• Member Since 15th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 4th, 2021

Bookish Delight

I've moved on from Fimfiction. New works on AO3!

More Blog Posts498

  • 139 weeks
    Bookish Delight (FINAL)

    (sort of)

    Hey, folks. This thing on?

    So I was originally trying to write this big essay blogpost about where I've been and the future of Bookish and all that, but... it didn't pan out. So we'll do the much, much shorter version that should still tell you what's important.

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    17 comments · 1,642 views
  • 139 weeks

    Did you think it was over

    ...yeah, that's fair, so did I. Still need to talk about that when I'm able. Until then...

    ELa Famille Royale
    The Zephyr Heights royals just helped change the world. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time they've done so, and they'll have to answer for that... just as soon as they work on themselves.
    Bookish Delight · 2.3k words  ·  35  3 · 980 views

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    2 comments · 385 views
  • 139 weeks
    Ahhh, why not.

    Been long enough, I guess.

    Words (and explanations) soon. okay soonish i'm quickly reminded why i don't do essayblogs anymore

    6 comments · 412 views
  • 144 weeks
    Question For the Crowd!

    What, in your opinion, are Equestria's most significant locations? (i.e. Canterlot, Cloudsdale, etc.)

    Please keep it to... oh, top 7, and excluding Ponyville/the Everfree Forest.

    Thanks to all who answer! :heart:


    10 comments · 408 views
  • 146 weeks
    Whoever did this is my hero.

    4 comments · 351 views

Harassment PSA · 4:26am Aug 13th, 2019

Read this right now.

There's a bullying scumbag going around the site harassing users mostly female or anyone who seems remotely female-presenting, because of course I guess it's just fucking everyone oh well with comments spam, threats, and overall general whining. You've likely already come across them.

Basically if you see someone who just either joined the site (or did so VERY recently), has a name that barely makes any sense, and/or (likely) doesn't have an actual user picture (just has the gray pony avatar):
- rank the mane six
- your opinion on Pinkie Pie (they really want validation for their Pinkie fandom for some reason; takes all kinds I guess)
- asking where someone you may know has been lately
- asking why you haven't talked to (x) lately

Instantly block and report them and any other alts that show up, and link the mods to the relevant places their harassment can be found on the site.

Also, if you have a presence on another site, check your profile comments there too just in case. On dA you can Report Spam each comment and block them, on tumblr there are all sorts of things you can do to block non-trusteds from spamming you, each site has their own mod methods.

I've had to deal with this asshat on and off for three years on every single site I'm on (tumblr, da, other places) with (content warning) death and rape threats (because again, of course). And I'm willing to be a bunch of you reading this just realized you've seen them running around too, the second you read my bulleted list.

So yeah. Spread the word.


Report Bookish Delight · 927 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

Oh, it’s not female targeted. bats, me, Jondor, we all got him a week or two ago.

It’s TwiPieCheese. He’s been permabanned for a long time.

He’s gonna scream about pinkie haters.

Thanks for the info. I've updated the text.

He spent like a year harassing Tchernobog on tumblr and/or deviant art.

Seriously this is how people spend their time? Harrassing people over their fanfics? Geez what is wrong with some people? -_-

Man, TPC is still at it this time around?

The worst part is that he's lost in time. He started screaming at me in PMs for loving Applejack so much more than Pinkie, which hasn't been true in years.

Time stopped for him when he got permabanned from the site and every so often, he breaks out of cryogenic sleep to rise and scream into the void some more.

He ain’t all there, pretty clearly.

Comes unsolicited into a comments page demanding that people stop harassing him, calls everyone a pinkie hater, rants about the “rainbow cunt,” etc.

Dafauq kinda bullshit is this dude on? Like...what? Who even has time for all that? Shit last I checked this show and fandom was all about friendship lol seems to me that asshole is just trying to shit on people for the sake of it. Sad

Pretty sure he’s got brain troubles.

Welp only one solution for that.



Yay! I can finally wear my Harley costume!

Huh, I actually did get this in my comments it looks like because by the time I went to check cause of this they'd already been banned and deleted. I just ignored it, no horrible junk luckily.

Thanks for the psa though, will keep eyes open.

I’m kind of disappointed I wasn’t considered harassment worthy. Anyway send him my way and I’ll kick his ass

A generation raised on “You can’t get in trouble for what you do on the Internet,” who have neither responsibilities, nor a sense of purpose, and lash out at those around them in a desperate attempt to fill the void in their lives with something they can look at and say, “That was me. I did that.”

I'll keep an eye out!

I'll keep my eyes open. And I will take appropriate actions as necessary.

But seriously, why do people do this shit?

I guess I'm either not high-profile enough to attract him or "safe" because I very outwardly like and champion Pinkie Pie.

Guy's a bit much. Speaking as a paranoid schizophrenic with DID- he seems a bit touched in the head.
When the certifiably insane girl says you're crazy, you know you're fucking crazy.

Will be on the lookout.

All fandoms--all social groups, really--get them. Sad but true.

I haven't seen this person around, but thanks for bringing it up anyway. I'll keep this in mind. Thanks, Bookish,

Wow, what the fuck? I hope you're feeling okay.

I actually got something like this a long time ago. I didn't think anything of it because all he did was ask about Pinkie Pie (who I like, so he didn't really do anything you described in this post), but yeesh. I'm getting chills by knowing I had a brush with this lunatic. :twilightoops:

*Salute* Yes sir, ma'am, sir!

(Hope I'm not downplaying the seriousness of the situation too much.)

I'll keep my eyes peeled!

I did get poked, but the random person who asked reacted very calmly when I said I had no idea why another person wasn't talking to them. Beyond that, haven't heard anything along these lines, but I will bear this in mind.

Don't think I've had to deal with this sort of jerk, but I'll keep this in mind, thanks.

The scary part is, for some people this is the why. They just want to watch the world burn.

Its so unfortunate that there's no culpability on the wired because of that anonymity and the fact that the law hasn't caught up with the pace of technology. You have that shit happening in real space, the person doing it gets arrested and gets tossed into a mental hospital. The wired? They get away scot-free because the authorities can't track them down.

Its one of the reasons why I have such a minimal presence on the wired, and keep what I do have as heavily partitioned as possible.

I'll keep my eyes peeled, don't worry, we'll get this guy

Author Interviewer

Buh. D: Hope you're doing all right.

Haven't seen this person myself. Guess I'm lucky. :B

Jesus, just even googling that name gets some crazy results. Mostly Tumblr asks where they're harassing the shit out of people. o_O

Thankfully their hair trigger from 0 to Loco tends to get them the boot. All the results were from deactivated accounts.

But bleck, what a distasteful individual.

He’s pretty harmless near as we can tell. He’s just really annoying. He hates us TwiDashers most of all.

Some people are obsessive assholes who can't let go of anything, even the most trivial of matters.

He gives me a bad taste in the mouth, and that's saying something

Ah, yeah, TPC hit me and bats a couple weeks back with alts, so we had to do the same thing. Sorry you had to deal with him :/

...May I ask who this person is and how this all started?

There has to be some reason behind this, right? And I refuse to hear the "some people just want to watch the world burn" thing.

Forgive me, but I want to look for something that makes more sense.

As you know, I got a lot of this two weeks ago, and it scared the hell out of me. Mostly for the benefit of those upthread, it was along the lines of you fat bipolar cunt, I spit in your face, I hope nothing nice happens to you ever again, enjoy being doxxed on 4chan and 8chan. And your cosplay looks dumb. Oh yes, and you made my friend cry. And the threats mentioned above. So it seems as though he was inventing multiple alts as two different people, or else he got a friend to help him. It was not what I needed, especially as it sounded as though he was reading my friendslocked Facebook page, and therefore knew who I was and might be able to figure out where I live and work. It was all over the place, here and Tumblr and dA. And I was already having a rough time. It frigging terrified me.

I knew this person as Drifting Heart, although he developed alts suggesting he preferred a number of different ponies. I’ve written more about Pinkie than any other of the Mane Six, but I’m not freaking unbalanced about it. I think this may have been how I showed up on the radar.

Anyway, I sure would like it if this person were clearly identified and stopped. I don’t expect it, though. But yes, if someone comes along and says “boo hoo, why did she stop talking to me?”, you know who that is.

He’s not rational, mate. He just rants and raves. It’s all persecution complex and misplaced rage at people who don’t interact with him if they can avoid it.

...I feel like I've seen this behavior before.

...Ah, wait, I know someone like that.

Well, it wouldn’t necessarily be because you like Pinkie Pie. I’ve written a ton of Pinkie Pie, most of it CheesePie, which this guy seemingly likes. I don’t think I have that high of a profile, either. Sounds as though he went on a toot a couple of weeks ago and went after several people, one of them me, but given the world we live in, you can’t assume that the online maniac sending death threats isn’t going to put them into motion. Since I have some idea of what this jerk’s m.o. is, I won’t be as distressed next time (probably), especially since he does it to so many people. I googled TwiPieCheese and a bunch of stuff popped up on Tumblr, along with some of the other alts (“you’re TwiPieCheese, aren’t you?” “How dare you imply such a thing?”).

Well.... He can actually be charged and arrested for the death threats.

Hell's bells...I've never seen anything like that before. But from the sound of it, I may not be part of the target audience. I'm sorry to hear that such things exist here. Stay strong.

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