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Lord Of Dorkness

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Something for all you Potter-heads out there · 7:34pm Jul 12th, 2019

Was out on a day long shopping trip with mom & sis today (Fun! Also, exhausting, but mostly fun. :pinkiehappy:) and spotted this:

(Sorry about the 90 degrees tilt. Worked on both my phone, and Discord. Not sure why Fim-Fic won't play ball. Something, something, the flat Earth truth about Sweden being built on stilts , duct-tape & Velcro finally revealed, something, something.) :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:

Anyway, it's the 20th anniversary of the Swedish translation, and they've released a pretty snazzy limited edition to commemorate the occasion. Thought I'd share, since they're very pretty little covers, and I'm not sure how many outside of Sweden has gotten to see them.

The Swedish books has had some dope covers since day one, though. You have to give them that much. (Pretty decent translations too, from what I recall at least!)

Anyway, thought I'd share. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 3 )

Small tip for the preservation of necks: Click the image, follow the source, and you get to see it without straining yourself.

Again, sorry about the extra step. No idea why the pic is being silly like this.

Was... eh about the movies, loved the book series, only thing i f*cked up with the books is i have both the English and the Americanized first book, thinking one was the sequel. Cause "Philosopher's Stone" is too over our heads or something. But seriously, those book covers put ours to shame, damn!


...Haven't actually finished the books, to be honest.

LOVED those early books when it was mostly fantasy slice-of-life with a side of drama, but the further the series leaned towards destiny, doom, and gloom, the less interested I got. Until I never even got around to reading the last book.

But the movies are OK, yeah.

Honestly one of the few big name movie series I'd be 100% on-board getting a reboot. There was just so many plot-threads dropped, missed, and hastily crammed in at the last second because the books simply weren't done, that there's a lot of potential in updating the screen-plays to tell a more complete story.

Don't expect that to happen for a few years more, though. They have to run the spin-offs into the ground first before rebooting for maximum dosh, after all. :facehoof:

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