• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017
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Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

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  • Today

    I am VERY pleased to announce that having gone through final edits and proofreading, Stallion of Tomorrow Chapter 16–“Overcast”–is all set to be released tomorrow at around 3:00 PM EST. Can’t wait to finally get the next part of this story out, much less for y’all to read it.

    Keep looking up, True Believers!

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  • Tuesday

    As of 10:40 PM EST, I can officially confirm that the draft for Stallion of Tomorrow's sixteenth chapter is finally complete! Just need to proofread it and then I'll be ready to set a time to formally drop it on the world!

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  • Saturday
    1950s Sci-Fi Review Bundle (Part 2/?)

    So, uh, been a hot minute since I followed up on that little 50's movie review thread I started a while back, huh? Guess my narrative writing isn't the only thing that suffers from sloth. Or rather, I've been sluggish and getting around to posting my mini-reviews here, really, I've already had them written

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    Happy May the Fourth


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Idea for a Non-MLP Story · 8:11pm Feb 5th, 2020

I had a sudden stroke of inspiration this morning, and I wrote down my idea as a sort of story outline.

In a world very similar to our own, a long running and highly successful sci-fi franchise is reaching its conclusion. A large fan-club in a small town in New York excitedly pours into their local movie theater to watch the movie, reminiscing over past installments, discussing potential future stories, cosplaying, etc. But when the movie is over, the club finds itself sharply divided over the movie. Some think it was an excellent send-off to the series, while others think it was an insult to everything it stood for. After a brief heated argument in the theater lobby, the group decides to go home, take a chill pill, and discuss things again the next day, and maybe even see the movie a few more times.

But when the fan club meets again, things haven’t settled down. In fact, they only seem to be growing worse; the fandom all across the Internet is suffering from the same division as the New York club, and both sides are becoming fiercely devoted to defending their side of the argument, in particular the club’s president, Matt, who thought the movie was great. His best friend Anthony is supportive of his viewpoints as well, but finds himself growing worried about the unrest that is spreading throughout the fandom.

Anthony’s concerns soon become more and more justified. Debates go from heated to outright confrontational, and online debates even more so. Videos are made shaming both sides of the fandom. Filmmakers and actors involved come under verbal attack. There are petitions made to strike the new movie from the canon, and a new one be made in its place. A theme park based on the series is beset by arson from an unknown assailant. An analyst publishes an essay stating that a certain side of the debate is sexist and white supremacist, which really kicks the division into overdrive and adds a whole new layer to the issue. And all the while, Matt becomes more invested in proving the other side wrong than simply defending his own viewpoints, to the point where he begins to shun his own family and friends, especially the ones on the opposite side of the debate. Meanwhile, Anthony goes from concerned and worried to disgusted and ashamed of what the fanbase he once held so dear has devolved to.

One night, one fractured side of the club goes out to a local restaurant to try and take a breather from the situation. Another faction arrives, aggressive words are exchanged, and eventually, it devolves into an all-out brawl, in which Matt throws the first punch. During the fight, a young 15-year old fan named Michael gets involved, and is brutally beaten up for his trouble, leaving him critically injured. As the police arrive and an ambulance takes Michael to the emergency ward, Matt, covered in blood from his own injuries and those he inflicted on the other side, drives home in a panic.

Anthony shows up at his home a few hours later. By now, he has absolutely had enough of the chaos, and he tears into not just Matt, but the fandom as a whole for its savagery. “You’re treating this thing like it’s some kind of holy war,” he tells him. “But none of this matters in the end! All of these movies, the continuity, the lore, it’s all just a story! A fantasy somebody made up in their head for fun! It’s all pretend! 1,000 years from now they probably won’t even remember all of this. And everything that we’ve done–the fanfics, the art, the collectibles, that costume I was wearing when we went to the theater that night–that’s all fake too. They’ll forget that too. But you and me? We’re real. And what we do and say is real. It actually matters. Those people out there, the ones going to war over a fantasy, they’re real too. That little kid lying in a bed in the emergency room? He’s real too. And that blood on your hands? Oh yeah, that’s real too.” As Matt silently listens, Anthony tells him that he’s had enough of the fandom and the franchise, and is going to move on and actually do something with his life. “It’s not any fun anymore when people are killing each other over it,” he says. His words soon ring frighteningly true; later that night, Michael dies from his injuries.

It’s a severe blow to Matt. Michael had been a friend of his, and he has a sort of epiphany from both his death and Anthony’s tirade. Ashamed and broken, he meets with the club the next day and tries to talk some sense into everybody–only for it to backfire spectacularly. They turn on him like a pack of wolves, and he’s labelled a traitor to his cause. Matt winds up as a pariah in the very fandom he helped create.

The months pass, and it seems that things only get worse. The arguing and debates reach all time highs in anger and mudslinging. Michael’s death is turned into propaganda by both fans and the media to showcase the brutality of the other side. More fights break out across the country. An actress involved in the film is only barely rescued from a failed suicide attempt.

The final scene of the story would show Anthony, having long since removed himself from the franchise and the fandom, watching this on the news in silence. When it is over, he closes his laptop, exits his apartment, and goes down to a local park. An elderly neighbor of his remarks that she hasn’t seen him out here in a while, to which he replies, “I just thought I’d take a little walk”. The story would end with Anthony calmly strolling through the woods, taking in the sights and sounds of the real world.

Comments ( 12 )

Very, very interesting. AND a good reminder for every fandom everywhere to take a chill pill.

In a world very similar to our own, a long running and highly successful sci-fi franchise is reaching its conclusion

Hmm....sounds familiar.....:trollestia:

The idea is that it's sort of similar to both Star Trek and Star Wars. But it could honestly be any franchise. The circumstances of what causes the split are different, but what the story is isn't the focus; it's how people react to it.

Exactly what I thought. :raritywink:
What you've described is very true, though. Even though I didn't like The Rise of Skywalker, I feel really sorry for J.J. Abrams because of all the hate he's getting now.

It’s an interesting concept.

My only wish would be that the end leads up to something happier rather than something depressing, because depression is something that I believe the world needs a break from.

Well, that's the idea of the story. That bad ending is something that we should strive to avoid. It's a warning; don't go down this path.

Whatever happened to Matt? And to the fandoms and franchise, what became of it? Did it become forgotten to the point everybody does not remember what it was anymore?

The idea is that this story is more or less an narrative exaggeration of fan wars that have sprung up in recent years. The real story is still being written, if you get what I mean.

Okay. Still, what happened to Matt?

I dunno, I want it to be open ended.

Makes sense.

And yeah, I agree with you. I’m a fan of MLP, but I don’t want to take my enthusiasm for it so far like it’s a big deal and not some world of fantasy.

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