• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen May 29th, 2019


I am taking time to think about my actions and may or may not return.

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  • 261 weeks
    Important - Please Read

    Hello everyone,

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  • 269 weeks
    Writing Style Change

    hi everypony :fluttercry:

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  • 269 weeks
    I think I might be quitting...

    hi everypony :pinkiesad2: i have some sad news for u all today :fluttercry: I guess many of I have seen the author's notes on some of my stories resintly and I have been wuite busy with school :pinkiesad2: um well I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and falling a bit behind in my studies :fluttercry: I talked to my parents and they were so upset that I have been getting bad marks in social

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  • 273 weeks
    sorry for the delay!!!

    hi everypony :pinkiehappy: sorry for not putting any stories out recently!!! :fluttercry: i've been so busy with school and i just havent had a spare minute in forever :raritydespair: i am getting kind of stuck on long division??? it's really hard :raritycry: but after my exams on Monday and Tuesday next week i should be ready to write some more for u all!!! :pinkiesad2:

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Important - Please Read · 6:22pm May 29th, 2019

Hello everyone,

My name is Wilfred, and I am sonic_applejack2005's father. For the remainder of this letter, I shall refer to him as simply SAD. First and foremost, I would like to apologize to all of you who have been hurt or offended by the content of the stories my son has been writing. A while ago, I became aware that he was writing stories about a television show he had recently started watching, but that was the extent of my knowledge of his activities.

Perhaps a month or two ago, I heard a commotion in SAD's room upstairs and rushed up to see what was the matter. When I entered his room, I found his wireless mouse smashed on the ground and him slamming his keyboard repeatedly against the desk. I grabbed the keyboard out of his hands and yelled at him to stop, but he threw himself onto his bed and pulled the covers over his head. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, "Why is every pony so mean to me?" You can imagine my bewilderment at this point. Was my son being bullied? Who and when and where? And why was he speaking so strangely? So that is what I asked him. He told me a group of people on the internet were following him and harassing him on every story he wrote.

I asked SAD to show me, so I brought him my laptop and allowed him navigate to whatever website it was. He told me to look, and to my surprise, I noticed that indeed every single story of his had a significantly larger number of thumbs down than thumbs up. He showed me some of the comments as well, and I was truly outraged when I saw the number of people telling him to kill himself and insisting he never write again. I am unsure how many of you can relate, but the protectiveness a father feels for his children is fierce and blind. No parent should ever have to see their child be bombarded by such vitriol. I told him that maybe he should just call it quits; I thought no story was worth the amount of abuse he was receiving. But then as he was wiping away his tears, he said something to me.

"But dad, I love writing."

In that moment, I felt both happiness and regret. SAD had found something he truly loved, even if he was not very good at it yet. However, I hesitated because I did not know if he could handle the constant hate and abuse which might lead to another incident like the one I am currently describing. I could tell he would not be changing his mind any time soon though, so I figured the least I could do was see if I could help him improve. With a feeling of excitement along with nervousness, I asked him to show me his last story. I wanted to know what kind of a writer he was, what kind of a writer he could be.

The disappointment I felt when I scanned through it was crushing. It was a story about how a pony named Twilight Sparkle committed a genocide and forced the survivors into slavery, and there were others which I am sure many of you have seen before. I have always taught my son to be kind and tolerant, and these stories were exactly the opposite, so I sat down on the bed with him and had a long talk. I made him promise to tone down the violence, the offensiveness, the political references. I told SAD to write short and simple stories that made the reader feel good when they finished. "Yes dad, I promise!" he had told me.

He had lied. It was mere coincidence when I came up to his room yesterday and saw the story he had written open on the monitor. One quick look, and I knew nothing had changed. I do not understand where he learned to write such vile content, nor does it really matter. As of now, I can see that SAD has learned nothing. The hateful comments, justified or not, continue to flow in and I fear for his mental health if this continues. As such, I am temporarily forbidding him to visit this website until I believe he can demonstrate to me that he has changed.

In closing, I would like to make a final request. I realize this is the internet and that many will ignore this letter completely, but I beg of you to be more tolerant of those you meet in the future, not just online but especially in person. You are guaranteed to run into situations and people who will frustrate you to no end, but pouring hatred onto the fire is never the correct answer.

Thank you for your time.


Wilfred N.

Report Sonic_Applejack2005 · 2,137 views ·
Comments ( 52 )

Hmmm... given all that has been going on on this account, I'm not sure whether to believe this or not.

As his father, obviously it is up to you whether he continues to write on this site. However, as a connoisseur of poorly written stories (I myself have the most downvoted story on the site), myself and others really do enjoy seeing each successive atrocity that graces this fair site. I hope they continue.

Yes, it has been rather entertaining.

I'm gonna need some popcorn.

I'm skeptical too.

Yeaahhh... I'm not buying this...

Nope. If he'd really seen this those few months ago, he'd have shut down the account.

At first I thought his "dad's" name Winifred...

Hmm. Wilfred. Not a very common name.

I don't think he's going. HE'S A TROLL.

Really? If this is what 'contemporary writing' looks like, I despair.

Wilfred sounds like a name someone from my great great grandparents time would have

There's a Wilfred somewhere in my family tree, but from back in Victorian times.

I might have a Wilfred somewhere back in my family tree, probably from back when my ancestors were still in Europe

That's a long way. But it is really archaic. Unless there was a Victorian revival when this guy was born (in the 1960s there was a surge in the number of boys and girls called Albert and Victoria respectively), it seems this is being made up.

What's the probability this is a joke?

Keep an eye on how often he logs on. If he keeps logging on, it's likely BS. If he doesn't, there may be truth to it. But, ultimately, this is the internet. It's entirely possible this is someone's alt-account and they've been having a giggle.

Wouldn't a Tyler Perry movie be counterproductive?

Wow. Ok, even though I’m not the type of person that bullies, at all. Even though I probably have to him cause both me, and the readers that reads his stories were getting very annoyed by how he acts towards us, even if we tried to help him out. I really did try to at least help him out, and just like you said, he ignored me too. It makes me sad knowing that I’ve been like this to him, cause I always thought he never takes all these comments and like vs dislike ratio very seriously. I always thought he would see all of this as some sort of joke or something. Do I believe this blog? To be honest, I hate to say it, but I’ll give this blog an ok. As in I feel there’s a chance of me believing it. Here’s why. Whenever he would comment to us, he would always uses emojis on the site as expressions. In this on, not a single one was used. Not to mention the grammar is absolutely different then how he writes. So that’s why I’m giving this blog a high hope that it’s true.

I never really mentioned this, but I am a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. I really am, and it’s really sad to see that there is another Sonic the Hedgehog fan like me that is writing stories that I can’t even describe as what he writes. It’s also sad to see your son being harassed by, not just me, but by all of us that’s been doing this to him.

Wilfred, if you’re reading this, and if you’re real. I seriously hope you are. I’ll raise my hand up. I am very sorry for doing this to him. I was just getting angry tat he never took my advise as a writer, and that he wrote stories about pedophilia, and other stuff that’s just indescribable. I seriously hope You’ll read this.

Thanks. ;)

How can we be sure this isn't the troll's doing?

I was writing a story and couldn't remember what the word "savage" meant, so I looked it up, and the dictionary just had a link to this comment. Thanks.

Very true. It's strange how an entire community has built up around this user's work.

We might just have to wait and see, I guess.

Does it? This person has posted nothing in a month.

I have shown up randomly again :twilightsheepish:... Although why does this account matter to me?.. We are no friends as of yet... Guess, this writer's story has been littering my "Check it out later" list... And where the story goes, there does its writer.

As for the message itself: we have no way to know, who wrote this blog post, for its authenticity would be laughable even for those unfamiliar with the concept of computer security. You know, what, if someone was impersonating this writer's father... How do I verify the composer's identity? I guess, I have just to believe it's the father...

I am no father myself, but why has this kid an Internet account :rainbowhuh:? He's obviously too immature (if his hysterical state is any indication)! True, some people are just inconsiderate and hurt the other's feelings unintentionally, but an obvious kid, who, as far as the whole buzz is concerned, writes pornographic material :rainbowderp:?? It is only a good thing he's suspended from visiting this site... And what's the point of calling on those, who disrespect a young soul, anyway? They may have a very rude way (some, at least, for I've not seen any :rainbowderp:) of doing this, but they're right: this kid needs some improvement (in fact, all of improvement there is :ajbemused:). I don't want to read someone's stuff, whose creator fails even to capitalise words and to spell them right! That's what I see in his blog posts, at least. Huh? Why do I keep coming here then? Well, we don't want filth polluting this site's vast pages, now do we? I want some stories, that's why I'm here, so I expect them. Give me my stories :flutterrage:! FEED ME! He'll only be happy to do that, if he wants to write (an if he loves to write, relying on the father's words). I mean, what's the POINT to let it all out, if it doesn't please the audience, huh? What? So a story doesn't have to please every single soul, does it? True, it must also please at least some, must it not? One can't make everyone happy, but if no one is happy :applejackconfused:??

That kid had better learn something, when and if he returns :ajbemused:. Seriously. Say they what they may... but being kind teaches a lesson far less efficient, than being... not rude, but rather blunt and merciless and unforgiving. Do you know the wonders some merciless critique does to the beginning writers :pinkiehappy:?

Also knowing you're a failure gives resolve to proceed... but who would just up and put up with being called a failure :fluttershysad:? Yeah... Nobody :applejackunsure:...

So... Awaiting this kid's becoming a good writer, for we need them! The folks here do know, when a star rises and a blossom blooms :ajsmug:! They will be sure to give a big hand to a hopefully prosperous writer... if that writer has become prosperous, obviously.

Well said. The fact we cannot prove who wrote this nonwithstanding (I suspect this Wilfred and the author are the same person), this person clearly cannot take criticism.

Incidentally, I looked back through the comments on all of his stories. Not one told him to kill himself.

I'm inclined to believe that this was written by who it says it was. Not all parents are as smart as people think. If the user isn't back by the end of the year then I say this was real.

If not, then it was a lie.

Good point. I've archived this author's work just in case.

I'm not sure whether this is real or not, but wish to say on my behalf; Wilfred, my sincere apologies. I never intended any harm to your son. Even though I may not have agreed with what content he has posted, I only wanted to offer help and guidance for Sonic_Applejack2005. I didn't want to harm or bully him whatsoever. After reading his stories, all I wanted was to offer advice for when he wrote again. I meant no harm. I'm sorry for what he has gone through, and I personally never meant to say anything hurtful.

Probably the best thing to say in the circumstances.

You guys are so gullible. This is a troll account. Someone who deliberately writes trollfics of this type would never throw a temper tantrum from being downvoted and booed. They would be giggling their fucking asses off.

Looks like he's not back yet.

Hopefully not ever.

He was the William McGonagall of Fimfiction.

William McGonagall was a Scottish poet, widely regarded as the worst who ever wrote in English.

Comment posted by FarmFreshAppleTarts deleted Jan 8th, 2020

So... he has yet to return to make more of those disturbing stories. Hard to admit its been a year since this guy was online.

V8 #47 · Aug 8th, 2020 · · 3 ·

Tell your devilish son to go back to school and learn some writing skills. Come back when he has learned something resourceful.

The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
That needs to be said to 90% of people on the internet.

This is life. Some humans are cruel sometimes, some of them might be disabled or maybe getting abuse a lot in the past and having these dark thoughts in their minds... To be honest I just red 2 stories on this user and this starts to creep me out, I kinda feeling sus on what is up with this user and when I check his account I found like a tone of downvote on it and I thought I was gonna have to report this user until I saw this blog.

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