• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015
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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.

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  • 30 weeks
    New Story out now!

    Hey everyone! Remember that thing I said I'd be doing a while back? Well... Here it is!

    TEvergreen Falls
    A group of mares in a remote Equestrian town uncover some of history's most ancient secrets.
    Meep the Changeling · 218k words  ·  31  2 · 493 views
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  • 38 weeks
    Hey guys! What's new?

    So, I haven't been here in a good long while. I got the writing itch a while back, specifically for ponies and my old Betaverse fics. I might have something in the pipeline. I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the general pony-reading audience if you don't mind. Just so I can see if my writing style should be tweaked a bit for the modern audience.

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  • 110 weeks
    Stardrop's Lackluster Ending

    Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a while, but that's due to me deciding to finish stories before I post them to revise, edit, and alter them to give you all better stories to read. I don't feel free to do so when I post stories live. This results in me getting frustrated with how a story is shaping up and then dropping it. That wasn't a problem when I was younger, but it's become one as

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  • 115 weeks
    Anyone know artists who do illistrations for stories?

    I'm low key working on a story which I intend to complete before posting. I'm enjoying being able to go back and improve, tweak, and change things to make the best possible version of the story, and it's nice to not feel like I am bound to a strict schedule of uploads.

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  • 137 weeks
    A metatextual analisis of "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified" to show how it fits in the series timelines

    A lot of people like the rebooted XCOM series, and a lot of people also insist its lore is bad/nonexistent. This isn't true in my opinion, but is the product of the game that sets up the world for the series having been released a year after the first game in the series as a prequel, and also it sucks ass to play. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is not a good game. At all. The story is really good,

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Ugh, my head... What? 8 days?! AAAAA! · 3:45am Jul 18th, 2019

Sorry about the wait between chapters guys. I almost died.

Long story short I got a mild sinus infection. I had it while writing the last chapter for you guys. That's when it was mild. It would have stayed mild, and I may have fought it off going "Ugh, I hate having ocasional headaches..." if not for the fact that over the last few weeks, Alaska decided to just be on fire. How much on fire? Well, of all the fires in the US as of two days ago, 69.04% were in Alaska. A huge one was in my neck of the woods and coated all of Fairbanks in smoke so thick you couldn't see half a mile in any direction.

Evacuation orders were given for some of the suburbs near us. There were SMS alerts to everyone in the area with warnings about not going outside, even if you don't have breathing problems. Walking outside felt like stepping through a fine mist of oil. The HEPA filters I had on my boxfans clogged within 36 hours. They are supposed to be good for at least 3 months, probably 6.

It was bad. Fantasy novel disaster bad. Keep a pin in that.

EDIT: Apparently it was so bad the smoke was visible from space.

Thank you, NASA.

Now about 8 days ago, I couldn't sleep because when I lay down my throat would close off and I couldn't breath. I have gotten an average of... oh 4 hours a sleep a night over the last 8 days, usually not even sleeping at all. Body just WOULDN'T sleep, even if exhausted beyond belief. So I saw a doctor. This is the first time in my adult life I saw a doc and had no idea how to do any of it. But I am glad I did.

I got to a local clinic, after being up for 36 strait hours feeling like I was drowning. I said I had breathing problems. They didn't even make me do paperwork, I was back with a triage nurse for immediate diagnosis. I got a shot of something within 5 minutes. If I had managed to "go to sleep" that morning, I wouldn't have woken back up.

See, smoke bad enough to kill a healthy adult human who is simply breathing hard from say, exercise, plus a sick changebug, equals MAJOR infection with complications. I am very, very, very lucky to not be in a hospital bed right now (though I would like the AC in a hospital...).

I've spent the last 8 days on anti-biotics to kill the infection. It's been very very rough. Those sleep problems have persisted, but not as bad. I feel almost normal now, but even last night I couldn't sleep normally (though I got about 6 hours, I think. Just, not in one chunk >.< ). This is the last day of my anti-biotics... but remember those complications? Well guess what. While I was vulnerable because of the nuclear-option that is anti-biotics, I got hit with a fungal infection! YAY!

Anyone who ever wondered why I made the god of Life the bad guy in one of my stories... This is why. Suddenly, out of nowhere, life piles on the bad. Seemingly just when you're content and happy too. It feels a bit too intentional to me. Like there's someone enjoying tormenting you in just the right ways at just the right time, but making sure you get happy enough to be tormented again later.

But enough of that negativity. I am recovering. I have one more anti-biotic tab to go, and about 100ml of anti-fungal to go. The fungus isn't deadly, it's just gross stuff in my mouth. I believe I can write again, as my brain can focus for more than 45 seconds, I have some energy, and I think that if I am lucky I might get a full night's sleep tonight.

With luck, I will have a chapter for you in a few days. I am genuinely sorry for all of this. I did try to write, I don't like keeping you guys waiting. Unfortunately while the mind was willing, the flesh was unable to comply. That shouldn't be the case now.

Comments ( 32 )

Meep you shouldn’t write for us until your all better. We have more patience then some bunch of petulant children.

I hope..

Brutal. Infections with complications are always the worst as it just means prolonged (if new) suffering. Literally missed a month of junior high because of a sinus infection that somehow became bronchitis bad enough that I was coughing up blood. Almost had to worry about being held back from that event. Good luck and may you have a speedy recovery.

I'm glad you'll be okay Meep. I"m sorry this happened to someone like you. :heart:

You don't have to apologize to us for not getting a chapter up, ya know. This kind of thing is no joke and as you said yourself, could have been lethal. Anyone who gives ya a hard time about it can go elsewhere, we're just here to wish you well in your recovery, and, when you're ready, hope ya jump back into it.

Good lord...

I'm glad you're okay, Meep! Hope you get better!

5090337 5090354 You might feel okay with it, but I don't. This is basically all I can do with my life to feel like I do something to contribute to society :c I feel like a bad person for ignoring what I see as my duty. It's what I can do, so it's what I must do. I'm not sure if that explains it well... Maybe I just have a weird idea of ethics and civic duty?

5090340 You have nothing but my utmost sympathy. I'm sorry you went through that.

Thanks, 5090345 . I need that.

5090342 Sorry for the drama. I just felt people were owed an explanation. You guys have done a lot for me over the years I've been doing this.

It's good to know that you are alright

Looking at things from that angle, I suppose I see your point. I do get anxious when I know I am meant to be doing something at work but am so caught up in other things, even if I've been told it's alright, and have been given a pass for it.

And just in case I wasn't quite clear in the first message, glad you're on the mend. There are very few people I want to see sick, and you aren't one of them. :derpytongue2:

Don't worry about it, we're here to listen if you want us to :twilightsmile:

Maybe the Man upstairs is looking out for you? Glad to hear that you had the foresight to go in when you thought you were sick, many people are afraid of that, be it because of bills or denial!

Hope you feel better!

Thank you. At least it makes for an interesting story. Doubt I would have appreciated that at the time mind you.

I am so so glad you didn’t die!

Dear sweet Celestia...that was a right bombshell to drop on everyone...:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::fluttershysad:

Extremely glad you didn't croak (sorry, trying to be funny, hate me now...:pinkiecrazy::twilightoops:)

As for the chapters...well, hay...who cares about that when you had a close shave with Mr. Reaper...in my personal opinion (and everyone else's) I think we can wait...your contribution to this society as you see it

You might feel okay with it, but I don't. This is basically all I can do with my life to feel like I do something to contribute to society :c I feel like a bad person for ignoring what I see as my duty. It's what I can do, so it's what I must do. I'm not sure if that explains it well... Maybe I just have a weird idea of ethics and civic duty?

continues on even when you are not writing, think of all those who may discover your fics while randomly searching for some content to read (like me!!!:pinkiehappy:). Anyways, wish you a full recovery!

Better be careful with that 8 day treatment, its teh docs trying to minimise teh excess antibiotics used but they tuned it to average health. Year or so back the doc gave me 10 days of one antibiotic, and the very last pill the symptoms cleared up, but only because teh bulk of the bugs were dead. The week later the new resistant bugs were back, so they put me on 7 days of a different, and I ended up coughing for a couple months because they wouldnt redo that one to make sure. Was teh same with teh mouth stuff, Got one tube of treatment and there was various bits, needed a second course to clear it up.

Might have been the moor fires as well, there were some spectacular ones in the UK at the time, and I wasnt even in the city directly under the smoke cloud.

Need a mist and flood wash prefilter?

Take it easy, bad enough having a frog in throat, but when its the whole cane toad. :twilightoops:

Take care of yourself and get well soon. I can wait for another chapter even if it takes another week

*Bitchslaps the fire*

Bloody hellfire, that was closer than it had any right to be. You take it easy and be good to yourself now, wouldn't do to go getting sick again.

You sound like I did last year, but for a different reason.

Get well soon, and take your time. Gears is patient and understanding. So are we.


Medical leave is a thing. You have more than earned your medical leave.

5090634 Captain's Log, Star Date 73007.1. The crew is protesting my decision to do my job as the commander of this vessel in spite of my illness. They insist I am owed medical leave. Unfortunately, as there is no qualified personnel to take my place as I recover, I will soldier on through the last vestiges of this damnable infection.

5090408 Fortuantly, the symptoms began to clear while I was on the pills, and since I got a fungal infection I need to abort anyways. I no longer feel half dead, I got a good night's sleep, I think I'm fine. I even went back to the doc to check if I was okay, they said yes.

5090398 That actually does help! I never thought about that. Thank you very much! You've helped this buggy bug debug her code a bit.

5090395 As am I. I don't fer death. I do fear disappointing my readers.

5090371 5090375 5090416 5090431 5090558 5090370 Thank you. I appreciate the kindness.

Wow. Hopefully you will now be perfectly fine for the remainder of the year, as all of your bad luck has hopefully been consumed.

I'm glad to hear that you are getting better, and alarmed to hear that you got that sick. Take as much time as you need.

5091026 I tried to write today, I felt kinda okay. but I was terrified about relapsing, or the docs being wrong and I shouldn't have stoped anti-biotics today. SO writing didn't happen :c I want to write for you guys. I owe people so much...


Well whenever I think I might be getting sick I start taking vitamin C pills and I drink all of the orange juice. like, at least a gallon a day. That's about all my system needs to beat most problems over the head, the placebo effect can be a wonderful thing.

5091059 I wish I was like that. I'm glad for you :3

I said take your time, NOT try to write if you don't feel up to it. :facehoof: Do we need to hold a drawing for who has to go up there and restrain you before you have a relapse? :D


I want to write for you guys. I owe people so much...

I don't know you are, but I can tell I am a man skills. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. Take a break and get some rest, that will be the end of it.

Fail to do so... I will hunt you... I will find you...

And I will tuck you in and read you a bed time story.:ajbemused:

5091296 That actually sounds delightful. I relate to changelings because I too need love to survive and I get so little affection IRL. Please do.

5091264 Fortunately some light congestion post-sinus infection is normal. I found a nurse's hotline that's free which you can call for medical advice any time, anywhere in the US. It's nice to be told what to expect and what to look out for... I'm not sure if it's not normal for doctors to do that, or if the clinic I went to is just focused on seeing as many as possible as fast as possible.

I can assure you, its quite terrifying. You may have to call in a professional afterwards

Hosp you feel better Meep! And I agree with the others, take it easy and rest till you feel better. We won't get any content if you suddenly kick the bucket. Think of it as job preparation or something like that.

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