• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.

More Blog Posts116

  • 14 weeks
    Two Years of This

    On February 24, 2022, eight years after they launched a limited invasion and occupation of border regions, the regime of Russia attacked Ukraine from multiple sides with the intent of fully conquering the nation, thence to dismember choice territories and install a puppet regime over whatever remained. Their justifications - imperial revaunchism, nationalist lies, and contempt for what they view

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  • 19 weeks
    Fan art for "Evil Must Be Healthy"

    A pleasant surprise found me a few days ago on learning an enterprising pony commissioned fan-art for my little AU from the illustrious Pencils! Just thought I'd share. :derpytongue2:


    With thanks to both the artist and commissioner. :heart:

    8 comments · 216 views
  • 19 weeks
    Going to Everfree Northwest this year!

    Exactly what it says on the tin! If anyone else is going (and if there's any kind of Fimfiction discord meetup group on it~), please let me know. With travel and etc. I likely won't be going to many of these, so I'd love to RL meet as many Fimfic peeps as I can.

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  • 26 weeks
    Cover art for "Evil Must be Healthy."

    There are few feelings for an author quite as wonderful as receiving fan art, all the more because I found it by sheer chance. While the artist MrRicharZ has taken it down from Derpibooru he was kind enough to let me use his work as cover art for the story.

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  • 27 weeks
    Dramatic read for "The Splendid Panzers of Miss Harshwhinny"

    I like that story enough (and have grown fond enough of listening to dramatic reads) that I have commissioned one from our own Skijarama!

    (There is also commissioned cover art on the way, too.~)

    2 comments · 152 views

Start thinking of ideas... · 12:50am Nov 18th, 2019

Okay, so my plan to write a multi-chapter drama fic has exploded for a lot of reasons (the going is way too slow and it's not fun to write), which is painful because I've had it in my brain for years. Which leaves my writing time much freer than I thought it would be, and man, the "Undead" series was way fun to write. I'm not doing a conventional third installment (tf would I do, make Vignette Valencia a vampire?), but I will be making an anthology of reader-suggested chapters/"episodes" both for my own enjoyment and as a thank-you to y'all for sticking with it for like four years. I'll put up a blog sometime soon with the actual guidelines and to handle submissions.

So: Wanted a minor character to get more fleshed out, and/or kill a vampire? A campy battle with a razor-thin excuse for fanservice? More cross-world shenanigans? An encounter or development you wish got into the fic? Then start percolating, because author integrity be damned, this is gonna be fun.

Comments ( 8 )

So: Wanted a minor character to get more fleshed out, and/or kill a vampire? A campy battle with a razor-thin excuse for fanservice? More cross-world shenanigans? An encounter or development you wish got into the fic? Then start percolating, because author integrity be damned, this is gonna be fun.

Seeing the other two sirens oughtta be pretty neat.

If you're going for a campy, razor-thin excuse for fanservice: I might have a stupid idea. :raritystarry:

Make Vignette Valencia a nudist (that's a very important detail) succubus/vampire who's hellbent on creating an army of slaves to do her bidding. Due to the magical pheremones she secretes from her skin, normal people don't care/notice that she doesn't wear clothes in public. You can even give her the sterotypical bat wings and tail ect. Why? Because it'll be hilariously awkward for our heroes to deal with her and it'll dial up the sexual tension. Also, did I mention fanservice?

Something with Cozy Glow could be neat. (I'm... pretty sure she hasn't been mentioned in the stories yet) Perhaps the hunters follow her around trying to figure out if she's a monster? Or maybe she IS a monster, but only one person sees it any has to try to convince the others?

As far as actual fights go, though, nothing can top Demonic Moon Nazis, so I can't really think of anything more batshit than that (except maybe the nation of Communist Lizard-people that live in the center of the Earth, but they achieved a post-scarcity Magi-tech powered utopia ages ago, so they don't really care about the stupid apes on the surface.)

I like the idea of an anthology, but I prefer a 3rd installment, even IF the genre of the 3rd installment is more of an SoL anthology-style of work.

Mainly because all I wanna do is see the love triangle shenanigans between Applejack, Sunset and Adagio.

But honestly anything you write would do! Hell I'd even read the remains of that multi-chapter drama fic that's making your head explode!

This sounds like fun. I'll definitely have to see if I can come up with something, anything. XD

I'd just like a comparison fight between the Wendigos from MLP and the Wendigos from Until Dawn somewhere in this anthology. Hope this makes it in!

Wallflower power incontinence.
Everyone has to explain to Sunset why the constant musical numbers might not be a good thing, wholeassedly stealing paying an homage to that one Buffy episode.
Celestia vs. The Seven Evil Exes.
Comedically incompetent and egomaniacal lizard people. Trixie gets replaced. No one notices.

I would love to see a flashback to the Fall Formal and the hunters dealing with (and not murdering) Sunset. We already know Nagatha had a shot lined up on the Sirens. Was Sunset also that close? Not to mention Celestia letting Sunset stay in the school. Maybe early hints at Momlestia.

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