• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.

More Blog Posts107

  • 226 weeks
    Actually nice content

    Have a look at this lovliness.

    Remember a while back when I made some Hearths' Warming content, the pony version of Santa and the Krampus. It was a nice thing, a happy thing. The opposite of caribou and zebras. And I finally got something drawn on that subject. The Hearthkeeper, Kampfite, and their Pooka wives Klåsa and Kråmpa.

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    1 comments · 518 views
  • 241 weeks
    Why I stopped (and might not restart)

    It's a short answer. They broke me. Given some replies in the past, I can actually say to some readers, you broke me.

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    24 comments · 1,041 views
  • 244 weeks
    I finally found it

    Way back when, at the start of the Fall there was one specific image I was mining for context before I had more primary sources. It colored the entire perception of the caribou and gave rise to the ultra-harsh depictions as literal Nazis, and also why I hammer their racism so hard. If you happen to notice, all the women are ponies, and some men as well. Other species don't exist EXCEPT acceptable

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    11 comments · 597 views
  • 245 weeks
    Placed in the monster pen

    A popular setting for horror anything is the haunted asylum. See, it was filled with crazy people. Crazy people are all sociopathic professional serial killers, and when they die they all turn into ghosts with have an insatiable drive to kill stupid teenagers. Nevermind that the inmates of asyla generally had even fewer rights and protections than even regular prisoners for a ridiculously long

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    8 comments · 492 views
  • 253 weeks
    Help needed from Fallout: New Vegas fans

    It's no secret I'm a strong Black Isle fanboy. I believe in the purity of Fallout one and two. It had the retrofuturistic feel and look of the old atompunk pulps, the senseless exuberance and clean lines of streamline moderne and Googie mixed with B-Movie sci-fi and all the little idiot lies that made it fun. There was a frivolousness to it. A joyous abandon when designs aped Mad Max, when people

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Help needed from Fallout: New Vegas fans · 5:18am Aug 1st, 2019

It's no secret I'm a strong Black Isle fanboy. I believe in the purity of Fallout one and two. It had the retrofuturistic feel and look of the old atompunk pulps, the senseless exuberance and clean lines of streamline moderne and Googie mixed with B-Movie sci-fi and all the little idiot lies that made it fun. There was a frivolousness to it. A joyous abandon when designs aped Mad Max, when people unironically used words like supermutants and ghouls. It was Omega Man and Forbidden Planet, even heavy subjects like cannibalism were given absurdist wallpaper. Then when it had to integrate with first person elements something went wrong. They dropped reironized Lileks-style silliness and poured in buckets of gore and hopelessness, they wanted their post-Hays cynicism writ large. They hoped for the scruffy bleakness and nihilism of those old flicks from the 70s. In a way it worked but something was lost.

So I avoided them. It wasn't helped by a certain distasteful element getting their slimy hand-penises (it's an "Old World Blues" reference, calm down) all over a hybrid of our lovely pony and post-Black Isle Fallout, with a lovely heaping of racism and Yahweh-level overlording and world stagnation. (Seriously... there are a billion boxes of Abraxo cleaner, people always find Rad-X and RadAway, robots with an inexhaustible supply of fuel and basic programming get more and more common every game, and even if raw material can't be refined the scrap can be cleaned up. A million people described how to build a robot suit and a laser but no one remembered to describe how to fix a light fixture or an AC unit or refrigerator?)

But, it's been years. Times change. The accursed one is gone or gone enough. I have friends, good friends, who speak highly of the games. I have time to spare on something, and I've put quite a lot of time in to Skyrim and Wolfenstein. Maybe I should see what it's all about. But I have some idea about it. And before I invest money in it I need a certain assurance about some elements of the game. Well, more if certain things can be accomplished, all at once. I'd like some info from experienced persons, who can give me quick nays and nods to certain questions from their first-hand experience.

Mostly I need to know if you can eliminate the following characters in one play through.
Caesar, Legate Lanius, Mr. House, Yes-Man, Chance the Great Khan, other members of the Khans, Ulysses, MAYBE The Kings (theyre extortionists), The Brain Trust and maybe Doctor Morbus. Also, to help me decide if I even bother playing it, can I get rid of: Salt-Upon-Wounds, all the White Legs, The Burned Man, his lackey, all the Dead Horses and all the Sorrows? That's about all that matters. Oh, does not having the Boomers around change the ending over much?

When I first heard a few scraps about the game and the main antagonists, I actually thought it would be fun. When i just heard about Caesar's Legion I thought that since it was Vegas there were cosplaying, misunderstanding cult-gangs. You know, its an old trope. Survivors find costumes and merch from some old thing and start playing pretend that they're that (like the Mormon church likes to pretend they're ancient Israelites). I figured people had found Caesar's Palace and were using it as a base and pretending to be cheap Roman expies. And then Camelot had knights and technology using wizards. Circus Circus would have killer clowns and firebreathers and all that. Luxor would have animal head helmets and a pharaoh and all. New York New York would have like, lounge singers and mobsters. But no. They wasted an obvious and fun concept on some bull about a racist white savior teaching "tribals" *vomit* Latin and how to crucify people. Because the "savage redman" trope wasn't racist enough when they were scalping cannibals.

Thanks in advance.

Comments ( 17 )

Mostly I need to know if you can eliminate the following characters in one play through.
Caesar: yes
Legate Lanius: Yes
Mr. House: Yes
Yes-Man (Technically yes, you can blow his shit up good all you like.)
Chance the Great Khan, other members of the Khans (You can kill all the Khans. but I think Chance is dead before the game starts)
Ulysses yes
MAYBE The Kings (theyre extortionists) Yes
The Brain Trust Yes
Maybe Doctor Morbus Yes
Also, to help me decide if I even bother playing it, can I get rid of: Salt-Upon-Wounds, all the White Legs, The Burned Man, his lackey, all the Dead Horses and all the Sorrows? Yes to all of those.
That's about all that matters. Oh, does not having the Boomers around change the ending over much? They have endings for every damn thing you can think of.

I figured people had found Caesar's Palace and were using it as a base and pretending to be cheap Roman expies.
Funnily enough, you'll find out that you weren't entirely wrong, but what you're describing applies more to the White Gloves, the Tops, and Gomorrah.

You can kill every single one of those people except for Yes-Man because you need him to get the independent ending if you screw everyone else.

I honestly like Graham and Daniel, their views of peace or violence are pretty well done, both tempered by their experiences and faith. And Caesar is quite fun. He knows what's he taught is crock, based off a few books he found, and their Legionairre armornis composed of scrap metal and scavenged football parts. New Vegas has Chris Avellone and some other BI guys behind it.

There is also a mod by J Sawyer you should check out.

And while 3 and 4 may have made it a bit more serious, there's still heaps of humor, off dark, sometimes not, around

Yes man is immortal. Whenever you kill his body, he just uploads himself into a new one.

Ummm you can find Chance’s grave I guess...

I just find it really distasteful that apparently every religion and philosophy was completely destroyed... But the church of Jeebus Cripes of latter day Starbase Kolob survived and are still sacks of shit bothering Lamanites to try and convince them they can become white and delightsome via white Jesus and white Jehovah and white con man Joseph Smith. What shill bribed Obsidian to include a plug for the Moron church?

Thank you, amazing author of things that are so cute they give me life.

Time to go browse the bargain bin!

I was afraid of that. Damn freak. Accursed Followers of the Apocalypse. They made goddamn Skynet.

It would have been so much more fun having funny themed gangs. I want an Anubis power armor helmet.

Well, there are Remnants of other Faiths, like various church's you can find, and 3 has the NKJ Bible, Revelation 21:6 being a core part

The Followers do try and help


Well... sort of. It was more like... one follower who was kinda sweet on Benny who let her libido talk her into making a rogue AI.


Jebus. And I thought I was anti-theistic.

Not sure how much you know about the story, but whilst Graham and Daniel talk some about their faith-based motivations, real-world religion plays no real role in the game itself.

Yeah, and there ARE other at least other signs of Old World faith, like the priest in Diamond City in 4

You must be new. As I got older and shed my younger carapace that was almost literally like Aron Ra in that whole "would qualify to be a Ghostbuster" thing, I find not only less patience for theism but less need for being overly polite. Abortion bans, forced pregnancy, LGBTQ hatred (the NIFB cult wants them executed by the state), bathroom bills, Jordan Lobster Peterson existing and breathing air that humans could be breathing. I am WAY more a Noah Lugeons or Heath Enwright than a Tracey Harris or Seth Andrews. Plus, I feel way less guilty about ragging on the Mormons because of their out of state election rigging attempts in California. They can stay the hell in Deseret and bake in the sun and leave proper states alone. We all know what you did, Mountain Meadow massacre and raising an army to overthrow the government. They still have a college named after a mass murdering racist bigamist (ephebephile maybe as well). It's like Germany proudly trumpeting Adolf Hitler Universität. Plus they're a cult according to the BITE model, and one of the worse ones in the mainstream if you add in the mission trips where the only thing missing is low protein gruel and overt brainwashing.

I also know they still call themselves Mormons and are some of the few that do. None of the other religious figures say Catholic or Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian. Hell, the most actively claimed religion is the cult of Ug-Qualtoth, but the salt pans still have Mormons? Pull the other one, Obsidian.

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