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oof owie ouch, my hubris · 12:07am Jul 6th, 2019

>be me
>24 y/o femanon
>write cruddy, generic sadfic that's not even good
>publish it before bed, expect mediocre response
>wake up and its featured
>obsess over it as the day goes on
>featured bar and encouraging comments mean nothing in the face of a single thumbs-down
>check every few minutes, absorbing and draining the positivity from every notification
>feel my soul cracking beneath the crushing weight of each new downvote
>the withered husk of my vanity commands me to check again, praying for validation i don't deserve
>I can't handle this much fame and shame
>pic related

For real though, it's been pretty cool to see y'all liked it.

Mood swings aside, how was your day?

Comments ( 11 )

Shit, if you think The Time We Have Left was a mediocre, generic sadfic, my mind damn near dreads what you think a good sadfic is.

Don't let the downvotes get to you. Think of the positives! =) (I can't fucking help it, have you seen my bio?!)

My day's been okay.

J_Q #2 · Jul 6th, 2019 · · ·

Been Ight mate hope the same for you. N happy fourth.

Here's a good sadfic.

In my mind, a good sad story can't just be sad--anything can be sad with enough grimness and synonyms for "tears." The best stories have something to offer beyond their words, and they stay with you when you've finished reading.

Your story stayed with me, if it's any help.

I promise you I'll read It's Not Fine at some point. =)

Day's been decent, had to deal with a friend's spontaneous anxiety attacks. Calmed the idiot down. Went for an ice cream. Bought a pizza. Contributed to the calcification of my bones. Ate pizza and now I'm here.


Story was good though. Unfortubately I haven't yet praised it using slightly disheartening adjectives and metaphors but it's coming.

Nice job.

had to deal with a friend's spontaneous anxiety attacks. Calmed the idiot down.

That's not a very nice thing to say about someone going through a horrible experience.

Went in hoping it to be soul crushing. Was not disappointed

Having a rough night, my brother's losing his temper with everyone

The day actually went pretty well. Rough start from the festivities from the day prior, but I also bought aspirin that day (a little before I read your story, secretsad) so +1 for preparedness. Beyond that, I performed adequately, made good on a promise with an old neighbor, and was generally productive.

So yeah, pretty good.

Orrm #10 · Jul 6th, 2019 · · 1 ·

We call each other a whole list of profanities on a daily basis. Hell, when I was in the hospital, unable to even walk to take a piss, he asked me what kind of jackass I was to jump off a ladder from the top.

In my defense, it was falling.

It's the same thing of how girls call each other bitches, except we interchange 'bitch' with asshole, asshat, bastard, jackass and idiot. Occasionally we switch to Spanish but that's far and few inbetween.

Matter of friendliness and familiarity it is.

hey i like you stuff

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