• Member Since 21st Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago

Adan Druego

Sis: You're the father. Bro: ...hey? I BETTER BE!!

More Blog Posts349

  • Thursday
    Two Sides of the Same Coin?

    I don't like tomatoes... but I like pineapple on pizza.

    0 comments · 7 views
  • 2 weeks
    Some say the voices are getting louder.

    The voices don't get louder, they get closer.

    Sometimes, when they get closer enough, you begin to recognize one of those voices as your own.

    0 comments · 16 views
  • 4 weeks
    Tapping Buttons Is How You Broke Buttons.

    Okay some for years, I had no idea this site had forums...
    Only yesterday, did I finally realize that those same forums have a search function.

    I'm not old, you're old.

    1 comments · 24 views
  • 5 weeks
    OJ's dead, huh.

    OJ's dead. Huh. Interesting.

    Okay, not really. I still remember that slowest high-speed chase ever occurrence.

    0 comments · 31 views
  • 6 weeks
    Number 1223. Number 1223. Number 1224. Number 1225. Number 1223.

    When the voices start telling you to burn it all, it means you've stopped taking your medication, you're not getting enough sleep or most likely you've been at the DMV for far too long.

    The DMV, everyone hates waiting at the DMV.

    0 comments · 21 views

The One with the smiling, I'm the one with the accent. · 8:22pm Jan 10th, 2020

I've been glancing through various derpibooru users' comments. I literally have nothing better to do, though I am listening to MLP Fan made music, Where Is Your Heaven Now from Midnight Musician.

Right, that other stuff. Well, it does seem like the mods and that TheSmilingPony thing/unknown do have biases and do censor things that they don't like. I mean it is its own website, so it has the right, but I was just interested if those rumors and claims held any truth to them. I tend to just ignore things like those people since I consider them of little worth or too disobedient.

But honestly while read through past conversations between various forum users I keep arriving at the exact same conclusion with each new post read.
The world could be such a wonderful and beautiful place if only power were handed over to people like me. At times though history we have seized power for ourselves but times change and so do the leaders of humanity.
Obviously, I know I'm right and justified it all things, mostly because it's me and I'm a bit of a narcissist. But that does not change the fact that my ideas and plans could drastically improve this world. Fortunately most of the powerful nations are currently heading down the wrong path, further away from people such as I.
There's always place on this planet where power can be seized and order brought to society but many of those place have little to no place on the world stage. Building up an advanced military force on a third world preindustrial budget would be nearly impossible. Besides, I doubt those kinds of people would follow me and others like me seeing as we would not be natives. I'd be seen as a foreign invader from the first world. With time and effort the natives could be show the truth of my kind but that would be very difficult.

Adolf Hitler was a foreigner be he was still German. Osama bin Laden wasn't Afghan, but he was still a Muslim. Now, Josef Stalin was a Georgian, but he seized die seize power so that's a bit different. Race, color and language do mean a great deal to most of humanity, so if I can't pass as one of my potential subjects then what chance do I realistically have at gaining control of those people

The United States even has a law preventing a foreign from gaining power, I believe, and I'd imagine most nations would be uneasy with a foreign ruler, not to mention a foreign ruling council and/or class.

Regardless, I have found simple solutions to many of the world's problems. Hunger, poverty, hate, high usage of limited resources and many more. It really isn't too difficult to achieve.

Give up a little freedom and gain a better future.

Our civilization has been going down the wrong path for some time. I always expected things to remain somewhat the same, but things only become worst with every pasting year.

People need to push back against the tide, anchor themselves with confidence and conviction.

But sadly if something as tiny and insignificant website on the internet can be used to spread the wrong messages without repercussion, without persecution, then what hope is there for changing actually powerful world entities. Government, societies, nations, people, religions, tradition and humanity as a whole?

Population limits, rehabilitation, medical research, social engineering, the creation of taboos against unwanted and dangerous thoughts, beliefs and actions, education, unity, and the purging of greed and jealousy from within the human soul. All action done with care and compassion, with respect and decency, decisions made with empathy and mercy in consideration.

That all be said, they are still monsters and dangers in the world and those things must be dealt with swiftly and completely. Some of those deemed criminals, rapists and murderers mostly, would need to be seen as an infestation of human civilization. To clear an infestation one needs to call in an exterminator to deal with the problem. The justice system would need reform and restructuring. The death penalty instated, but before execution is to be carried out we must first be absolutely positive that the offender is in fact guilty of the crime deemed extreme enough to call for death. DNA has provided a good means to aiding in investigation. But if there is any doubt then incarceration would be ordered, until the individual can be confirmed or not as the guilty party. Innocent until proven guilty would still be written in law, guarantee to all citizens.

Oh, yea. More isolationism and far less interventionism. We shall not be the world police. Our own people come first. One need to have their own house in order before going out to help others organize their own.

Muh not so genocidal rant or as the smiling thing once type "tirade".

Silly thing doesn't even know what it's criticizing. Actually, I prefer "rant".

Ha, I still think that "Rulé" thing is assuming. It shows at least some level of understanding and thought yet never approaching any level of true important.
I've never claimed to understand people and I can say with complete honesty that I understand their kind even less. I am, however, interested in just what makes a human tick. I suppose settling for those things will have to suffice for now, but I'd really like to study some actual people one day. I've taken some notes but a deeper understand would help greatly in my efforts to convince others of the righteousness and reason in my beliefs. Relating to the people can go a long way. I however have NO intention on relating to those "people" over off site, some levels are far too low for a person to lower themselves. Take the high road, don't stoop down to their level etc. Lowlifes are labelled as low for good reasons. Degeneration in essence is the devolution back into simply-minded animals.

Humanity needs to march forward and crawl backwards.

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