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Bronycon2019 - Friday update · 5:43pm Aug 2nd, 2019

Random thoughts in no particular sequence: The books are selling quite well, except for Traveling Tutor, which may be the only book left on the shelves at the end of the convention. I've got my 4 copies of Sisters! that I need to get to the contributing authors, and some pencils for Quills and Sofas. In addition, a few copies of Monster in the Twilight that I over-ordered to get a bulk discount can be found if you were to perhaps slide up to the author and ask, "Do you have a little monster?" (while slipping me a five spot) The hardback copies of Monster/Letters have been placed into the charity auction, signed and ready, so that's taken care of. And the wife is wandering around the convention, so say hi if you see Sandra. Plus, I have a new story idea involving Spike abuse where Twilight tries to get him to fly in the overhead compartment, holding onto the wing, etc... to save a few bucks that she spent on books.

So far my only grump is that we've traveled across the country to get here and stayed at inexpensive hotels, all of which have free wi-fi and swimming pools. Guess what the Hilton doesn't have?

Comments ( 25 )

FYI: total inventory in my hotel room is: 6 Drifting Down the Lazy River, 12 Traveling Tutor, and some scattered monsters.

Hey, are you planning on getting the other Traveling Tutor stories into print? I’d love to get the whole collection someday!

I'd possibly like a little monster. I need to see what my finances are the next few weeks and see if I can set aside. I'd love to own some pony books...

I bought a travelling tutor novel! If you see a random tall guy with a white motorcycle helmet, that's me.

Monster is now in the bookstore. They needed it and I didn’t think I was going to sell my copies

You have more Drifting?? It was sold out when I went 3 hours ago!

Is the traveling tutor the first one? And do you have any left?


The last copies of Drifting, Tutor, and Monster are now at the bookstore.

I bought copies of Traveling Tutor and Monster, now I hope to run across you to say hi and get you to sign 'em!

Red shirt, black pants, lurks at quills and sofas a lot

Any chance to get my copy of Traveling Tutor signed?

Yes. In Faust line now.

I desire your autograph

Ok not trying to show my ignorance but what bookstore? I would love to pick up a copy of traveling tutor

That was a blast! I noticed you said you stayed at the Hilton. I ended up staying at a state park about a half-hour outside Baltimore. $25.00 a night to camp, and $30.00 a day to park at the sheraton was a lot cheaper than paying for a Hilton room. State parks usually have pretty good facilities, too, if you don't mind walking to the bathroom building every time you need to piddle.

5100317 Yes, but...
1) I have the money.
2) That's a heck of a trip back to the room.
3) I'm old
(not necessarily in that order) :)

Yeah but, the more money you save, the more you can spend on merch. :pinkiecrazy:

Congratulations on the charity auction.

5103665 Thanks! Do you have any idea what that hardback copy of Monster in the Twilight and Letters From a Little Princess Monster went for at the charity auction? I keep worrying that I'll get a call from the Con asking me to come by and pick it up before it gets thrown out.

FYI: My full list of all my books on sale at Lulu is here

5099170 5098410 5098289 The Bookstore at Bronycon. Don't worry, you can order them from Lulu at the link above.
5099109 Did I get you at the con? If not, I'd be proud to sign and mail you a bookmark. I'm bookless right now. Sold everything (except for the 5 copies of Tutor that got left behind, sigh)
5098917 5098584 Did you catch me at the con? If not, I can mail you a signed bookmark, my treat.

(I'm cheating with the bookmarks. I'm only out a dollar or so with them, no matter how big and long a comment I leave on them. The books are a lot bigger PITA to go about the swapping and paying,)

Yeah, I wasn't able to make it back to the Bookstore in time to get a copy of Drifting. I already ordered it over Lulu. :twilightsmile:

Yeah! You signed it for me an then I bugged you about the spoons story.:pinkiecrazy:

lol, I have a copy of Traveling Tudor I bought from the Book Store.
Something can be sorted out

Your two books and Pen Stroke's three were combined into a single lot, which went for $680.

5104136 Thanks! So that's about $670 for Pen Stroke's books, and.... :pinkiehappy:

I did! And you signed my copies of Tutor and Monster. :yay:
Chatting with Mrs. Georg was also a delight; I hope she enjoyed the con too!

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