• Member Since 18th Feb, 2017
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A nerd, system administrator and gamer. In for TR and Skyrim... ahh... yes, almost forgot - team Fluttershy... umm... if that's OK with you.

  • TThe Guardian
    A regular human Alex gets transferred to Equestria. Desperate to return home at first, he notices himself changing. The time comes for him to decide for Equestria destiny. Will he conform? Which path will he choose? Are Celestia's fears justified?
    Alexshy · 611k words  ·  165  38 · 7.1k views

More Blog Posts52

  • 77 weeks
    Work process status upate 2

    Updates will be delayed slightly due to the seasonal health problems - flu. But don't sweat, everything will be fine!

    FYI: those wondering why chapters aren't coming up on daily basis.

    - I have full time job
    - I have family
    - RL :raritywink:
    - I'm 40 :rainbowwild:

    Please, be considerate! *hugs everypony*

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  • 81 weeks
    Work process status upate

    TThe Guardian
    A regular human Alex gets transferred to Equestria. Desperate to return home at first, he notices himself changing. The time comes for him to decide for Equestria destiny. Will he conform? Which path will he choose? Are Celestia's fears justified?
    Alexshy · 611k words  ·  165  38 · 7.1k views

    Chapters up to 24th are published.

    Next (25th) chapter is planned before NY (or shortly after if force major intervenes).


    [Adult story embed hidden]

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    3 comments · 145 views
  • 109 weeks
    Work process status update and plans

    TThe Guardian
    A regular human Alex gets transferred to Equestria. Desperate to return home at first, he notices himself changing. The time comes for him to decide for Equestria destiny. Will he conform? Which path will he choose? Are Celestia's fears justified?
    Alexshy · 611k words  ·  165  38 · 7.1k views

    The new chapter is nigh! One large fight scene is left to write, hopefully within a few days it's done!
    I would like to thank all the supporters, and specifically the one hero removing their downvote (and probably even upvoting, if that was the same person). Thank you!!!

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    5 comments · 169 views
  • 138 weeks
    HiE story of romance, mystery, struggle and monsters… With two most-loved MLP idols on top!

    The Guardian

    A regular human, living his life, gets forcedly dragged to Equestria one day.
    Only to find himself in the middle of a mystery, a forthcoming disaster somepony expects him to help to sort out. Nopony asked him if he half-heartedly agreed to that, let alone wanted. To come, to help, to become a weapon…

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    1 comments · 245 views
  • 184 weeks
    Spoilers? Answers? Mayhap connections...

    I simply leave it hither:

    7 comments · 223 views

Of inspiration and... quotes · 7:58am Sep 26th, 2019

Ahoy-hoy, everypony!

Recently I've noticed in "The Guardian" statistics a few referrals from plagscan.com (over the accidental margins forsooth). Wasn't a very pleasant find due to assumptions the name of the site naturally implied. Trying to find out more, I made a trial registration on the site and (while it appeared to be an obvious money farming service... quite overpriced methinks) performed a check of mine text (chapter 1) against their base. Obviously, it returned the links to the same text already posted on FimFiction (and only thither). Now at which hour I understand thoroughly that site's mechanics, it's evident that somepony is... inspired somehow by "The Guardian" and checking their own, hopefully original, texts against it. Or simply getting their text flagged against mine work numerous times (given the links to the original text, their own seems to be copying).
One more possibility: somepony is meticulously checking mine texts against plagscan's base in a desperate hope to fish something, but... Oh, calamity! Mine texts resemble ONLY mine original texts :rainbowlaugh: Please, stop and findst something more dignified to do! Yeah, and save thy money :trollestia:

The point is: if 't be true thou art inspired, comest to me openly, so we can make thy text not ring plagscan's bells, while still being inspired; otherwise I would really like to know, who's feeding off "The Guardian" anyway. Wouldn't like to get or deliver any trouble.

Thanks beforehoof for your time and consideration!

Comments ( 10 )

I found out that somepony checked their texts on Plagscan.com and they were flagged as plagiarism of mine original work on FimFiction OR copied mine text from hither and checked it on that site to find if 't be true it was plagiarism, but found out that mine text is 100% similar to mine text only :rainbowlaugh: What a disappointment for a dedicated hater, as nopony else would waste their time for such stupid actions.

You have got the information that some parts of your book are a result of plagiarism?

Shame on thee for assuming that! :rainbowwild:

In that case thou art correct :pinkiehappy: It gave me the link on mine text on FimFiction, at which hour I checked the same text loaded from mine own computer. Thus increasing the refferals count on 1, from 13 to 14. And when I published chapter 19 the count increased to 15, signalling that somepony checked something again *rolls eyes*

For shopping as I treat mine literary virtues quite modestly.
Anyway, we're going majorly OT hither :raritywink:

You probably haven't thought about this in months, but I just wanted to say this:
Thank you for investigating. I should have searched blog posts before asking what it meant. I now have other questions, but the big question of what it meant is answered.
I hope that someone was just checking to see if I was taking someone else's work (I was uploading every day for a while) and not someone copying my long story. Given my writing skill, the latter doesn't make any sense.
Have a nice day.

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