• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

  • TTriptych
    When a new mission for the Element-Bearers (from an unexpected source) arrives three weeks after Twilight's ascension, she finds herself forced to confront a pair of questions: what truly makes an alicorn? And what happens if it goes wrong?
    Estee · 499k words  ·  1,160  63 · 24k views

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All readers/followers poll: What would you prefer to see for the next major story? · 7:05pm Aug 15th, 2019

Before we start: I just wrote my first choice of artist to ask about commission rates, and will be contacting the current volunteer after finishing this blog. So for better or worse, that's under way. And once I've actually paid someone or received a piece of art, we're at the point of no return: there's a certain obligation to use it...

But this blog is about the next novel-length work. Because Triptych is complete, and Duet may not have that many chapters to go.

So I want you to take a moment and pretend with me. Let's imagine that as a fandom, we hold together long enough for me to tackle one more big project. And I alluded to its potential nature a long time ago, when someone first asked me what might come after Triptych. I said there were two choices.


And I want to know which one you, as the readership, would prefer.

The 'verse is officially an Alternate Universe now. This means I'm free to do whatever I like in both temporal directions: I can be inspired by canon, but I am no longer under any obligation to follow it. So no matter where we go, we are heading into unknown territory. And we can go forward, or we can go back.

There's no Google survey on this one. There's no need for anything that complex: there's only one thing to vote on. I'll present two choices, and you post your pick via comment.

The sequel is about the next step. Marks and destiny. Moving not to direct, but to thwart. Abolish. Or, in one perspective, free. Because if destiny directs you, are your decisions ever truly your own? Wouldn't it be better if there was a way out of time's crushing gears, a means for your own will to truly determine what fate would be?

We would go back to the Bearers, in that post-Triptych era. A little wiser for their experiences, ready to face another challenge. And this is going to be a challenge on a level they've never seen before. Something which brings automatic revulsion, because their opponent has chosen to question the deepest magic there is -- and whether that magic should exist at all.

She's answered that question. And she's decided to apply her answer to everypony.

They'll understand, after it happens, and if not them, then the next generation. Once the world has been changed. Once their minds are free...


The prequel means going into deep time. Leaving Equestria, abandoning even the dream of unity, because unity can't exist. Mere communication is almost impossible, while travel risks death with every hoofstep. Survival is the only priority, and has been for... nopony can remember. Perhaps it's always been like this. It's become virtually impossible to imagine anything else, and the dream of something better is the surest sign of madness.

Barricade points trying to hold against the chaos. Sapients doing everything they can to simply hang on in a world where death is among the kinder options. Ponies who know almost nothing of what might be within the storm, who've just about lost everything of what they once were.

They have no name for a nation, for they have none to call their own. There are simply little nooks trying to survive, and a stranger from outside your own just might lead to battle: the pegasi raid, and the sound of wingbeats means death. Anything coming from the storm could be madness, and to venture out...

There is no Equestria. There is no concept that anything like Equestria could exist. There is simply a world known as Eris, and it is a world on the verge of final disorder, for its master has yet to learn empathy. Toys break.

And in one barricade point, a mare makes a decision which changes everything.

You've seen hints. A few names. Tiny moments laid bare in fleeting memory.

Would you like to meet them?



Report Estee · 1,841 views · Story: Triptych ·
Comments ( 129 )

I personally would really like a squeal because I want to explore how all this has effected the mane more

Short version: Prequel.

Longer version:

I'm torn between the two. Working in the current time and just seeing glimpses of the past works very well, and having the past laid out in it's full detail would diminish that. On the other hand, looking at the prequels would mean that you are showing us completely new territory, rather than the mostly-familliar Equestria you have given us so far.

Seriously Estee why are you doing this to me! Both those stories sound amazing and it like tearing my soul trying to pick just one ughgggggggffggg! But I’ll have to go with prequel I really want to know the full history of your princesses. But I really want the other story too:fluttercry:
I mostly only come for your stories anyway so even if the fandom dies if your still writing I’ll be here.

The prequel would mean celestia for me. And I'd take your glimmer vs your celestia.

Sequel. Rather the devil I don't in your hands than the devil I do.


I love that the past is this barely hinted at thing you can kinda peirce together as you read half a dosen stories, and a clue could pop up anywhere unexpectedly.

If we only get one more big project , lets go big and do something new; Vote Sequel, vote Glimmer

Fill in the blanks or stride into a future we don't know nearly as well as we think we might...

Much as I'd love to see your take on one of the most thought-provoking villains the show gave us, I'd like to get some long-standing questions answered first. Also, the girls could use a break from having everything they think they know about the universe shattered, even if it's only a metafictional one. My vote's for the prequel.

Really want to see how it all started. Prequel.
Also seeing your take on Glimmer is gonna be real scary.

I have this fuzzy picture of the Esteeverse being a continuation of Days of Wasp and Spider

"Fusion pulse," mused one of the researchers at the table while leafing through a particularly thick stack of notes on experimental power plant design.

"Yes?" said Princess Luna, who had five sheets of parchment surrounding her, as well as two inked quills.

"Beg pardon," said the researcher, temporarily jolted out of his creative fog.

Luna stopped, gave him a short and very distant look, then returned to her papers. "Nevermind. Proceed."

Edit: Sequel! (Feels good to comment that way on somebody else's story :)

i vote for the prequel. you've hinted at before, and i REALLY want to know more about the original Element Bearers.

Prequel sounds like it would lead to some solid story, but a bit too frightening.

I vote sequel.


:pinkiecrazy: That's nice, Georg, but it ain't a vote. :pinkiecrazy:

Sequel. Got to be sequel for me. Although I shan't exactly be crying into my tea if prequel wins...

Honestly, painful though it is to pick, this is a win win for the readers, really :twilightsmile:

Sequel. Would be still be quite happy to be outvoted though!

both, but prequel first.

Prequel! I need more of my favorite Sony Pony.

Related side note: Is A Horse Called Sunbutt on hold for the foreseeable future?

Sequel, definitely. I'm all for high adventure and chaos landscapes, but more future means likelyhood of more Trixie.

I'm curious to know the past, but I'm not sure I can handle the prolonged exposure to concentrated chaos. That sounds mildly disorienting.
Tentatively voting for the future instead. How could it now be a bright one!

Very hard decision here, and I was going to say Sequel - Glimmer, and all that entails, would be an amazing addition to the 'Verse - but I feel like we'd appreciate it more if we got some of the lore fleshed out first. So... Prequel.

I am more curious of the madness the future holds then the insanity of the past, let’s keep moving forward shall we?

I vote sequel

Prequel first, given that you've been capturing my imagination about Eris for a few years now. Granted, I also eventually want to see your take on Glimmer, as it's sure to be chilling, evocative, and deep (all good things!), but I'm a bit more invested in seeing what Before was like for the Sisters, the world that shaped them and drove them to dream of a better tomorrow, over where ponies could live for something more than mere survival.

Sequel please but I really wish we have the prequel too. I am selfish like that.

But I must say that when I read that you wanted to discuss your next big work, I was hoping you would consider going back to the Crystal Empire and do a story with Cadence, Shining Armor and the new foal they are expecting. Maybe in another story...

I’m more interested in the sequel. But both options sound interesting

Tough choice, oof. Reasoning below, but I'm going to say Sequel is probably better, but if the Prequel actually touches on the origin of Discord, the Shadow lands, and souls/destiny/cutiemarks in any substantial capacity switch my vote over to that hands down.

On the one hand, I'm more emotionally invested in the Prequel - enough's been hinted at that I want to know more. However we already know to some extent how it ends - I'm on mobile and can't find the spoiler tag so I'll just keep my mouth shut on what we do know. There's still lots of questions to answer (if there's six and we know four who are the two we don't have names for, are the ones from the play wrong or placeholders or what)

On the other hand, the sequel will be taking us somewhere new, and there's no telling where or how it'll end, plus it's the squad we already know, and the questions being asked are philosophical - what is destiny here, other than a mark in the fur and a talent?

Bloody hell this is hard.

Sequel for me, I'd love to see your interpretation of Starlight.

Sequel, I want to know where the story goes next.

I especially want to see what happens between Twilight and Celestia.

Huh, Duet is nearly finished? Though I suppose there is that "may" and "that many" isn't terribly specific... Well, I expect you'll pull it off well either way.

re the choice:
Oh, good more details below, at least!
[after reading the details]
Estee, how can you do this terrible thing to us. :D
[reads comments]
...Right. I... think I'd like the sequel a bit more, at the moment! Do not expect to mind if I'm outvoted, though. :)
(And I did at least manage enough of a preference to avoiding needing to pick with a random number generator!)


I'm always a fan of seeing what's next.

Too difficult to choose, so i shall leave the choice to you Estee

Before I put down a solid vote, I want to ask you something: if we choose one, what will happen to the other? Because you make it sound as though there'll only be one big story left and that's it. Is that what you're saying?


It's more that I don't know if the fandom will hold together long enough for two novel-length stories, and so if there's only time to work on one...

@#$$, given my own situation, I try not to make personal plans more than three hours in advance.

It’s a hard choice. I am a huge fan of Glimmer and would be excited to see her in the ‘Verse. However, what we heard at the end of Triptych leaves me very excited about the concept of seeing the original elements and more of Luna and Celestia. It’s almost dead even.

Well, if it’s a Prequel, I won’t be obligated to finish Duet, so that can be the tipping point.

A vote for Prequel it is. (Also, more Anchor Foal, please.)

Why are you forcing us to make a Sophie's Choice?

I have to go with a prequel because I have to know what the hell that was in 'A Mark of Appeal' with Celestia and the Sun.

However, I'm still waiting on 'A Horse called Sunbutt' and 'Your Alicorn is in another Castle' to be finished.

Well if there is a real chance we'll only get one.


I want to see how the Mane 6 continue to develop in your universe.

That... is a hard choice. I say sequel, but I'd love to read either.

Cast another vote for the sequel!

I vote sequel, because then surely we can get some timey wimey magic from Starlight to extend the fandom's life with and fit in more history.

I'd like to see a sequel. I like to see how things progress.


Minor publication project update: I just heard back from my first choice of commissioned cover artist, and the reply was exactly what I expected it to be: "No." He's booked for the rest of this year and can't promise me that any commission slots will become available in the next. And with that, we move a little closer to cancellation.

I'll continue to look for artists, and I still welcome reader suggestions of those who might be suitable for the work. But Option #1 is now closed.

5106684 (Given that Triptych took six years to write, a sequel/prequel could wind up coming out in 2025, about when Hasbro decides to reboot MLP again.... but it would be worth it.)

Sequel, I would love to see your thoughts on what goes through Glimglam's head.

For your stories, I honestly believe that it'd hold on for years :twilightsmile:

Duet, imho, seemed to be setting the stage for a transition between Old World and New World, with the Hybrids being a big part of the New World Era that seems to be shaping up, which is why I'm surprised that we're jumping into the next/final phase already. It's not finished yet, though, so I can't say for sure what will happen by the end of it, and I'd really like to see what happens in the end before I cast my vote, if that's alright with you.

Well, I would prefer the prequel, because it has Celestia & Luna, + the Minotaur & some others that we don’t see much of. Still, we know that SS turned to the Dark Side of the Force & the Princesses will be forced to murder him (or at least confine him until his death). So, NOT A Happy Ending

Looking through the other comments, it looks like it’s going to be the sequel :facehoof:
That will be good too, just Not The Best

However, there ARE other choices
Towards the end of Triptych, Cadance replies to Twilight’s letter “How did you ascend?”
with (ICR exactly, something to the effect) “The others chose me to survive”. What’s up with that?
+ the question “If Celestia didn’t use the Elements, how DID she beat NMM?”

I gotta vote prequel, cause as much as the deeply disturbing implications of Glimmer's philosophy seen through the triptych lens entices me, I'll drive myself crazy waiting on the prequel. I gotta know if my theories are correct man...

Damn so is Duet wrapping up soon then? Or is it just less than Triptych? Does this mean Anchor Foal will start updating soon? /shot

Sequel please. I generally prefer when the story is moved forward. Besides, your ability to weave in tantalizing hints of the past is great.

Edit: Relatedly, I have been loving both Anchor Foal and A Duet For Land And Sky. Im a bit unclear if they are suppose to be set in the same AU or if they are separate branches off of the main Triptych AU. I think its the latter.

Sequel pls. I'd love to see how things go from here.

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