• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

More Blog Posts481

  • 5 weeks
    Letters arc complete and posting Monday with Chapter 10 of The Knight, The Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll too

    I have up to Chapter 99 complete in Letters From a Little Princess Monster, which is a little embarrassing since I *started* the arc in the middle of Covid season. It could have graduated from several universities in that time. Rather than tease bits out of it like I have before, I'm just going to go straight into my daily publishing routine and let you catch up on where I am on The Knight, The

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  • 7 weeks
    Sun will be down for maintenance on Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience. --NASA

    Here's a story by Estee you can read to take up the time until the Sun is all tuned up and returned to operation.

    EA Total Eclipse Of The Fun
    The second anniversary of the Return is approaching, and all Luna wants for the celebration is one thing -- something Equestria hasn't seen in more than a thousand years. This could be a problem.
    Estee · 38k words  ·  908  10 · 13k views
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  • 15 weeks
    Big Leather Egg Sunday

    A reminder (as John Cleese put it) that today is Big Leather Egg Sunday, and to celebrate, I'm linking the Best Football MLP story of all time by Kris Overstreet. Starring... Rarity?

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  • 16 weeks
    Goodbye Toby Keith, American Legend

    Undoubtedly, if Toby Keith had ever done a tour in Equestria, Applejack would have been right there in the front row, whoopin' and a hollerin' as loud as possible. I think every high school in the US had a proud friendly guy like this, and we raise our red Solo cups in tribute to his last beer run. Salute!

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  • 21 weeks
    New Year 2024- New Projects 1939

    Still working on everything else this year, but I've got a sequel/prequel to Equestria: 1940 in the works, both a series of short stories set in the 1940 world up to the Equestrian moon project, and a war story showing some behind the scenes details about the war. For a little country the size of Ohio in the northern Atlantic, it has a lot of potential. Explosive, mostly. Snippets after the

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Bronycon Bookstore - Welcome Fellow Cheap People - Lulu 15 percent off today · 4:45pm Jun 27th, 2019

Just noticed on Facebook that Lulu.com has a 15% off code for today: ONEFIVE If you're ordering books from Lulu for the Bronycon Bookstore (or a copy of Monster in the Twilight), this is your opportunity to save a few pennies. Books!

Comments ( 14 )

I used this for my second preview copy of my book! :yay:

...which I’m hoping I get in time to be useful, else I may have to throw myself upon Aquaman’s mercies. :twilightoops: The second preview feels pretty necessary, though; my first preview’s back cover was utter pants.

Consarn it, I might be losing money on this venture, but I am going to lose that money in style!

Herp derp not nearly ready yet! Too bad you can't save those. :derpytongue2:


Just ordered my copies, which will soon grace the shelf next to FO:Eq.

:pinkiegasp: Your timing is impeccable! I just got my proof and was going to do my bulk order tonight. :pinkiehappy:

5080782 I just ordered six hundred bucks in books. Yikes. Saved $90, cost about $90 in shipping so break even. And I ordered 15 copies of Monster, just in case. And a hundred bookmarks.

Took advantage for a proof copy, so that’s something.

5080798 I was trying to get The Lazy Dragon of Dragonvale down to a printable child-reading state as a Draw-Your-Own-Dragon book, but I think I'm going to wind up with a 8.5x11 staple-together or other self-made binding coloring/drawing book, which will certainly make it inexpensive. The simplest things are the hardest, but then again can be the most fun for kids.

Six hundred?! :pinkiegasp:

(Someday I will be a big boy writer and will also know this pain, I’m sure)

5080877 No, big writers *receive* money for writing. I'm just one step up from the guy who buys a thousand books of his Great American Novel and stores them in his garage, then wonders why all of his relatives lock their doors when they see him coming. "Hey, did you know I wrote a book? Wait! Come back!"

I probably over-bought. I suspect I have a number of Christmas presents for relatives in there in six months. Still, actual cost to me *including* shipping averages out at (calculator) five bucks and a quarter each, which is less than the wife spends on Christmas gifts, so there's a net bonus there. (The One Who Got Away/Drifting works out to about $5.60, and the others all wind up at about $5, so...)


Perhaps it's a result of being more invested in the fanfic than the show itself recently, but to me there seems to be some sort of looming depression (not the right word). Something like a "one last hurrah" before the fandom fades out with the end of the show and the last Bronycon, but not necessarily sad in and of itself, but a combination of "job well done/life well lived" celebration combined with the "I don't want to go" survival instinct.

Just from my perspective, you might have underordered for the bookstore as I can easily see that people are going to want a physical reminder of the good times in the fandom. (From the perspective of a fan of yours, so take that bias into account, you are one of the most popular authors on FIMFic so you've got a built-in fanbase [probably] willing to spend on physical copies.)

Honestly, for a kid, an assemble-it-yourself book might be just perfect.

Something to think about if you visit the BC bookstore--all the authors featured there will have paid money up front for the books on display and are hoping that they get enough sales to at least break even.

Of course, the same can be said for any of the artists displaying at BC...

Oh, I know—I’ll be right there amongst them, just operating at a much smaller scale. :derpytongue2:

Cool! I think I might have been one of the survey respondents that expressed interest in a copy, because let’s be honest, the clickbait title. :heart:

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