time. this is your ride and i'm just a passenger...

My plan currently is this: I'm thinking about making videos reviewing the chapters, both to discuss what I'd like to change and to give myself an excuse to read through it again. I have a blog post here that I just put up for the full idea.

This is in addition to my work on QCC.

I have no opinion.

But yes, I would read it. Without a doubt.

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