• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Jake The Army Guy

Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln

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Random Art Dump: Families Part One - The Sparkles · 2:10am Dec 20th, 2019

Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

"Perfectly balanced, Sugar Cube! As all appuls should be!"

Now then...

You know, I sat for a good twenty minutes trying to come up with a pithy and insightful way to introduce this blog. After a while, I gave up and figured I'd just get to the point. I love the fact that over the nine seasons of the show, we got to spend at least a little bit of time with each of the main character's families. By my reckoning, the only parents who didn't get a full episode's worth of attention were Rarity and Sweetie Belle's, only having the opening scene of Sisterhooves Social for us to get to know them. But I absolutely love that we got to spend time with them. It was awesome to find out their family dynamics, and get a peek at how their characters were likely influenced by their upbringing. SO, I figured I'd do another art dump dedicated to the families of our beloved characters, and we'll start with the first family we ever met, the Sparkles!

Twilight's parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, were actually the first parents we ever saw, way back in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. They didn't have any lines, though. It wouldn't be until the Season Six premiere that we would see them again and hear them speak, and again we didn't get any real characterization until Season Seven with Once Upon A Zeppelin. We were introduced, rather suddenly and out of nowhere, to Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, in A Canterlot Wedding, where we also met her sister-in-law Princess Cadance. And to round it off, we met Twilight's niece, Flurry Heart, in The Crystalling.

Now, the more astute of you might be wondering, "Jake, you sexy, handsome, devilishly-charming man you, we met Applejack's family in the very first episode!" First off, I'd like to tell you that flattery will get you... well, pretty much everywhere with me. My self-esteem kinda sucks. But more to the point, you're right. However, we actually met the first family member of the Mane Six before there even was a Mane Six.

While it would be a good long while—Sparkle's Seven, the dang 200th episode, to be precise—until we got actual clarification on exactly what Spike's relationship with the Sparkle clan was, it was very clear from the very beginning that he and Twilight shared a very close relationship. So, I count that, because screw you. :ajsmug:

I'm rambling here, so I'll shut up. Enjoy an absolutely massive dump of my favorite pics of the Sparkle clan from over the years! I'll be doing the rest of the Mane Six in upcoming blogs.


Comments ( 13 )

"Yup. That Sparkle family sure is..."


"... wholesome."

Fantastic art, thank you!



~Skeeter The Lurker

There is something inexpressibly pure about Night Light booping an RPG miniature.



There's a whole tag on Derpi called, "It's not a phase!"


I'll thank you to keep your deviance out of my wholesome Christian blog post!

See me after...

Good God this is adorable. And I’m happy to see other artists count Spike in the family. That’s how I’ve been writing him, and I have no intention in deviating otherwise

And now of something completely different... a horse eating a taco.

Some real gems here!

I *own* that Harwick picture. It's wonderful. :)

Like, a print, or the original?!

5172261 print. But one is on sparkles paper.


Oh, I know! I really love your stories! I hope you can find it in you to return to them some day. Of course, given my own writing habits and track record of finishing stories I start, I can't really talk. :twilightsheepish:

Still, you do great work!


I just love it so much. Especially little baby Flurry Heart going full on, "Blood for the blood god!"

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