• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

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BronyCon Wrap Up and Author Update · 1:43am Aug 10th, 2019

Some MacDash to start off with, because I'm still Shipping Trash

Wow! Where the hell have I been?!

That is actually a very good question, so here is a quick summery of why I have not been writing, making blog posts as much as I used to.

I work for Enterprise now.
I have no life.
I hate my job.

Alright! That's out of the way! Basically, I'm working 50+ hours a week and I hate every day I work there! Just hit my year mark though so I have already started looking around for another job, and here is to hoping I find that new job soon! But lets not dwell on that, because that is not what I want to do, and you not what you want to read about.

Lets start off with the stories everyone wants to know whats going on with, Macintosh Apple: The Ghost Rider, and Ponyville Bachelor Auction. Yes, I am still writing them, yes they are both still on the last chapter, and yes I have no idea what I am doing and been trying to complete them whenever I can. It has been a long time since I lost the flare to write those, but I am still trying my best to complete them. I can't guarantee when I will finish them, but know they are in the pipeline and I am doing my very best to complete them.

There is not too much to say about BronyCon except that I had a blast! It was a fun time and while I am sad to see the con going, there are many others out there and I will be appearing at more cons because of my new side business and my new persona here in the Brony Community, and which will be branching out to other fandoms. For those of you who were at the con, you probably saw it already as I was The OC Doctor!

That's right, if you saw a cardboard stand that had a guy shouting at the con hall trying to get customers, or talking with people all the time that was me. I did this last year with some success, but this year it really took off and I will be dedicating a lot of time to this project. In fact I have spent most of today working on the website, and my God making a website is one of the hardest things I have ever come across! But I'm making my way through it!

In the mean time, you can follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TheOCDoctor1. Yes, I am now advertising my Twitter... what has become of me?

Anyway, I had a ton of fun at the con catching up with guys like Jake the Army Guy and Aquaman (though we play DnD every week), Ruick who lets me be attached to his table, TottallyNotABrony who I finally got to meet, Skeeter, Wonderer D, Applejinks, and everyone else! It was a great time and I was so happy to be a part of it all! You can catch up with me being the OC Doctor down below when the Barcast interviewed me, and traumatized me beyond belief.

Thank you to everyone who has been with me for so long! I will do my very best to put out those stories!

Capt. U




Comments ( 16 )
Author Interviewer

oh shit that was you? D: I feel so dumb I didn't say hi! Dammit.

Also, what was that panel, "Most Eligible Bachelors of Fimfiction" or something? <.<

The OC Creation panel, I was late to it and I came running in with my beautiful lab coat flapping in the wind. And no problems man! Just let me know what cons you might be at, I will be going a lot more now to get my business off the ground.

Author Interviewer

I mean, it's just Trotcon from here on out. :B

...I was right in front of you, and I didn't know it was you...I told you about my brief ideas for oc, Roxas the zebra, and I didn't know it was you... f*ck!
...oh well. I'd probably would've just annoyed you by asking you about Macintosh Rider if I found out. And ask for an autograph. But there's always next time, right?

I remember! Great OC! Can't wait to see what you do with it. And You do have my autograph on your perception, the OC Doctor and Captain Unstoppable are both one in the same. I will be going to a lot more cons, the next one will be Ciderfest in November

Ah, unfortunatley there was a line, but i wanted to pitch you starburst!

Once the website is up you can!

nice job on the side gig man. hopefully, one day, we will actually meet in person and grab a beer or something.

You did look to be enjoying running that booth, even if you ended up getting scarred for life.

And it was super good to reconnect with you.

~Skeeter The Lurker


"The OC Doctor helped make my next DnD character the best it could be. Thanks, OC Doctor!"


Im glad you signed my book.

It was awesome talking to you at BC! I've been taking the advice you gave me to heart and researching the stuff you suggested!

I'm glad to hear it! Keep up the good work and once my website is up you can talk to me almost whenever. Thanks again for stopping by!

Thanks for allowing me to! Also thanks for contributing to the story of Lyler... I still need drinks after that one.

It was my pleasure!

It was awesome meeting up with you dude :) hopefully lyler enjoys your dreams

Naw man, we all know MacDash is the best ship :rainbowkiss:

Glad you had fun at the con!

Wait! You were the Doctor?! I remember talking to you about what you did and telling you a little bit about my OC Mystic (which she is my profile pic!) I wish I'd known it was you back then!

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