• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012
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Writer, blogger, saucy chat mom, occasional bitch. Hablo español. She/her/ella.

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Coming Back Chapter 5 Remaster Online · 6:21pm Sep 10th, 2019

The remaster of chapter 5 of Coming Back is now online. Continuing the trend of the previous chapter remasters, there haven’t been any major changes to the story outside of stylistic ones, just fixing clunky prose and the like. The original version of chapter four has been saved and is available on GDocs via a link in the chapter’s Author Notes for those who want to see it. If you missed the last blog about Coming Back and are currently confused, I went into details about this story and what’s going on with it in that previous blog.

This remaster is coming fast on the heels of the chapter 4 remaster, which might lead to the impression that I will be continuing at this same rate. Unfortunately for those who have been waiting for me to finish these rewrites and get on with the story as a whole, that isn’t quite the case. Timing worked out pretty well between these two, thanks to the projects I was working on, but those projects have changed.

With this chapter remaster finished, it’s been about two months since I finished the first draft of an original fiction novel that I’ve been working on for nearly six years. I’ve spent the intervening time just writing pony words in order to give the novel room to breathe for a while, so I’d have fresh eyes when I got back to cleaning it up and trying to turn it into something readable. I’m glad I let it sit, as some ideas have occurred to me about it that will make it a better book in the end, and I’ve been itching to get back to it and get it all the way edited and sparkly. The time to do that has come, so next in the pipeline is me sparklifying it.

Which kinda sounds like I’m stepping away from writing pony again, but that isn’t what’s happening, I switched back and forth between working on OF and writing pony for most of the past eight months, and this OF active time shouldn’t be particularly longer than the previous “breaks” I’ve taken. There’s some new writing and rewriting I know it needs, but not a ton, and a lot of the work it needs is just reading through and polishing, so I’ll be either done or at a good stopping point in short order. Writing pony is very important to me still, and I’ll be back to doing it soon. I just gotta work on other things, too.

I don’t want to let Coming Back start molding from neglect as I pick up the original fiction again, so it’ll have a reasonably high priority on the list of pony things to work on once I finish/take another break from the edits, so chapter 6 should be showing up here without a ghastly delay. No promises on when exactly, but maybe six to ten weeks from now? This is all just a bit of a juggling act for me. Believe me when I say that I am very appreciative of y’alls patience with me, whether it’s on this specific White Whale of a fanfic or any other writing project I’ve taken on. If there were infinite hours in the day, I’d be putting out infinite pony stories, because I love writing them.

Anyway, that’s it from me, TTFN.

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Comments ( 3 )

We are Forsaken! All is lost! All is lost!

Holy crap, didn't realize you were back and working on Coming Back again. It was one of the first fanfics I really got into back in the day, so I'm glad it's seeing some lovin'.

There's a list I've been keeping in my head of the fics that I absolutely love which were last updated long ago and left incomplete. These are the sort of fics where even if I've completely fallen out of love with pony twenty years from now I would still come back for an update.

Coming back was on that list.

It's been open in a tab in my phone's browser off and on for years now so I can barely believe you've started making progress on it again. However long it takes, no pressure. Honestly I was resigned to waiting forever so anything sooner blows my mind. Stay gold

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