• Member Since 28th Aug, 2011
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Cold in Gardez

Stories about ponies are stories about people.

More Blog Posts187

  • 10 weeks
    Science Fiction Contest 3!!! (May 14, 2024)

    Hey folks,

    It's contest time! Wooooo!

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    3 comments · 442 views
  • 12 weeks
    A town for the fearful dead

    What is that Gardez up to? Still toiling away at his tabletop world. Presented, for those with interest, the town of Cnoc an Fhomhair.

    Cnoc an Fhomhair (Town)

    Population: Varies – between two and five thousand.
    Industry: Trade.
    Fae Presence: None.

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    5 comments · 307 views
  • 24 weeks
    The Dragon Game

    You know the one.

    A sheaf of papers, prefaced with a short letter, all written in a sturdy, simple hand.

    Abbot Stillwater,

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    7 comments · 590 views
  • 42 weeks
    EFN Book Nook!

    Hey folks! I should've done this days ago, apparently, but the awesome Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest has copies of Completely Safe Stories!

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    9 comments · 611 views
  • 45 weeks
    A new project, and an explanation!

    Hey folks,

    Alternate title for this blog post: I'm Doing a Thing (and I'm looking for help)

    I don't think anyone is surprised that my pony writing has been on a bit of a hiatus for a while, and my presence on this site is mostly to lurk-and-read rather than finish my long-delayed stories. What you might not know, though, is what I've been doing instead of pony writing.

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New story finally hit! · 2:07am Mar 30th, 2019

So, I finally worked up the courage to hit the 'publish' button on The Archetypist.

I've spent a long time on this story. It went through an enormous transformation, from the 8,000 word entry that won the a Writeoff event way back in summer of 2017, to the much, much longer short novel it is today (I won't release the exact word-count yet, to keep people guessing, but it's many times larger than the original).

It touches on a lot of the themes people have noticed in my stories. Dreams, of course, but also the internal struggle that occurs when the world is changing in ways you don't like. The natural world vs. the created world. And, of course, how to do the right thing when there are seemingly no options.

There's also a lot of art! You've seen the cover and two of the chapter insert artworks, but there's more to come. I had fun illustrating a lot of the chapters. This is the first time I've tried to integrate my own artwork with a story I've written, and I really hope it adds to the experience.

Anyway, all this is to say that I hope you'll give it a try. For those of you who remember the original version, I hope you'll enjoy the new, expanded version. It's not just longer for the sake of being longer -- it's longer because there's more story to tell.

Before I sign off, I really want to thank GaPJaxie for his constant attention to this story. Many of the major revisions are due to his input, and because he's such a greater writer than I am, the final product is better for it. And my long-time editor Corejo for his editing work.

Have a Starlight Glimmer:

Comments ( 8 )
Site Blogger

Very excited to read this once it's all up.

Nice. And that's your own artwork? Cool. :)
(I currently expect to get to the story later today.)

That Glimmer art though.

Before I sign off, I really want to thank GaPJaxie for his constant attention to this story. Many of the major revisions are due to his input, and because he's such a greater writer than I am, the final product is better for it.

I have already explained on many an occasion why this is not true. But if I cannot get you to accept your gift for the literary arts, I can, at least, illustrate my gratitude at receiving such a compliment. In the form of a blushing horse.


(Seriously thank you)

The only time in recent memory that I have been as or more excited to see a Writeoff entry go live here was, not coincidentally because he is in fact amazing, a Jaxie piece. I can't wait to see what you've done with the story in the last year and change.

I want to say that so far it reminds me of a Cynewulf story but Cynewulf has written so many of those I can't possibly be sure.

ETA: Nope, wait, not Cynewulf. A Once and Future Darkness. That's what this reminds me of for some reason. To be fair that is probably CiG's most Cynewulf-y story.

Where do I find your art? I searched derpi for your name and nothing came up.


I keep most of it on my Deviant Art page here.


I'll put up another blog post tonight about the links between this story and A Once and Future Darkness.

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