• Member Since 10th Jun, 2014
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It's called garbage can, not garbage can't.

  • TVersus Jet
    It's a tough time to be a Wonderbolt. Funding is at risk, Cloudsdale bureaucracy is breathing down Spitfire's neck, and a new machine threatens to undo the Wonderbolts themselves. It's up to Rainbow Dash to beat it... but she'll need some help.
    HapHazred · 38k words  ·  42  5 · 1k views

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Versus Jet is out! · 11:06pm Feb 24th, 2020

Howdy folks. I've just now released the first chapter of my newest story, Versus Jet. It's my entry to the latest AppleDash contest, and involves life for Rainbow and Applejack after Twilight and the others move on with their lives. There's also a jet.

TVersus Jet
It's a tough time to be a Wonderbolt. Funding is at risk, Cloudsdale bureaucracy is breathing down Spitfire's neck, and a new machine threatens to undo the Wonderbolts themselves. It's up to Rainbow Dash to beat it... but she'll need some help.
HapHazred · 38k words  ·  42  5 · 1k views

New chapters will be releasing daily until Saturday! Do check them out, and as always, all feedback is welcome! Because the story went through a great many changes (I threw out something like 40K words before settling on the first draft I eventually sent out to be edited...) I may end up doing a sort of authors notes similarly to what I did for Titanium Jack (which also went through some radical changes). Hope folks enjoy those, too, by the way!

Cheers folks. Now to work on my other contest entry...

Comments ( 3 )

Thank you, you have provided me with another excuse to not start my homework and keep procrastinating. Seriously though, I can’t wait to read it.

Good to see ya doing a good ol' fashioned Appledash.

So, how ya feel about it being basically canon now?


So, how ya feel about it being basically canon now?

Like reading all the salt about it online was delicious. Mwa ha ha.


For real though, pretty good. It was pretty amazing to go from thinking that the ship had been sunk years ago due to lack of fuel, and then see it rise from the deep like some kind of stealth submarine...

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