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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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Sims Story #1: St. Mary's Halfway House · 3:47am Apr 13th, 2020

This is a new bi-weekly blog series I'm initiating starting today with a trio of stories that all take place in one slightly rundown halfway house in Newcrest.

St. Mary's Halfway House
By: Ivory Jackson
Sims: Cassidy Mayfield (F. Elder), Marissa Skylar (F. YA. Twin of Marcus), Marcus Skylar (M. YA. Twin of Marissa), Kirsten Yi (F. YA), Charles Jefferson (M. YA)

Story A (Marcus and Marissa): You wouldn't believe it, but there was once a time when whenever someone mentioned the Skylar twins in Newcrest, people would smile and speak only the sweetest things. The twins being such absolute treasures as kids and preteens. But that was years ago. After they hit their teens, they discovered what life was about in the worst ways possible. Now with one fresh out of prison for doing a little time (read 4 years) for grand theft boat/evading police custody in Sulani and the other a recovering opioid addict and former sex worker, they've landed themselves in the care of a Ms. Cassidy Mayfield and her limited team of qualified professionals at one of the top tier halfway houses in the area. Their first night there was a nightmare for the twins, yet Ms. Cassidy has seen it all before. Isolation was a key factor and the fact that these two were known for potentially violent outbursts didn't help much. After a few days and some one-on-one therapy sessions, the twins were allowed to be around each other and the other guests. It was an adjustment period to say the least. More than once was Marissa caught trying to seduce the nurses for pain pills or openly positioning herself for other guests to "enjoy" (that got her her first strike). Marcus on the other hand at least had the decency to attempt to play nice. However he too managed to get one strike for assaulting a guest who made a snide remark about his "little" sister. Over time and more drastic measures to help curb this rowdy and seemingly uncontrollable behavior, the twins started to finally put two and two together and started to clean up their acts.

Story B (Kirsten Yi): Kirsten was a smart-ish young lady. Beautiful, High academics, a loving pair of parents Good social standings. Yet that all changed when she met her ex-boyfriend. At first he was nice. Courteous of her thoughts and feelings. Would buy her expensive items. Generally a nice dude. Thought what people didn't know was that her boyfriend would often treat her like garbage. Insult her weight/looks, Criticize her cooking, Openly hitting on her 13-year-old little sister. Then it got worse when he actually started putting his hands on her. Many nights the sounds of screaming and bottles breaking would be heard from the modest San Myshuno apartment. It reached a fever pitch when one day Kirsten discovered not only that she was pregnant, but that her boyfriend was actually married! Talk about a reality check. One night, desperate and recently injured with a large gash in her head from a iron hitting her, Kirsten escaped with as much of his money as she could find and booked it on the next flight out of San Myshuno. She found herself essentially homeless in Newcrest and recently arrested for petty theft from a clothing store. It was while she was in the holding cells that she came across Ms. Cassidy. With the offer of holding her up until she could be financially stable enough for herself and unborn baby, Kirsten graciously accepted the offer. Finding herself with an entire new support system as well as a newfound friend in Marissa, Kirsten is now in her second trimester and has already found a part-time position as a barista. Still not stable enough for leaving treatment, she'll remain there until the time is right.

Story C (Charles Jefferson): Charles has always been a character in his own right. From the time of childhood, he was always making everysim else laugh and smile. In fact he was so good at doing that, nosim knew just what kinds of stuff Charles had been going through in life. Coming out to his parents at just 17 years old was a real reality changer for Charles, who already didn't have the best relationship with his parents. In fact, the very day he came out to his parents that he was Bisexual was like a cold slap of air to the face. Kicking him out and telling him to NEVER come back. Leaving him with just whatever small things he managed to stuff into an old crate and a bookbag, he was on the streets. Which wasn't a good thing. He'd resorted to being a escort to barely afford food. He'd been beaten, lit on fire once due to a hate crime, brutalized and basically broken down. On the night of his 19th birthday he was found by police trying to jump off a park bridge. When asked by a social worker why he was going to do it, Charles simply responded with "I can't live with knowing that my life means nothing! I'm the world's biggest joke! And I...I can't laugh at that.". Getting ahold of Ms. Cassidy was easy as the social worker had worked with her multiple times already. Procuring him a bed and fresh clothes was no problem. Charles' first night was spent bawling into Ms. Cassidy's shawl until he passed out from exhaustion. He's only been there a week now and has already seen small improvements. Eating more than he was at first. No longer shying away in fear of his roommate. Slowly but surely coming down from his depressing highdive.

Ms. Cassidy has been faithfully running the St. Mary's Halfway House for an impressive 30 years. Her leadership and the often generous donations she receives each year are what have kept her institution a float for the now 36 years it's been operational. She's seen many people of varying walks of life waltz their way into her facility and leave with a more positive note on life. That has been her calling for as long as she can remember and will continue to be her calling long after she's gone from the plane of existance.

This concludes today's Sim Story. Hope you enjoyed it!

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9- This was awesome
10- Can't wait for more!

Comments ( 2 )

Excellent. Stay tuned! The next installment will be on 4/26/2020.

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