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Books! · 4:27am Dec 10th, 2019

I like books. Do you like books?


Of course you do.

So . . . wanna buy my books?

That’s right, I’ve finally gotten off my lazy behind and done all the legwork on Lulu to actually make the ones I’ve got thus far actually available to all y’all!

From the comic

Here’s the links:
Fanfare for the Common Mare
The Haunting
Sam and Rose

Each book is a very affordable $10, and as an added ‘bonus,’ they’re still the Bronycon editions, complete with the occasional typo I haven’t fixed yet. (But that’s on my to-do list, I promise.) Which means that some day they could be worth lots more! It’s an investment!

Even better, if you order before Thursday at midnight (EST, probably), you can use promo code ONEFIVE to get fifteen percent off! And that’s a sitewide sale, so you can get 15% more books for your money!


It would be remiss of me to not mention Ponyfeather Publishing which has other pony books by other great pony authors, and besides just what they offer, if you click on “friends of PFP,” that’s where you’ll find other books they don’t directly sell. Like if you wanted all sixteen hardback volumes of Rainbow Dash Flies East, for example.


Books are perfect for Christmas, and you can never have too many books!


Comments ( 39 )

Aw, I already bought those at Bronycon. What're you getting my hopes up for man?

Some people didn’t, though. :heart:

EDIT: besides, the blog is chock-full of adorable pony pictures for people who do have the books already.

So, you gonna do Silver Glow's Journal in print? :P

You could do little softcovers. One month per book 😂

The only reason i want to move to the country is to have a huge house so i can buy all these books. not read them, just buy them

I want a silvers glow journal please

Yes. Like the original The Green Mile serial. (It was first published as a series of shorter paperback books.)

I've been amazed at the trickle of orders that keep coming in. It's encouraging and helping me get over those last four copies of Traveling Tutor left on the shelves after the con was over. *sniff* The poor things.

I wonder what the Guinness World Record for Largest Sold Amature Self Published Work, or Collection is, or would be, and what fraction of that East is?

A big THANK YOU for selling some printed fanfiction, as well as the additional link to PFP. You're awesome! :rainbowkiss:

There's iirc only one fic that's larger than East, and that was never released in dead tree format. East is probably the largest.

... if I hadn't dumped all of my liquid funds into equipment repairs, I would buy a copy of everything.

Stupid ancient machinery. Why do I still have a traction engine?

..I think I should read them first....


You could do little softcovers. One month per book 😂

Well, if I were going to, I certainly wouldn’t do it as one long book; it’s longer than the King James Bible.


The only reason i want to move to the country is to have a huge house so i can buy all these books. not read them, just buy them

Depending on where you live, you can rent a storage locker for a reasonable price, make that your library away from home.

There are pros and cons to living in the country. On the plus side, I’ve got over an acre and pay less for a mortgage than I would for a studio apartment. On the down side, if I wanna buy fresh fruit or vegetables, it’s a twenty minute drive. Seeing a movie is 40 minutes.


I want a silvers glow journal please

We’ll see--that would be a lot of work.


Yes. Like the original The Green Mile serial. (It was first published as a series of shorter paperback books.)

That’s how I read it, back in the day. Smartly, I waited until all the books were published, ‘cause I learned from The Gunslinger series that King doesn’t always quickly finish what he starts.

In fact, now that I think about it, that’s something else I’ve got in common with him.

Is that supposed to be a network error?


I've been amazed at the trickle of orders that keep coming in.

Since I just started, it’s not a continuous trickle yet. But that’ll come in time, I’m sure.

It's encouraging and helping me get over those last four copies of Traveling Tutor left on the shelves after the con was over. *sniff* The poor things.

See, I’m going for the sketchier option. I’ve got boxes of books in my van, for whenever needed.
“Hey, kid, want to buy a book?”


I wonder what the Guinness World Record for Largest Sold Amature Self Published Work, or Collection is, or would be, and what fraction of that East is?

How many books has Chuck Tingle got?

Protip: if you don’t know who Chuck Tingle is, proceed with caution.


A big THANK YOU for selling some printed fanfiction, as well as the additional link to PFP. You're awesome! :rainbowkiss:

You’re welcome! :heart:


... if I hadn't dumped all of my liquid funds into equipment repairs, I would buy a copy of everything.

I know that feel. Between repairs needed on my van and repairs needed on my house . . .
Adulting sucks.


..I think I should read them first....

Well, that’s always an option.

But I’ve found that having an entire shelf of ponybooks I haven’t read yet is also nice; if there’s another multi-day power failure, I can still get my ponyfix.

It sucked less when I was younger... admitedly, I spent a considerable amount of time in speakeasies, but it was considered adulting.

Yeah, I feel ya. I didn’t have as much disposable income when I was younger; on the other hand, I had more free time and fewer responsibilities.

5168011 "They come with free candy!"

(No, wait. Bad idea.)

Ah, looks like I'm too late for the promo code. Alas.

Is 'Fanfare' just a collection of a bunch of your Slice of Life stories?

Cool! I get paid tomorrow!

It works for me as well. (It's the poorly drawn Twilight Sparkle comic I was expecting to see in the blog itself. You've been in the fandom long enough that you should probably know which one I'm talking about without having to actually see it)


"They come with free candy!"
(No, wait. Bad idea.)

I got pulled over so many times in my all-black Astro van with dark-tinted windows, I thought about spray painting on the side “not a suspicious vehicle,” but I didn’t, ‘cause I figured that would make the problem worse.


Ah, looks like I'm too late for the promo code. Alas.

They’ve got a new promo code for express shipping, which is nice.

They frequently do promos, so if you’re not impatient, there’ll be another deal coming along in a month or two.

Is 'Fanfare' just a collection of a bunch of your Slice of Life stories?

It is. I’d have to look at the book again to know which ones, but they’re all reasonably serious SoL stories, and they’re all pony-only (although I kind of cheated a bit with including Sea Swirl’s Dive; however, Dale isn’t directly mentioned in that, so I figured it fit in.

I’m apparently banned from seeing it, unless I open imgur, then paste the second part of the URL in. :derpytongue2:


Cool! I get paid tomorrow!



You've been in the fandom long enough that you should probably know which one I'm talking about without having to actually see it)

Oh, yeah, I totally know which one it is. And in fact, I did finangle a bit and got the link to work in a new tab.

I did consider putting that one in the blog post, but then I thought that people would expect it since it is such a fandom meme, and there are plenty of other great pictures of Twilight with books.

imgur banned referenced links from fimfiction in general, after they started enforcing their policy that they were not meant as storage space for content meant for other websites. It was a huge deal a few years ago. I switched to imgbox back then because their TOS specifically stated that using them as pictures host for other places was allowed.

They put a caching system in place here on fimfiction back then to fix most of it.


imgur banned referenced links from fimfiction in general, after they started enforcing their policy that they were not meant as storage space for content meant for other websites.

Frustratingly, that happened not long after I got an imgur for the specific purpose of hosting images that would go to FimFiction (since a few other sites I was using were also making it problematic).

They put a caching system in place here on fimfiction back then to fix most of it.

And that does generally seem to work, but I’ve found sometimes you have to be logged into Imgur and cut and paste the url in order to see the image. I assume that relates to settings on the user’s end, although it’s also might have to do with the browser I’m using, or how my computer’s set up.

Sam and Rose arrived today! Time to reread it, this time in dead tree format! :yay:


If you notice any errors, you know I’m (generally :derpytongue2:) open to corrections. :heart:

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