• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 3rd, 2023


A writer who writes things.

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  • 60 weeks
    Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated

    Hello all,

    Just got an email from Brony Soprano concerning my health (given that my last blog was about me getting Covid, I understand that some might be a bit jittery). Rest assured, I overcame Covid and am in good health lately (probably better health because I've started working out some).

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  • 110 weeks
    And this is why I play Tzeentch

    Well, after nearly two years of dodging and playing it safe, I've finally been "blessed" by Grandfather Nurgle's plague. I tested positive for Covid this afternoon.

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    7 comments · 934 views
  • 112 weeks
    Cutting Room Floor

    Hi all.

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  • 112 weeks
    April post is in April

    As of today, I am 27.

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  • 127 weeks
    Big news!

    I'm gonna be an uncle come July!

    Rest assured the kid will be raised as a proper servant of the Emperor if I have anything to say about it.

    Merry Christmas to you all :pinkiehappy:

    5 comments · 287 views

Omake: The Magic of Friendship · 7:29pm Jan 16th, 2020

Nigthmare Moon had managed to reach the castle before her sister's insipid student and her friends. That would give her all the time she needed to set her trap, and perhaps located the Elements of Harmony before the others did. The dark alicorn roamed the decrepit throne room, searching for the best place to lay in ambush for when the little ponies arrived.

"They will not suspect a thing," she chuckled, the shadows closing in around her. "Soon, I will have the Elements, and soon all of Equestria shall tremble before my might! None shall be able to oppose me-"

"OI!" Nightmare moon choked in surprise as a shape stepped from the shadow. A moment, and the shape revealed itself to be a black-skinned giant in green armor, his eyes surprisingly friendly looking given the circumstances. "Sorry my friend, it is quite dark in here as you can see."

"Uh..." Nightmare Moon was unsure of what to make of the giant. An ally, perhaps, or maybe another foe to overcome. "H-how did you...?"

"I had been waiting in this dark corner of the universe for some time now." the giant's head seemed to snap back for a moment. "UNPLEASANT IT WAS! For there are only so many ways you can be friends with yourself! But now you are here, small angry horse friend, and now we can proceed through the galaxy in search of friendship and adventure!" off in the distance, Nightmare Moon could have sworn she heard someone cheering, but she pushed that thought out of mind. This thing dared to ask friendship of the greatest alicorn to have ever lived?!

Reeducation would be in order.

"Do you realize who you stand in the presence of?!" Nightmare Moon cried, flaring her wings to appear more powerful. "I am Nightmare Moon, Mistress of the Night and true ruler of Equestria! I will not be treated so lightly by some creature that just sauntered out of the shadows without a care in the world!" there was a pause as the giant considered this. Finally, he laughed.

"Oh ho ho! You are quite right, my friend," he chuckled. "But fear not, for I am the BEST with friends! See, I have even found presents to give!" The giant held out his hands, and Nightmare Moon felt her jaw drop as she saw ALL SIX of the Elements of Harmony, bright as the day she had first been blasted by them.

"The Elements!" she squeaked. "B-b-but... HOW?!"

"That is quite a story, friend," the giant started. "I had arrived in this place after a misshap with a few small bombs. When I arrived, SOME SHINY GIT gave me these and said I was DA 'ARDEST BLOKE 'E'D SEEN. I am unsure of what they meant, but these are quite nice. And I would like to share them with my new small angry horse friend!"


"But first, I must give you a great big 'I have made a small angry horse friend' hug!" Nightmare Moon had no time to say anything before the giant stepped forward and pulled her in a tight embrace. To say she was uncomfortable with this arrangement would be like saying the sun is a little bit hot.

"GAAAAAAAAH! I HURT IN PLACES I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I COULD HURT IN!" Nightmare Moon cried, trying and failing to wiggle free as the giant hugged her. "F-FRIEND! COULD YOU PLEASE RELEASE ME?!"

"Oh no," the giant chuckled. "I have NINE MILLIONZ OF 'UGZ FOR YA STILL! C'MERE, YA GIT!" Nightmare Moon screamed again as the giant's embrace somehow became tighter. So fixated was she on the pain that she did not notice the sound of somepony coming up behind them.

"Okay girls, they should be in here," the voice of Celestia's student called as she and her friends stepped into the throne room. "Just give me some time to..." the voice trailed off as she took sight of what lay before her. Thankfully, the giant let off some of his hugging when the other ponies entered. "Um... What's going on?"

"YOU! STUDENT!" Nightmare Moon gasped. "I WILL GLADLY SURRENDER TO YOU IF YOU GET THIS MANIAC TO LET GO OF ME!" the student regarded the giant for a moment, pawing at the ground in uncertainty.

"Should... should I come back later?" she asked.

"Do not worry, tiny scared horse friend!" the giant said. "DERE WILL BE PLENTY OF 'UGZ FOR YOU TOO! Oh ho ho! I am so glad I have found this place!"

And that is how Vulkan became the seventh bearer of the Elements of Harmony. All of them. At once. All the time.

I was going back through the comments of the latest chapter of Empress Returns and saw Antiquarian's comment about Vulkan being a Seventh Element of Harmony. Half an hour later, this happened.

Report iowaforever · 673 views · Story: The Empress Returns · #hugs
Comments ( 6 )



Well, I can only hope ponies are sufficiently resistant to hug-related injury.

Bruva Alfa would certainly be proud, methinks.

5187398 Well, if Twilight can get brained by a piano and walk it off, she can handle some of Vulkan's hugs.

Literally cried laughing. I cheered in the distance. So happy you wrote this and so happy I accidentally inspired this. Thank you for your contribution to my life.


Will super mare Return?

5408230 Maybe, I'm not sure at this point :applejackunsure:

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