• Member Since 14th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2013


I shall deconstruct, make fun, and parody everything in existence. And whether you like it or not, I don't care.

More Blog Posts6

  • 589 weeks
    I will be writing again

    I am back to write. Things will be good.


    20 comments · 1,127 views
  • 602 weeks
    Story got Rejected =(

    I don't know why =(

    Here's the story:

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    23 comments · 1,077 views
  • 626 weeks
    Puns Puns and Puns

    New pun fic is up, yipee.

    Special Thanks to TheOnly for coming up with most of the puns.

    Leave all your best puns in the comments, I wish to see them.

    10 comments · 617 views
  • 627 weeks
    this site really needs a new mod or something

    It seems that a couple stories get submitted, and then the same 10 stories stay on the front page for a few hours until a huge line of stories get placed in queue

    I think this site needs an extra mod or something to make sure the fresh stories keep rolling in, cause there are long droughts much too often.

    My two cents, back to writing troll fic

    3 comments · 553 views
  • 627 weeks
    I get the award

    As far as I know, my story currently has the most dislikes out of any fic on this site, beating out My Little Dashie at like a hundred and something.

    133 dislikes and counting. Victory is mine.

    Just kidding, I like the likes.

    But I still have the most disliked fic. I think.

    4 comments · 598 views

Story got Rejected =( · 7:44pm Nov 11th, 2012

I don't know why =(

Here's the story:

So I was walking to the grocery store one day when I hear a noise and a noise cams from this pipe, so I go to check out da pipe and went I get to the pipe I yell into the pipe and nobody says anything back so I am thinking that maybe somebody got stuck in da pipe and I am feeling rely bda 4 da person who got stuck in da pipe so I decides data maybe I jump into da pipe.
And so I do and den I jump into the pipe and what do u know I am falling and I fall for a long time and when I finally finish falling I hit my back and it really hurt pretty bda and so I get up and I see data I don't has the hands anymore so I am thinking where are my hands and den oh my gosh I has da hooves which means data I am my favorite animal da pony.
And data ken only men won ting data means data I am in da ponyville.
So I am like oh my gosh I am in da ponyville and I look at myself and I look exactly like my oh-see. I said oh my gosh I look like my oh-see data is so crazy but really it isn’t crazy loam so I decide data maybe I go see my favorite ponies who live in da ponyville and data is da Rainbow Tasha and Twilit Darkle.
So I go to Twilit Darkles house and I knock on da door and I sais hey twilit Darkle I have a messaged 4 muumuu and den Twilit Darkle open da door and she say oh my gosh I never seen u before and I say yak dates beaus imp knew hear and I am da unicorn with da wings and da porn and so twilit says data she tanks I am very sexy and I say okay babied how about we go to urn roam and she give me data little wink like oh my gosh twilit stop it urn so nasty.
And so wee goo into twilit house and I say 2 twilit data she is so nasty and twilit says to me "loam unicorn I just met u so fund and so I laugh because she is talking bout me."
And so all of a sudden something bda happens oh my gosh and dies metro hits da roof and I am says oh my gosh the metro hit da ruff and den twilit says "oho my gush watttttt."
And I say oh my gosh oh my gosh and twilit says "oh my gosh," and I say da "oh my gosh" and den we both decide to run out of da house be4 da metro hit us. And so when we get outtalk data house twilit says "wow data was clothes 1" and I say "yes data was clothes won" and den we start 2 passionately keeps and den Mashie cams out of nowhere and she say "oh my gosh unicorn beast mciwantyodick how cod u do dies 2 me!"
And so she run away crying and den I push da Twilit Darkle away and I call after Rainbow Tasha and says da pleas don’t lee and den mashie look at me and she say but I have 2 go and I say no u don’t we can lug each other and she gets da tear in her eye and file away and so I say sorrier twilit darkle I have 2 go chaise after mashie.
And twilit say but I tot u lug me and I say "sorry babe but my heart belongs 2 another mare," and den da twilit darkle start 2 cry beaus I don't be lug her and I say "shah twilit please do not cry it is not okay if u cry it is bda for you eyes, you heart, you body, and you soul so pleas don cry," and she says "but I love u unicorn beast mciwantyodick."
And I say "I know every pony does" and den I spared my wings and fly up in2 da skied and I chasse after da mashie beaus she is crying and flying away and I just have 2 tell her data I love her and so I get up to rainbow mash and I say baby I lug u and den rainbow mash says "will you love me forever" and I say "no." and den rainbow mash gets all sda and she run away crying but oh my gosh deer is anode metro and mashie hit strait in2 it and I say "oh my gosh mashie."
And I fly over to catch hurl beaus she is falling and so I get deer just in time to save her and I hold her in may hooves and I see data she is really hurt from hitting da metro and data she is probably going to die and so I start to cried beaus mashie is going to die and I look her in da if’s while ma tears stream down and she look back and den I say da words 'Watt I mint 2 say was I lug u 5ever' and den rainbow mash start to sniffle and sob and I am rely sda and I cried rely hard and rainbow mash say data she is going to die, but she want me 2 know, and den she choke on her word.
But den she say "I will lug u 6ever."
And den she stop breeding and she die wit da tongue out and I yell out in2 da skied, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," but deer isn’t any pony 2 hear me so I sob quietly on da lifeless body of mashie and I place her on da ground and dig a hole and den I put her in beaus she is deed and den when she is in da hole I put da dirt back into da hole on top of mashie and cried on2 her grave beaus it is so sda.
Den I go back 2 ponyville and everybody deer is saying wet happen so I tell deem and dye say oh my gosh we are all changelings and I say wow what an original plotline and den we all laugh and I cried and den we all cried beaus mashie died but den I make out wit da Twilit darkle and the end.

Report Troll · 1,077 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

Obviously you mis-tagged it.

Meebe ti was too litle word u most has thsoun owrds 2 get thur!

You're both wrong, he forgot to add a description.

Probably the lack of grammar :rainbowwild:

494729 Sarcasm.

It's a mystery, all right.


actually is dolan

494802 A Mmmystery! But not on the Friendship Express. No, that's for ponies that write fanfics of MLH.

It didn't have enough Gak.

Makes me want to write a story in Hawai'ian Pidgin.

I'm sorry bro. It's terrible, but they are actually reading the stories and failing terrible ones.

They're banning trollfics! :fluttercry:

I believe I see the problem. You forgot to name the story.


Didn't Knighty promise to permaban anyone who posted a gakfic?

If that's the case, what do you say about this?



Uhh...what did I just read ?

Your problem is it needs more GAK.

It's too well-written. Knighty is afraid that it will bring so much traffic that fimfiction will run out of bandwidth and allowed transfer per month. Also it looks too much like an actual script, so moderators are afraid that this is leaked season finale and not your original work.

I suggest to make Twilight slightly OOC and submit again. :derpytongue2:

I think that gave me brain damage...

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