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  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

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  • Wednesday
    Starting to brainstorm for Extra Life 2024.

    Hey there, folks.

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  • 1 week
    Believe it or not, I actually got some chores done today.

    And that's saying something, because if Diablo IV was this good at any point last year, it would have definitely been near the top of my Best Games of 2023. You know, instead of being omitted entirely.

    So let's just say that Armored Core VI absolutely just got smacked out of the running for Best Yesteryear Game.

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  • 2 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: Where The Rainbows Are Made

    This week, the Mane Six discover the Rainbow Factory.


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  • 2 weeks
    Updates and Such

    Well, as a thunderstorm rolls overhead (and hopefully doesn't knock power out), I thought I'd offer some updates on what I've been up to.

    Long story short, I'm pretty much in gaming overload at the moment.

    Horizon: Forbidden West (PC Version)

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I'm probably in the minority, but I don't really care. · 2:45am Mar 26th, 2020

Doom Eternal completed on Normal, or "Hurt Me Plenty".

I finally, at last, got something of a flow going in the final level, only to have it broken again by a Marauder near the end.

It is a decent game, but for someone who beat Doom 2016 on Nightmare, I spent the first third of the game fighting against muscle memory of the first game, the second third of the game getting into the flow of the combat loop, and by the final third, finally had somewhat of a grasp on how the developers wanted players to play.

Personally, that's unacceptable. A proper sequel should never make veterans fight against what they learned in the preceding title.

Doom has always, always been at its best when it was simple. Simple mechanics. Simple story. Simple gameplay.

Here, the mechanics were complicated, the story was full of convoluted lore, with not nearly enough questions answered (like where did you get your Fortress of Doom? What happened to the Moon? How much time passed since the last game?), and the gameplay didn't have enough badass moments to make up for the plethora of frustration that came along with it.

I'm fairly certain this is a one-and-done title for me, and for $90, that's a damn shame, especially compared to how much I played 2016. It is the last Doom game that I will consider a blind buy.

Report milesprower06 · 357 views · #doom eternal
Comments ( 16 )

true but i think they wanted to ramp up the difficulty by changing it up

Yeah that's apparent, and the game suffered for it, personally.

true also i tried a nightmare run before and was going for 100% everything compleation hehe and i got scrwed by that portal seige before the first hell part was so clpse to the max combat rewards

There's nothing more frustrating than finally getting the hang of the flow and systems and then a boss forces you to stop and wait for an opening while 37 demons drown you in hellfire. I doubt I'll be doing Nightmare on this one, but I'm already 87% to the Platinum trophy, so I'll just do Battlemode with some friends and probably not touch it again.

Which is not something anyone should say about FUCKING DOOM.

I should have bought Nier Automata.

All valid points. My son finished it on 'Hurt Me Plenty' but a bizarre glitch in the sniper rifle allowed him to fire it as quickly as the assault rifle. I know he could have done it without the game glitching like that but not without more time and frustration.

You are also right in how many 'plot holes' there are. Unless it is in one of the documents you pick up, you have no idea how Doom Guy got his ship, how he got Vega, and how he got out of his prison on Mars that Hayden trapped him in.

The last words of Vega also did not seem to get an answer. It did seem like we were to get another game given how many times the concept of 'breaking rules' and 'no protection being available from dimensional travelers' came up. Though is it enough to make people want to play a sequel after having gone through this one?

If another title in this saga is made, I hope they will take comments, like yours, into consideration. Making new game play mechanics is good. However adding so many can be like relearning a series much like how we went from The Legend of Zelda on the NES to Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link.

If you got the Doom 64 download, and haven't played it yet, I hope you enjoy it. Doom 64 was the last in the series I was able to play as a result of my ocular degeneration. The game was creepy as heck, hard as Hell itself, but definitely fun.

As far as I know most major gaming companies classify anyone who doesn't like their games as Toxic so I wouldn't hold my breath

Yep. Reddit and social media is an echo chamber praising this game to high heavens.

I mean that's all social media and reddit ever are.

The leaders of the reddits are obviously Invested enough to be shill for the games/companies so they shit down opposition.
Its sad really

Glad you have an opinion, I'm glad I read it, and I'm thankful that I didn't buy this one. Now if I'd only been that smart about my WWE 2k20 purchase.

Yeah I heard that game was particularly terrible. My sympathies.

I'm not here to preach anything to you, jut to explain some things. The story isn't very convoluted at all, and I'll get to that in a moment. Everything that happens is easily explained during the campaign and in the codex. As for the gameplay; maybe it's just a few people, but I've never had difficulty adjusting to new controls, so I have nothing to say on that matter.

Anyway, here's some of the events in between Doom 2016 and Eternal: Samuel Hayden sent the Doom Slayer away somewhere. (Probably hell) Due to the UAC continuing their experiments, and with the help of some hell priest fuckery, the forces of hell find an easy way onto earth. Samuel left the UAC after realizing how corrupted it had become, and started the resistance force named ARC. Meanwhile, the Doom Slayer escaped from wherever he was sent to, discovered that hell had came to earth, and started rippin' and tearin'. He finds a way to activate Vega,(remember that Doomguy backed him up on a hard drive before blowing the power source to kingdom come) the AI directs him to the Fortress of Doom, and the Doom Slayer begins his fight to save earth. Somewhere down the line he discovered the existence of the hell priests, and thus began his hunt for them. This all takes place in the span of two years.

(May not be entirely accurate, this is all from memory,)

Lastly, yeah. I honestly think the game is way too difficult. I,e, there's not enough times where you feel like you've got the hang of the game and can desimate a wave or two of demons. Instead, it feels like every battle is a struggle just to stay alive, and that just doesn't feel very fun. The thing that saved it for me was the satisfaction after beating a tough fight and the small amount of downtime afterward.

I'm sorry if any of this came off as me mindlessly defending the game, I just wanted to give some information and my thoughts on it.

(P.S. I honestly don't remember if the moon being destroyed is ever explained.)

see lol now i wanna play this game just to see how hard it is (photographic memory is a beep for gamers) just to challenge myself its why i like fromsoftware games even knowing whats coming up means beep against enemeys that get stronger

Doom has always, always been at its best when it was simple. Simple mechanics. Simple story. Simple gameplay.

I'm fairly certain this is a one-and-done title


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