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Best Left Forgotten - An In-Depth Look at Really Fucked Up Shit · 4:55pm Jun 3rd, 2019

Now that Best Left Forgotten is finally out there, I think I owe y'all an explanation.

For those of you who have read through the first two chapters, you'll know what I mean when I say this story is dark, and dark in a different way than Last Light was. As for those of you who have yet to read, be warned that there will be significant spoilers below the break.

So. Rape. Scampy writes about rape now.

If you peruse the "Non-con" tag on Fimfic, almost every story you see is some kind of porn. It's a disturbingly common fetish, I guess. Many of you may remember a blog post by MrNumbers, in which he discusses the problems with how female characters are written in M-rated stories. While I won't get into all that here, what I will say is that the comments section of that blog is fucked up.

Wallflower Blush reads internet comments. 2019, Colorized.

But a common theme I noticed, besides victim blaming, is how so many people were saying rape stories aren't a big deal because no one real gets hurt. And yeah, that's technically true, but if after reading about sexual assault the reader is anything other than hurt, then the story is just being disingenuous. Fetish fics do not accurately portray the life-shattering horror of sexual assault, so the people saying this stuff probably had no idea just how bad it really is.

So I decided to fix that. This is what rape really looks like.

I'm well aware that this all boils down to a petty bitch pulling an SJW righteous indignation stunt. To be honest, though, I don't expect any of the people who could learn something from the story to actually read it. But I guess I just needed this to be out there among the muck, if only to serve as a point of reference.

I entirely expect that I'll wind up regretting this story's existence before it's completed. I'm sure there will be at least one freak commenting about how Chapter II is "so super hot." I'm sure I'll be chastised for telling horny people what their fetish really is. But screw it, right? What's the point of writing if not to force people to confront ideas that challenge what they think they know?

If you've read this far, I thank you for indulging me in my pretentious drivel about how everyone I disagree with is a big stinky buttface. As a reward, here's something I made for a lemur. Consider yourselves the test audience.


Truly, I am the greatest artist of a generation.

Comments ( 7 )

Hoo boy. That is indeed some fucked up shit. I'll have to be honest with you, I'm a tad reluctant to read Best Left Forgotten after reading this. However, I'll still give it a shot. Don't want to knock it without even looking at it at the very least.

That's pretty deep. I can understand what you mean, because...someone in my family's gone through something similar. I won't divulge in the details since it's personal, but I will say this: rape...is just not cool. It's hard because it involves me almost as much as my family member and I have a hard time trusting people with it.

That's all I wanted to say.

Oh, and you did a great job with "Best Left Forgotten".

Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story thusfar. It still has a ways to go, so hopefully you'll enjoy the rest as it comes out.

This! A thousand times this! All the fetish fics and comments on them that downplay or outright don't even attempt to acknowledge how actually soul shattering and life destroying sexual assault is have always bothered me. I'm very hesitant to look at the comment section of that blog post so I'll take your word for it on it being fucked up.

Also I'm really interested in seeing how far best left forgotten goes as I really do enjoy your stories and this one is no different. If you keep writing it I'll keep reading it!

While I may not relate to this topic, being I have never had anyone around me deal with this in there life or i myself haven't, I genuinely do understand just how disturbing and fucked this kind of assault is. It truly is unnerving as well knowing how people online and around can be so nonchalant about enjoying this kind of thing, regardless if its a fetish. Its genuinely fucked up when it happens and potentially can destroy the victim's life in numerous ways. Your story is definitely, as uncomfortable as it may be to read, a needed insight on this. Most things that are serious to talk about always tend to be difficult to say and equally listen to. But we need to know, despite it being hard to express because if we don't then sadly we'll be driven to the worst of it all. You did a difficult yet good thing putting this story out there, its not everyday the heavy reality of this issue gets brought to light, i respect this. looking foward seeing how it continues. Your doing great so far.:twilightsmile:

Creativity is beautiful, especially when you combine it with the skill of a pen and blend it with fine execution and a certain level of comprehension.

This story of yours, is a work of art, which is in itself, a coinal parody of reality. Mix that with your use of wording and expression the text reflects the subject matter. Dark, depressing and nigh life-shattering.

Art which reflects reality both accurately and in a proper manner is rare on a site such as this.

I commend you on your achievement.

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