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  • 137 weeks
    Status Update.

    Hey guys. I'm back. I wish I could say I had good news, though. I wasn't careful with my health, and it caught up to me. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And, I just got released today. I got all my medication, and I'm taking it easy. I'm not going to go back on a promise, though. Being in the hospital made me miss writing. Stay safe and healthy

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  • 161 weeks
    Chapter update and Patreon

    Sup, readers. A quick update for y'all. First, the next chapter is half done. Everyone has been waiting a while to get to this point, and I can't wait to release it. Also, I'm starting a Patreon. After the story is done, I plan on doing animations. If you can subscribe to my youtube channel - Ultraplaya - that would be very appreciated. There are some videos I have there that you may like. I am

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  • 215 weeks
    Chapter's up.

    Hey everyone. The new chapter is up. If you didn't get an update it's because of my April fools prank. I used the same post for the joke with the chapter. In hindsight, I should've made them separate.:twilightblush: Anyway, enjoy it.

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  • 240 weeks
    Chapter delay.

    Hey everyone. Sorry to say this, but the chapter is going to be delayed until next month. Work has been playing hell with my writing time. But here's what I have so far.

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  • 262 weeks

    Hey guys. I thought I give you all this little preview of the third story to DBMLP series.


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Chapter delay. · 1:34am Nov 1st, 2019

Hey everyone. Sorry to say this, but the chapter is going to be delayed until next month. Work has been playing hell with my writing time. But here's what I have so far.

[School of Friendship - Guidance counselors office - Videl's POV]

"Why am I here again? I don't need any guidance right now," Seriously, I have more important things to take care of right now.

"You see, Videl. I've been watching you for some time now, and, to put it bluntly, you seem distracted as of late," Starlight said.


"You've been putting the majority of your focus on hunting down human criminals. So much so that you fell asleep during Professor Fluttershy's animal anatomy class,"

I felt my body stiffen up after hearing that. There was no shortage of teasing from Elisa this morning. "W-well, fighting crooks is a very physically demanding job! Besides, who doesn't know about animals?"

"I think you'll find that the animals from Equis are vastly different from animals on Earth," I shrugged at the thought. "But that's Fluttershy's expertise. Mine is helping all of the students in this school, human or otherwise,"

I was quiet for a moment as I brought this topic. "That Neighsay guy still wants to cause trouble?"

Starlight gave me a solemn nod. "Unfortunately, Chancellor Neighsay has never been one for feigning threats. There's going to be a tribunal that will affect everything involving humans. The culture, clothes, cuisine, art, music, technological advancements!"

I was catching on as a pit began to form in my stomach. "Geez, does the chancellor want to purge all of humanity or what!?"

"No, but ridding your species presence on Equis may be more his agenda. It's irritating to know that any pony would go to such length to preserve the purity of Equestria,"

"One of his quotes, I bet,"

"The princesses will be present, but it will only be representatives of various nations making a case,"

"Ok, so what's this has to do with me? Other than being banished to the wayside, never to return,"

"Not necessarily. We have friends in high places too. We can make a plea that humans have as much of a right on Equis and vice versa. You and Great Saiyaman just--"

Instantly, a frown came on my face. "Great Saiyaman? What's this about me and that goofball?"

"A big part of Chancellor Neighsay's argument is how detrimental human presence is on Equis. However, given the work both you been doing, and the appearance of Great Saiyaman, human criminal activity is declining. We show these statistics and hear from both you and Great Saiyaman. That will drop the issue entirely,"

I sat there for a bit with my frown still on my face. Humans getting banned from this world means that I failed everyone. But, to stand alongside some clown playing dress-up? No way! "I'll go to this stupid tribunal. I'll even bring police reports of all my arrest, but don't lump that poser with me. The Great Saiyaman is no hero!"

Councilor Starlight looked shocked to hear that. "W-what? Why would you think that?"

"What kind of hero runs around in that ridiculous getup? Why hide his face from everyone?"

"Um, to protect his secret identity, like the comic books,"

"I don't see Headmare Twilight or the other professor slipping on spandex for their friendship missions or whatever,"

"Hehe, you'd be surprised. But please try to bear with Great Saiyaman. Underneath that helmet is a good person,"

I narrowed my eyes at that remark. Something about that phrasing sounded too familiar. "You seem to know a lot about Great Saiyaman, almost like you know him,"

"What. No! It's - uh - actions speak louder than words, you know. Oh! Look at the time. I have other students waiting. See you later!"

I was hoisted up in the councilors' magic and placed outside her office. I crossed my arms to my chest and started walking away. Along the way, I bumped into Gohan. "Gohan?"

"Uh, Videl? You need to see the guidance counselor?"

"It's more like she wanted to form me of upcoming events. I hardly need any guidance. I see you're back from another sick day. So how long do we have you for this time?" Gohan's absence has been growing more and more as of late.

"Y-Yeah, I don't know what it is - *cough* - I can't seem to shake these bouts of sickness. Maybe it's the air on this planet, am I right?"

I narrowed my eyes on him. It always feels like Gohan hiding something from us. "You know, a lot of my conversation with Councilor Starlight was about that Neighsay character,"

"Ah, him again. It must've been about that upcoming tribunal,"

"I didn't know you knew about it. What with you being gone so much nowadays,"

"Pretty much everyone knows at this point. Chancellor Neighsay isn't subtle about his intentions," He folds his arm as he takes a thoughtful expression. "I hope you and the Great Saiyaman can make a good case for us,"

Gohan flinches as I took an aggressive step towards him. "And how do you know the Great Saiyaman will be there?"

"Oh, uh, Scootaloo told me. You know, my mare friends are junior councilors and all, hehe..."

"Nothing about that Great Saiyaman character makes sense. In fact, how did the school factuality even get in contact with him in the first place!? Are they involved?"

"The school? No way. They're too busy teaching the students,"

I shot Gohan the look my mom used to give my dad. "Expect that six of the teachers in this school are national heroes. One of them is a princess - a person that is responsible for governing and protecting this country. You can't tell me that they would let simply anyone throw some gaudy clothing and do as they please,"

"My costume isn't gaudy..."



"Hmm, anyway, I think the Great Saiyaman is some magical golem or something. No human on Earth can do what he does!"

"Technically, we're not on Earth--"

I looked up at Gohan to find some odd smile on his face as he said that. "Something funny?"

"N-nothing! But, I know there are some extraordinary people on our planet, like those people that fought Cell seven years back,"

"Don't tell me you fell for that too. Honestly, Gohan, I thought you were smart," I joked as I slapped his back, causing him to stumble. "The only thing real about the Cell games was my father defeating Cell. Everything else was nothing but a trick, just like Great Saiyaman. But, this tribunal does present a perfect opportunity. I finally get to meet this clown up close,"

"There you are, Gohan!" A voice called out. I assumed it was one of his mare friends until I saw the owner. Diamond Tiara! The Diamond Tiara. She hooks her arms under Gohan's and nuzzles his cheek. "Come on, Silvie and I got the three of us reservations at the Ponyville Spa,"

"Wait! I thought the junior councilors were your girlfriends. How are you dating two of the country's top supermodels!?" I pointed my finger at the pink mare and Gohan.

Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes at me while she sighs. "The CMC, Gohan, Silvie and I were friends since foal hood. We formed the herd together, dated for seven years, plan to get married. Blah, blah, blah. Look, I'm glad I can inspire plain-looking filly-humans like you to be their best, but we're in a hurry. I'll sign whatever dump vanity poster later. Goodbye!"

I was left flabbergasted as that spoiled little rich girl pulls Gohan off for their little spa getaway. I could still hear them talking as they went down the hall. "That was a little harsh, DT, and Videl isn't one of your fans - I think..."

"Gohan, when you lead the life of a celebrity, you'll learn that everypony wants you for something, fans or not. Besides, she was getting too close to you and taking up my time!"

I felt my right eye twitch as I felt my anger growing steadily. The nerve of her, thinking she could just come in and snatch away Gohan as if he's property. "I don't know what he sees in her!" Honestly, Gohan could do better! I started walking away to meet with Elisa. I made it to her room and slammed opened the door.

Elisa jumps back in surprise before calming down to speak. "I know that frown, what's bothering you?"

"I ran into another of Gohan's girlfriends,"

"He has more?"

"Yeah, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,"

Elisa's hand shot to her mouth as she gasps. "You're kidding! They're the top models in the country right now. I have their Wheattale Wood photo-op poster right here!" I felt my eye twitch again as I saw Diamond and the "Silvie" pose for the camera. Silver Spoon was resting her head on Diamond's lap with her right arm draped over her head. Diamond herself was leaning back, using her arms as support. Both of them had that seductive smirk while the pose brought attention to their chests. "Aw, you're blushing!"

Growling, I snarled at Elisa. "I am not! What do I can about those two hussies!!!"

"I got to admit that Gohan's got game if these two are in his herd," Elisa sighs as she cups her cheeks and closes her eyes. "I hope I can form a herd the same as them. Just think, a line of the hunkiest studs from both worlds~,"

"Keep dreaming, but there's something else that's bothering me..."

"Huh, what's that?"

"She said they've been dating since they were kids, but the junior councilors said they met when the school was doing the screening. You know what that means, don't you?"

Elisa tilts her head to the side in confusion. "Nope, not a clue,"

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "It means either Gohan is lying about their relationship, or they're all are lying about everything!"

"Oh!" Elisa said in realization. I felt hope start to rise within me. Maybe together we can figure what's happening in this school. Then Elisa said something that dashed those hopes away. "Gohan's dating the entire school faculty!!!"

I stared blankly at Elisa before dropping my head down in exasperation. I could hear Elisa going on a rant about the alleged scandal. She wasn't going to be of any help, but it doesn't matter, I'll get to the bottom of this 'scandal.'

[Canterlot - Day of the Tribunal of Mankind - Third Person POV.]

The day of the tribunal was at hand. All of Equis nation rulers were present for the debate. Several members of the press - both of Equis and Earth - were recording as the event progressed. Videl sat at the bench with her arms crossed. Her index finger tapped against her arm while she kept a neutral expression. Looking around the room, Videl noted that the four princesses sat on the side bench, away from their usual thrones in the center of the room. The nobles of various countries were sitting on the left side. Most of them were neutral, but others shot a glare at the humans present. At the center of the room were the rulers of the many foreign nations in Equis. Standing in front of the tribunal was Chancellor Neighsay. A smarmy, self-assured smile adorning his features. Videl scoffs at the unicorn's arrogance. She wholeheartedly believes that a fight can shift in any manner that you wouldn't expect, and to be a great fighter, you have to adapt to win. Videl stops her internal musing as one of the leaders came forward. She was a hippogriff of high standing due to how vibrant and luscious her fur and feathers shone in the light. The red dorsal fin turned feather gives off a soft radiate hue that was hard to miss. The dress she was wearing was somewhat similar to Celestia's save for the single strap going over her rightsholder with frills traveling down from the center to her waist. The dress itself would often shift from even the most subtle moves, making it seems as though it was flowing in water. This was the ruler of Seaquestria: Queen Novo.

'Never seen the hippogriff queen before,' Videl thought as the queen spoke.

"Thank you all for coming to this tribunal. Due to conflict of interests, I, Queen Novo of the hippogriffs and ruler of Seaquestria, shall act as the mediator in place of the princesses of Equestria. Let us begin with the introductions.,"

"King Ironhoof of Minos,"

"Queen Cream Puff of New Equland,"

"Cheif Zombaiyoy of Zebrica,"

"King Razor Claw of Griffonstone,"

"Queen Gilda of Griffonstone,"

"Lady Rain Shine of Whisper Village,"

"Dragonlord Ember of the Dragonlands,"

"King Consort Spike of the Dragonlands,"

Queen Novo nods her head as the leaders sat back down. "Thank you, fellow leaders. Now I would like to formally introduce the elected leader of Planet Earth; President Gruff,"

A blue canine in a navy blue suit steps forward in the center. "Thank you for the platform, world leaders of Equis. Hopefully, we can resolve this dilemma post haste,"

Before Queen Novo could continue, Chancellor Neighsay spoke up. "Don't worry yourself too much, Mr. President. It shouldn't take too long to conclude the proceedings today and extradite the human menace from our world. Although, I am curious as to why the humans elected a diamond dog as their ruler. Perhaps they see that a human ruler would fail miserably,"

Gruff took great offense to that statement. "How dare you! I am the president of the world because people recognize my talents and placed their faith in my ability to lead! Even my opponents for the position are outstanding individuals and would've made excellent leaders! I will not stand here and claim that humanity is free from flaws, but I will not allow you to tarnish all that is good on Earth! Furthermore, I am not a Diamond dog, you pompous-"

Before Gruff could finish, a sharp bang of a gavel brought the attention back to Queen Novo. "This debate, like many others, will proceed with professionalism. There will be no personal attacks or insults. The matter at hand is simple; since the construction, Equis has seen change on a global scale,"

President Gruff puffs out his chest in pride. "All thanks to the brilliant minds of Capsule Corporation,"

Neighsay scoffs but remained silent while Queen Novo nods. "If you told me these devices operated with technology and not magic, I would've thrown you into the deepest crevice of the sea," That got a chuckle out of the room. "Now, there is no doubt that the implication of human technology was a boon for the world. But to get the goods, we let in the bad. Various criminal activity committed by humans has spiked, and the very tools that have been a boon, are used to plague and menace our world. Every leader here can tell you a story of victimization,"

At that moment, Queen Cream Puff stood up. "Human weaponry has proven to be extremely deadly. Standard armor barely slows down a shot from those rifles. A firefight broke out in front of the national treasury not two weeks ago. My guards fended them off, but not without severe injury,"

Ironhoof stood up next. "My kingdom suffers from raids every so often. The human vandals' attack is bold but also cowardly. A military outpost came under attack about a month ago. However, humans never engaged in close combat, but instead, use long-range weapons

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