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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

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This is a public service announcement · 1:22pm Feb 11th, 2020

Remember this next time you're feeling down

Comments ( 15 )

Speaking as a younger brother who much prefers Luigi, I find this deeply inspiring.

WWLD: What Would Luigi Do?

Speaking as someone who's actually played a few Mario games, Luigi has all the same skills but lower self-esteem, and therefore lower price, and is therefore the choice of anyone who knows what they're doing.

I'd love a Twilight version of this. :pinkiehappy:

Mario hasn’t held a steady job — or any job — since his medical practice folded (even if he does occasionally get a giant check for his athletics).

Luigi, meanwhile, runs a successful chain of spooky-themed hotels and recently added a high-rise to his portfolio! Does his own maintenance and bookkeeping, too.

I know who I’d call.

Was it really necessary to phrase that in a way that implies I've never played a Mario game? (Which, for the record, I have.) You can just agree with someone without the condescending prelude.

Probably not necessary, exactly, but matching the phrasing of someone else in the conversation... still risks coming off as a bit assholish even in a vacuum, I guess, but it was a risk I was willing to take for a one-liner. I'm leaving the comment up and unedited because I don't believe in running away from the consequences of my actions.

Also, when there's something strange in the neighborhood, you can also call Luigi.

I don't think any of the games have him seeking ghosts out on purpose; they just keep finding him because Nintendo likes to make him suffer. Poor guy.

I'd call him! Poor Luigi's underrated.

I mean, he is technically a Ghostbuster so...

You never have played a mario game. Sorry, but you're part of the control group. I wasn't supposed to tell you that, but you've been playing "nario" this whole time.

... My God. :rainbowderp: Someone call Luigi. I can't deal with this one on my own.

Hot take: Luigi is the generic brand Mario. Exactly the same product for a fraction of the price.

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