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Bad Horse

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Stupid Unicorn Kickstarter · 6:57pm Jul 17th, 2019

Kickstarter finally approved my "Stupid Unicorn" fundraiser.  It's to raise money to help me pay Duane Leslie $550 for drawing 43 illustrations for the book.  It's also the way to reserve a copy to be held for you at Bronycon, and a way to order one through the mail.

Please kickstart using the same name you'll use to pick the book up. PM me your mailing address, and that name, if you want the book mailed to you.

Stupid Unicorn Kickstarter

In other news, I just ordered $530 of copies of The Worst of Bad Horse for the Bronycon bookstore. So please buy those books if you said you planned to, or I'm going to be out of a lot of money.

Comments ( 24 )

This gives some strong Silverstein vibes.

Site Blogger

If we indicated in the previous survey that we wanted to buy Stupid Unicorn at BronyCon, should we also back the Kickstarter, or do we just throw money at you at BC? Do you get to keep more of the money if we give you cash directly?


I was thinking more like, "From that alternate universe where Robert Crumb became a beloved children's author. And Spock has a beard and is evil."

5090169 Thanks for asking! Kickstarter takes a cut of ~9%, but it's worth it to me to have some idea in advance how many copies I need. But it would be helpful to me people who buy one thru Kickstarter, and also said they wanted it in the poll, PM me to tell me that.

5090198 Wait, you mean Robert Crumb isn't a children's author? No wonder I'm so messed up.

Author Interviewer

Oh hey. :D How'd that art poll turn out?

Huh. It used to be possible to let people see google survey results, but now it's buggy. It will only share results if you UNCHECK the box that says "Let respondents see summary of results". And you have to click PRINT to get a link to publish the results. And... um, then it doesn't work.

But I CAN share the results as a spreadsheet.

Any chance you can make levels on the Kickstarter like "Get this and The Worst of Bad Horse and have them both shipped to you"? I'm not sure—I don't exactly do a lot of shipping—but it seems like it might be easier to ship the two of them together for anyone who wants to get both and won't be able to get to BronyCon this year.

(It's also easier for me to pay you once, but that's a level of laziness so pathetic that I don't think it qualifies as a rational argument. You only having to ship things once, maybe. You having to go to the additional work of adding more Kickstarter levels, maybe not.)

tl;dr I want your books and intend to throw money at you soon, but not yet.

Oh, that's a good idea. Let me see if I can still add rewards after launch.

Can we fund one of the levels of Kickstarter--like the $35 or more--and collect our books at BC rather than have them mailed?

5090311 I think in that case you should fund Kickstarter for one copy of Stupid Unicorn, & just buy Worst Of at the bookstore. The Kickstarter fee on a $30 Worst of Bad Horse paperback is about $3, which is more than the profit on the book, so I'd be losing money with each book sold.

But you’re assuming that one only wants to put $35 in the kitty. I assume the math would be more favorable if one put more in, yes?

5090343 The math would be more favorable, but another problem is that I don't know if the bookstore will let me leave copies there to be picked up by certain people who've already paid, or if you'll have to track me down to pick it up from me. I don't want to have to carry a box of heavy Worst-Ofs all around the convention, or to go back to my hotel each time somebody wants to pick one up. It's much better for me to sell those heavy books thru the bookstore.

You could add what you want to add to the Stupid Unicorn-by-Kickstarter purchase. :twilightsmile:

Well, I contributed in a math-is-favorable (I hope) manner. If you agree, we’ll figure out a way to get the copies to me at the con, either by meeting up at a pre-arranged time at Quills and Sofas or by adding to Aquaman’s workload or whatever it takes to make it happen. Maybe we can go through a dozen or more intermediaries, like you give it to Jaxie who gives it to Applejinx who gives it to FoME who gives it to Hap who gives it to the next person he sees wearing a silly hat who gives it to Super Trampoline and so forth.

5090350 Thanks! But... you should retract that pledge if you wanted that money to pay for a Worst of Bad Horse. I can't take money thru Kickstarter for that, or else I'd have to carry two dozen very heavy books around with me and hand them out one-by-one.

(The fat books are the worst.)

And pledged.

Is it too late to convince you to change the name to DEAD WIFE?

Shit. You just described what will be my whole con. That and running ten copies of my book to the dealer's den four times per day, if things get bad.

(edited because I accidentally started it with what looked like "fuck you" due to bad grammar)

5090473 If you sell 10 copies 4 times per day, things would be going more good than bad.

Well, I'm bringing a hundred. I don't plan to sell them all at the BB, though. Some will be giveaways to poor douchebags like y'all. Or maybe I'll do me some book tradesies.

Money has been placed where mouth is.

Just put in at the Kickstarter!

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