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New Fic Out · 4:40pm Mar 15th, 2020

We finally got toilet paper today, we were almost out and the supermarket kept on running out. For those of you stuck at home, here's a short little something to peruse at your leisure.

ETo Those Who Didn't
Everypony went off to follow their dreams. Everypony, that is, except two.
Silent Whisper · 1.1k words  ·  34  4 · 728 views

Contains more drunken pony musings, because sometimes that's all I swear I can write. Some people just don't reach for an ambition in life, and honestly? That's fine, they're living their best life, even if it isn't reaching for some obscure dream.

Hope the whole world-going-bonkers thing isn't hurting you all too badly. May you find exactly as much toilet paper as you need in these trying times.

Comments ( 2 )

Yeah, out of all the troubles I thought we would go through, a toilet paper famine was not one of them.

It's gonna be a great story to tell younger generations, though! Imagine little kids giggling at the idea of a toilet paper famine!

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