• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 7th, 2021


Mental instability at its finest and aspiring punk rock musician. PS: Buy a creator a coffee to keep him awake? https://ko-fi.com/firerain

More Blog Posts1257

  • 155 weeks
    My Very Last Blog Post - Goodbye

    As of now, I think the time has come to finally abandon my Fimfiction page. I don't particularly want any involvement in the MLP community any longer and I hold no interest in continuing to be an active member. While my page remains open to everyone, I've logged out permanently and don't think I'll return to it or use it again. No more blogs, no more stories, no related content - it's over.

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    3 comments · 781 views
  • 156 weeks
    I'm never going to be the person that... (Facts of life)

    I'm never going to be the person who goes out drinking with friends in the pub at the end of the week,
    I'm never going to be the person to enter a stable relationship,
    I'm never going to be the person to cry for those who won't cry for me,
    I'm never going to be the person who gives up over a little tough break,

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    1 comments · 330 views
  • 156 weeks
    Either stay or leave. Don't play me about.

    If you're staying, stay.

    If you're playing around with me, kindly fuck off. I'm not in the mood.

    Either follow or don't follow. It really is that simple. Make up your mind already.

    Thank you. :ajsleepy:


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    1 comments · 312 views
  • 156 weeks
    Need a distraction from your low mood? Here's an old photo of my guinea pig :3

    Because I'm sad and because my guinea pig is an adorable fwubby enchanted squeaking potato, here's Oscar laying down and snuggling into his brother, Guinness's guinea bum. Don't ask why he did that, just look at how cute he's being. Requires all the ear rubs. Should have called him Sir Purrsalot. 🐹

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    1 comments · 281 views
  • 156 weeks
    ''Applejack, are you gay?'' French Translation - if you're interested.

    Back when I introduced this story a few years ago, I was approached by a French Translator called Rainbowsoarin007 and they requested me to allow them to turn my story into a French translation for viewers in that part of the world and those who speak it.

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    0 comments · 219 views

The first time and the last · 10:58am May 13th, 2019

About a year or two ago, I got out of a semi-abusive relationship with a girl that convinced me that she loved me. We got along great, we always hung out and laughed together, and I was happy at last to share my innermost self with someone I cared about.

However, I was stupid enough to let love tangle me in its toxic web of deceit. At times and out of nowhere, she would yell at me and I don't know why. She was always so very arrogant and unappreciative, but I was so busy being in love with her to notice. I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that my first committed relationship was going to end, but, in some ways, it was for the better.

She convinced me that she loved me, I gave my thoughts to her, I cared enough about her to give her my first kiss with her, the very first time that I kissed any girl, and I just enjoyed her company. We were two insane people being ridiculous together, but the real ridiculous part of the relationship was that I was stupid enough to let her in.

I even remember the first that time we kissed - 11th May 2016, about two in the afternoon. Exactly two days after someone I cared about and considered my second dad died. I found out when I was at her grandmother's house.

I cared enough about that special moment to remember it, but I can guarantee you that she likely doesn't remember it. If she does, I'll seriously eat my guitar, neck and strings, too. I honestly have no clue what goes on in that girl's head half the time, but arrogance and selfishness prevail above all else.

As you might imagine, I was torn to shreds about it, and the odd thing about it? On the bus ride back home, my conscience was blabbering on at me, ''You idiot! Why did you kiss her?! What's wrong with you? You shouldn't have done that!''

It was only maybe a month later that we broke up, which ties to the night that I was so set on self-destruction that I nearly died from downing spirits. Since April, I've been alcohol free and sober for a year. I could have so easily have been dead, and I would be just like the person I cared about. Pain would disappear, I'd no longer feel heartache, and that would be it for me. Finished.

So, by the end, I don't know if it really was me that was the problem in the relationship with my girlfriend. I'm only just starting to convince myself that it was my fault, but I know that I didn't do anything wrong. Even now, it makes me feel miserable inside. I remember being on the phone with her, and just before she hung up, she said, ''Hey,'' and I waited for her to continue and she said, ''I love you.''

It gave me the Fuzzies. But I don't know if I believed her, even if I want to, because I believe that she did to an extent. She told me she loved me. She loved me, and it was the best feeling in the world, and now I'm understanding just what I'm missing from my life.

Although I really don't feel anything for her anymore, apart from petty, bitter spite, I kinda want it back. You know, the love and the rapport of having a mutual partner to be myself with. Being me isn't even possible on my own, I've found. When I'm with someone, I'm different and non-caring, switched on and constantly joking, living life and being sociable. Most people look at me like I belong in a straight jacket, but, to me, they just want me to join them.

I don't even know what to do anymore about it. My heart is literally throbbing painfully right now, heartache that I know I'm going to be burdened with for a long time, and likely forever. I just wish I knew what was wrong with me, if it's me at all.

Comments ( 3 )

I am so sorry about that man but hey you're doing better at the love life then me because All of my girlfriends have either cheated or broke up with me just to go out with one of my friends. Love is a cruel mistress sometimes. My advice is never give up on love and let hate into your life because then you will only be a shadow of your former self.

I know how it feels to really want to be with someone, but not the pain you went through. I hope someone out there will appreciate you properly

Jesus, dude. I honestly don't understand how girls can do that to guys and then say that they are the problem! It's immature and stupid, to be frank. Hope you find the notorious One in the future, whenever that may be, brother. 💛

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