• Member Since 11th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen May 26th


Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do study history are doomed to watch other people repeat it.

More Blog Posts57

  • 35 weeks
    Does anyone know this story?

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  • 113 weeks
    Don't Hate Russians for Their Government's Actions

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Everyday Heroes - the Boatlift of 9/11 · 4:47am Sep 12th, 2019

Last year, inspired by the incredible tale of the 9/11 Boatlift, I wrote a reflection about how all of us have heroism within us. I have chosen to post that reflection again, now with the tribute video which inspired it at the bottom. As the world continues to grow ever more despairing, I believe it is more important than ever that we remember how to hope; remember how to be everyday heroes. On this solemn day, please take a moment to read, to watch the unbelievable tale that so inspired me, and to ponder how we can make that hope present to our fellow broken humans in our day to day lives.

“A hero is a man who does what he can.” –Romain Rolland.

“All available boats, this is the United States Coast Guard aboard the Pilot Boat New York. Anyone who wants to help with the evacuation of Lower Manhatten, report to Governor’s Island.” These were the fateful words spoken on 9/11 when the Coast Guard realized that the only way on or off Manhattan Island was the water. The call went out for any willing boats to come evacuate the hundreds of thousands of people who were trapped on the island. No one knew how many would come. No one would have been able to blame them if they hadn’t. After all, Manhattan Island had disappeared under a cloud of ash and smoke. No one knew if more planes were coming, if they were being bombed, or if heading into that smoke would be the last thing they ever did.

But the Boatmen came.

Hundreds of boats, from tugboats to party boats to schooners to fishing boats. “If it floated, and it could get there, it got there,” recalled one sailor. “I’ve worked on the water for 28 years. I’ve never seen that many boasts come together at one time that fast.”

When asked about their actions that day, the words of the many Boatmen are simple and straightforward.

“I was compelled because I’m the type of person that can’t stand by and watch other people suffer.”

“It’s just human nature. You see people in distress on the seawall of Manhatten begging you to pick them up … you have to. You have to pick them up.”

“No training. This was just people doing what they had to do that day.”

“And the thing that was the best … everyone helped everyone.”

At the evacuation of Dunkirk in World War II, civilian boats from England labored for nine days to evacuate nearly 400,000 trapped soldiers from France. It was, up till 9/11, the largest water-borne evacuation in history. On 9/11, nearly 500,000 people were rescued by boat. It look less than nine hours.

“I believe somebody has a little hero in ‘em. You gotta look in. And it’s in there. It’ll come out, if it need to be.”

“I have one theory in life. I never want to say the word, ‘I should have.’ If I do it and I fail, I tried. If I do it and I succeed, better for me.”

I have studied war and genocide since I could read. The first book I read for myself was a day-by-day history of the Second World War, a book which did not shy away from the reality of the Holocaust or the true Evil of the Axis powers. Since then, I have devoted years to the study. This obsession of mine has struck many as odd over the years, and I have on more than one occasion been asked, ‘Why?’ Why study such travesties? Why look more closely at the darkest aspects of humanity. Part of it, it is true, is vigilance. Evil will never truly be absent from our world until the End, so it is our duty to remember Evil, that we may better guard ourselves against it. But more than that, I study it for the Boatmen. Because whenever you look at the darkest moments of history, no matter how grim, no matter how wicked the story, if you look hard enough you will always, always find the Boatmen.

The Boatmen of this world are heirs to a legacy of heroes stretching back to the dawn of humanity. This heritage is as rich and diverse as humanity itself. Its members are the rich and the poor, the young and the old, the saints and the sinners. Its members are Humanity, with all its quirks and flaws and successes and failures.

Some are like Rick Rescorla, the man responsible for saving nearly three thousand lives on 9/11, orchestrating the mass evacuation at the cost of his own life. The actions of these heroes ring throughout history, a glorious tone of courage and defiance.

Some are unknown, their attempts to stand against the Evil unmarked by history, and often ending in failure, their final struggles lost to human awareness, known only to God. Some heroes spent their lives in the service of their fellows, and it came as no surprise to their friends and family to learn that they had died in the same way. Others lived selfishly, until one day there came an Evil that they could not let pass unchallenged.

Yet all, I tell you, are Boatmen. Whether their actions were great or small, known or unknown, whether they achieved their objective or not … these are not what define a hero. What defines a hero is this simple choice: that when confronted with an Evil, however great or slight, they said, ‘No.’

Good and Evil come in many forms and degrees. An action that saves the lives of thousands is an obvious Good, just as an action that dooms the same number is an obvious Evil. Yet just as wars are won or lost by individual soldiers as much as by generals and armies, so too are the battles of this life decided. Even if we are never called upon to perform a grand action that saves lives, the individual choices we make about how we conduct ourselves day to day still define our character and shape our world. They are the foundation upon which greater actions may be built should the need arise. A life lived with small acts of kindness finds it easier to be compassionate when that compassion is challenged by a great Evil. Welles Crowther was a 24-year old equities trader who had spent his life helping others; he was courteous, kind, and willing. He had lived his life as a considerate and honorable human being. It was his habit to be good. How surprising is it, then, that after rescuing over a dozen people and making his way out of the Tower, he ran back in with the firefighters to save more, giving his life in the process? Crowther had lived his life as a man who always strove to be good. Even if 9/11 had never come, the goodness of his past actions and the simple heroism with which he lived his life would have been no less laudable.

And yes, I did say ‘heroism.’ Strange as it may seem to say, the common, banal, everyday actions of kindness, generosity, and virtue that we exhibit are rooted in the same drive that moves men and women to actions like Crowther’s and Rescorla’s. Perhaps we shall never find ourselves in a position where these virtues are called upon to quite the same degree, and perhaps even our greatest struggles shall remain a matter between us and God alone, but that makes them no less worthy. When you refuse to gossip; when you hold your temper even if you’ve had a bad day; when you resist the temptation to malign another or when you’re patient with an annoyance … however small these are, however unwilling we may be, the act of choosing the better path is always something to be praised. Whenever we are confronted with an Evil, no matter how insignificant, and we choose to say, ‘No,’ we are participants in the same tradition of heroism that has defined the greatest moments in human history. And while the great actions may preserve us from the great evils, it is these small acts that keep the Darkness at bay day-to-day.

Every year on 9/11 I am forced to consider how best to honor the dead. This year I offer you this:

Live Well.

Good and Evil will always be at war in the world. Perhaps our part in that war will never earn note in the eyes of the world. Perhaps our struggles will remain anonymous, or seem insignificant to us.

It doesn’t matter.

Live well.

This world can be a dark and scary place, and resisting that at any level is an act of heroism, because it is so much easier to just surrender to the Darkness. But even the smallest act of basic decency can make a change, even if that change is only to us.

Live well.

Great Evils are not destroyed overnight, and Darkness is never bested on a whim. It takes daily choices by ordinary people to resist it, and, even in failure, there is grace and courage in the attempt.

Live well.

Just as we remember the heroic last stands of those who ultimately died on the field of battle, so too must we honor our own efforts to do good, even when they don’t achieve what we desire. Remember, heroism is defined by what is fought for, not by what is won.

Live well.

Live heroically. Yes, heroically. For we may never be called upon to be a Rescorla or a Crowther, but the call to be a Boatman belongs to us all. The basic decision to resist Evil carries with it a heroism that can belong to the mundane and commonplace as easily as to the grandiose.

So live well, for there is no greater way to honor the dead than with a life well lived.

God bless you all, and God bless America.

Comments ( 13 )

Sống anh hùng. Vâng, anh hùng. Vì chúng ta có thể không bao giờ được gọi là Rescorla hay Crowther, nhưng lời kêu gọi trở thành Người chèo thuyền thuộc về tất cả chúng ta. Quyết định cơ bản để chống lại cái ác mang theo nó một chủ nghĩa anh hùng có thể thuộc về trần tục và phổ biến dễ dàng như với sự hùng vĩ.

What is it about men who work on the water? Indeed it is, indeed it does, a life well lived is a life well spent.

Truly, this is an important day to remember. The terrorists on those planes did a great evil, but there were plenty of people, from military personnel, emergency services, and American citizens doing their duty, that did a great good.
Do not let this day be forgotten.

I had to use some translation software for this, but yes. Assuming the translation software worked correctly, I concur.

Live the hero. Yes, hero. Because we may never be called Rescorla or Crowther, but the call to become a Rower belongs to all of us. The fundamental decision to fight evil brings with it a heroism that can belong to the world and spread as easily as with grandeur.

Wow. All these years, and I'd never heard that story. I'm moved to tears by the video and by your words.

I will copy and paste this blog to my computer so that hopefully, I'll never lose what was written here.

Bless you for writing this, and God bless America.

I was wondering when this post would come.

I think a lot of this is reflected by that famous quote, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

And it is up to us to ensure that there's always someone, somewhere, doing something good for its own sake, even if we might never be recognized.

Thank you. By all means, pay it forward.

Big chunk of the difference between Dunkirk's days long effort and NYC's hours long effort was the miles wide English channel vs the hundreds of yards to cross the Hudson River, with seawalls and or docks on both sides.
Doesn't lessen their heroism AT ALL. With little if any training or detailed instructions, these boatmen stepped up and did their thing. and half a million people were evacuated. Safely. ⛴ Salute.

I will admit, the way that they phrased the comparison to Dunkirk is my only real complaint about the video - not because I think they meant to diminish the heroism of Dunkirk, but because it could be interpreted that way. As you say, though, the actions of one group of heroes does not diminish the actions of another.


I've also copy/pasted this to a document on my hard drive to ( hopefully ) save it for posterity.

I don't know how I missed this post of yours earlier this month but my gosh, thank you. You are a treasure of this fandom and of humanity.
Live well. Amen.
God bless you, you are still in my daily prayers:heart:

Thank you and likewise :twilightsmile:

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