• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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Patreon TL;DR: Everything you need to know in 50 Bullet Points or less! · 9:04pm Jun 18th, 2019

So, the blog entry about my Patreon plans wasn't read by many so far. I blame the length of it. Which was unavoidable, because there was just a whole lot to tell (and everyone who knows me knows that I don't like keeping things short). But of course, that barely anyone reads it is neither feasible nor acceptible for the plans I have made. So, here is a little TL;DR:

1. Fluttercheer will soon make a Patreon account!

2. I would have done it much earlier if life crisis wouldn't have messed with my writing skill and the quality of my fics in the last two years.

3. But now it's finally going to happen!

4. It needs to happen now because Season 9 is the last one and I don't know if there will still be very much interest in G4 fics after the season's finale, so I need to push for it now.

5. But not immediately.

6. A Patreon needs preparation to make it work, because asking for money in exchange for writing and actually receiving it isn't a small feat.

7. My Patreon account will get opened in the week that follows the "Rainbow Roadtrip" special (30th June - July 6th)

8. My reasons for going on Patreon: I WANT to earn money with my writing, it's my dream to do that.

9. I'm unemployed and live off government funds and I don't want it to be like this forever.

10. Getting paid for doing nothing sounds like Heaven on Earth, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be.

11. But working in an ordinary job (office worker, retail, ect.) would be Hell on Earth for me.

12. I neither see myself getting bossed around and abused by customers nor sadistic employers.

13. I want to do impressive things with my life, not being the 1,656,545,454,754th cog in humanity's gigantic machine.

14. I want to achieve unique things.

15. I want to create entire worlds and universes and remarkable characters.

16. Also, getting a job has become very difficult with more than five years of unemployment, most companies reject my application almost instantly when they see for how long I am trying to get a job now.

17. But I don't want to live off someone else for my entire life either.

18. I want TRUE financial independence.

19. Also, my current income has risks and inconveniences.

20. My consultant at the job center could let the funding that keeps me alive get axed any moment if they think I'm not trying hard enough to find a job.

21. I don't know if I can trust my country to always give me the social backstop my current income provides me with.

22. The last government here has been sawing away on social benefits and the minimum guaranteed income I receive was a thorn in its eye.

23. There is a tangible risk that the next government will think the same way.

24. Effectively, if the wrong parties rise to power, I could lose this mostly unconditional income after the next elections, which were announced to happen in September.

25. So I'm far away from an ideal and safe living condition.

26. Average society leaves me with two choices: Get an ordinary, mundane job or live on the streets one day.

27. Neither is an option for me.

28. I'm a creative person.

29. I see myself in creating thrilling stories that keep you on the edge of your seat from excitement or tragic stories that turn you into a crying slob.

30. I want to be an independent writer and creator.

31. Patreon is a first step towards that goal.

32. There are things I need to think about first before creating that Patreon.

33. First, rewards and perks for Patreon supporters.

34. One could be to accept free commissions for stories based on any episode/official comic issue/official book of your choice.

35. Another could be the same for stories about a certain pony/creature/character.

36. Most details and the exact plot would still be chosen by me, but there could be less restrictive versions of that reward for higher tiers.

37. I need a couple more ideas, but I already like these a lot.

38. Then maybe the usual mainstream rewards like OC cameos in stories, free commissions involving a supporter's OCs, earlier access to certain stories, access to early drafts of certain stories, behind-the-scenes looks, story raffles, ect.

39. I won't put my content behind a paywall, because doing that is horrible.

40. Most that will happen for Patreon supporters is early access.

41. All stories will still find their way on this account to be read for free.

42. Rewards could change at the beginning depending on how well they are received and how much interest they create.

42. There will probably be a lot of experiments at first to see what works best.

44. I take suggestions for Patreon rewards, so tell me what you want to see and I will consider it!

45. I also need to think about plans for my unfinished stories here.

46. Because having unfinished stories without a definite plan when to continue them looks embarrassing when you go on Patreon.

47. It gives a bad impression of you and people will be less likely to pay you.

48. So I need a stable plan for those.

49. And I need to work on my image as a writer and give myself a better author profile, because right now I'm way too disorganized.

50. Also, a complete userpage redesign is going to happen.

51. I lied about the number of bullet points here.

52. All the necessary stuff for my Patreon account is currently in preparation.

53. My Patreon account will launch in the week of June 30th to July 6th.

54. Thank you for reading and stay tuned!

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