• Member Since 19th Mar, 2012
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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)

More Blog Posts270

  • 6 days
    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

    One of my Personal Principles when posting on this website is that I don't want to waste anyone's time; anything I write -- be it a blog, a story, or a comic -- has to add something to the reader's day. Maybe it'll be genuinely interesting, maybe it'll be a little essay on literature, or maybe it'll be straight up funny. Doesn't matter! It has to actively be worth the effor I ask of the

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    40 comments · 551 views
  • 13 weeks
    The Lens Through Which We See The World

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  • 13 weeks
    Quickdraw Blog. BANG!

    Heya folks! This will be a quick blog, more rapid update outta necessity than witty commentary, so i'll cut straight to the chase. I've got good and bad news. The good, in my opinion, outweight the bad! But you be the judge:

    The Good

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  • 25 weeks
    It Cuts Like a Knife; It Might Leave You Bleeding

    Story reviews are interesting because, sure, you can use them to know if a certain book will be the right one for you? But I feel they’re more useful when the review is in itself a tool to talk about storytelling in general. You review a book, but the book is a jumping-off point to discuss what it means to have good pacing; stuff like that.

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  • 32 weeks
    A Full Year of Only Mondays

    Good morning. This is, from my point of view, a comedy blog. From the point of view of my family and loved ones, it's a horror story.

    I'm so fucking back, baby. Hi, all. Did you miss me? I know I did.

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And We Will Be the Bravest Souls in the Cemetery · 8:54pm May 29th, 2019

Oh, watch him lie on his lounge, that old Aragón, that sharp fella. Covered in that velvet red robe of his, sipping idly from a cup of whiskey. There's a man you'd call a friend. There's a chap you'd call when there's trouble -- not because he can help, but he can stand there looking, make a witty quip.

You could kiss him, right now, but you won't. Because you know Aragón, that sharp fella. You know that cup looks like it's full of whiskey, but chances are, it's full of cum.

That is the opening I choose to let you know I am wondering if I should do a print run.

Yeah, look, we've known each other snce 2012, at this point I think I'm done trying to pretend I have any dignity. I have succesfully cemented my persona as the coolest friend you absolutely fucking hate and if you can't stand me at my 'oh hey Aragón just wrote a small vignette where he drinks from a cup of cum, how cute' then you don't deserve me at my.



Yeah actually I don't think I have any other, like, mode? Like, this is me. If anything I'm self-consistent god dammit.

Anyway: I have a job now, a proper office job, and you know it's a real adult sorta deal because I fucking hate it and kinda want to leave. But like in a funny way? Definitely funny hate, not black hate. I've been slowly but surely idoctrinating my boss so now she laughs whenever I say I can't wait to hurl myself off the stairs and break my neck like God intended. It's about the small things.

I'm okay though! I'm making the job better by arguing with the other boss until they change my contract. They already improved my schedule, and I'm expecting a raise in six months cause otherwise I walk out the door. Life's easy when you hate yourself in a funny way, you get shit done.

Case in point!

So. Speaking of getting shit done.

I don't think I'll make it to Bronycon this year. I'd love to, but if I go it'll have to be only one weekend -- and if I go back to America I'd love to stay there more than two days. Plus, like, the money thing? I have a job, that doesn't mean I have a well-paying job, and I can't afford that kind of expense right now. I guess I could do a GoFundMe, some people have a taste that's shitty enough to willingly send money my way so I can go to Bronycon and ruin everybody's party, but...

Well, I don't know. Probably not, it's the sad truth. I'd love to go there and chronicle the end of Bronycon, if only cause I'd slip in as many dick jokes as humanly possible, but some things cannot be sometimes.

That said, there will be a bookstore thing at Bronycon, and that got me thinking of doing a print run. Not just for Bronycon, mind you, but like -- in general? Just sorta fucking printing all my stuff in one book. Call it The Essential Aragón, why not? I'd get a cool cover done, add some extras like a prologue and a drawing of some stories or whatever, try to sell it for cheap, get a copy myself. Might be fun!

Of course, a print run needs readers. I've got enough of a following that I'm comfortable posting a blog that opens with my idly sipping a cup of cum, but out of the three guys who made it past that opening and are now reading this, two of them only read my blogs.

So like, would you be interested? And if you were, which one of these stories would you like to see printed? That's a link to a poll I just posted. Just click there and go hogwild. There's an option for blog posts, cause if I do a print run, fuck it, I can add a blog post there too, right? A book of essays?

Fuck what if I just do a print run of like, blog posts. Write some more inedit ones, call it a book of essays, and then girnd it against my groin so I can finally fuck my own mind. That'd be neat. Would people be interested in that? Fuck it, that's in the poll too. If you have an opinion go there and click it. You can select 'lol, no' as an option, so literally everybody wins except my self-esteem.

(This is where you tell me if you're interested, by the way. Like, for real. The essays thing is an actual question. I'm in contact with people who can do this, it's absolutely doable and I've got the means, but I ain't gonna do diddly-squat if people don't care. Extra work? Please, I'm European, we don't do that).

There are big things coming. Another long story to post, more blogs, HOPEFULLY some romance blogs, PROBABLY more comics cause I've been meaning to draw one about Fluttershy (haah HAAAAH hah hah hah) for a while now. That'll come!

But first things first and this is time-sensitive, so fuck it, go to that poll. It'll be cool.

See you this weekend with more content. Tell me if you'd like a print run. And raise your cup for me, like I raise mine for you.


(Mmmm. Delicious.)

Comments ( 18 )
Site Blogger

Why would anyone want a book from you

Lol nerd

Doubt you remember me, but I enjoyed meeting you at last BC. 'tis a shame I won't be seeing you there this year. :fluttercry:

hi dad

but out of the three guys who made it past that opening and are now reading this, two of them only read my blogs.

*raises hand guiltily*

Will it involve a train full of orphans? One that's on fire? I really liked that one.

Just do prints of whatever enthralling story you got going on there in the blog's tags. It would still like horse toys.

As someone who actually can hold printed Aragon words (autographed no less) I can vouch it's a satisfying thing. Would love a more substantial volume to put on the shelf with the rest of my ponyfic, though.

Site Blogger

Did you vote for it?


So out of curiosity, how would you be planning on typesetting this/putting it all together? Is Dash helping? Or have you not gotten that far yet?

Author Interviewer

"How are you alive?" "Someone has to make God laugh." also explains a close friend of mine. XD

You know, reading Aragon's story titles devoid of context is an experience.

Also; Deadpool. I get that immortality is a part of your whole thing, but eating is the single best part of life and you should get that looked at.

Come to BC! Even for a couple days, it’s going to be THE event of the fandom. Plus I’m selfish and would like a chance to shake your hand or possibly be ridiculed by you in person, because you’re an amazing fellow. :twilightsheepish:

Also yes, I would totally buy a book of your collected blogs/articles on writing, especially if there were even more. Your stories are good but your blogs are things of rare and glittery dog-bothering. I mean wisdom. I mean... wisdom and the dog thing?

No disrespect, but I think blogs over stories. Your blogs are the tits.

All of the how to write romance ones need to be in there. Probably the one about fruit. Above all else, the back and forth over the too-large suit, complete with all the photos.

Oh, and the poem-off!

I remember you mentioning somewhere that you were disappointed no one punched you last year. If you come this year, I'd be happy to check that box off your list if it'd make you feel better. :raritywink:

But like 5066609 said, this is the one to attend if ever there was one. They're literally won't be another one. Don't miss out, man!

Look, on the subject of expenses: I am not a Texas oilman dripping with flammable moneys, but I’ll chip in $50 right off the top if you open a GoFundYourself or equivalent. And I’ll buy you a cup of coffee at BC itself.

Think about it:

  1. Fly to America

It’s like you can’t afford not to! :derpytongue2:

Aw man I missed the survey.

If you do somehow happen to make Bronycon, though, I'll be there this year.

Darn it, I only just remembered there was an Aragon blog I hadn't read yet, and it turns out I missed the survey. For the record, I'd buy pretty much anything you'd print, especially the essay collections. And I still have a perverse sense of pride in Evil is Easy, given how I'm kind-of sort-of responsible for it existing.

On that note, please do come to Bronycon. I need to make up for failing to sogn the printout.

I missed the poll, but I'd read just about anything. If you released a book of your original works, or even just included one or two in the back of your current plan, I'd love that. Of course a book just for the different princess stories would be great too. However the poll turned out, I hope to see something in print!

Also if you decide to go to Bronycon this year, I'll throw money at you. I won't be there myself, though. Just promise you'll give Blackgryph0n a sandwich on my behalf and have a good time!

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