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Fallout: Total Wasteland FAQ and Prep for New Story! · 12:11pm Apr 13th, 2020

Hello Fallout fans and MetaVerse watchers alike!

As it's the eve of the (hopefully) rejuvenation of Fallout 76 via their adding NPC content to their game, I have been hard at work trying to get a companion story ready for release.

A lot of you still reading at this point will know what a Fallout fan I've been since the first one back when CD-ROMs were a luxary item! I even made an alternate universe using our wonderful Equestria Girl Human species called Total Wasteland.

[Adult story embed hidden]

It's a mixture of satire, sex and silliness and I suspect if you like both IPs you may just like it. Head over and give it a read but first here is a primer or FAQ for just what the heck Total Wasteland IS!

That being said, a lot of positive feedback was given on the stories where Mal flashes back to the pre and immediate post war moments. So I'm releasing a story fully focused on that era!

Mal was not always an asshole. He started out a very nice civil servant and was good at quelling riots. He just sorta lost himself over the centuries. My goal is to show you the reader how he moves from the mild mannered officer we meet first to the ethically questionable mercenary we run into in Fallout 4 era material.

Now fallout 76 is a sore spot for a lot of fans. Me being one of them. I too felt somewhat....disappointed..at the projects result. It was clear they rushed and didn't do a lot of market research. Or they didn't care enough to. Or they were pressured. Who knows at this juncture or really cares since we can't change the past. I kept the game installed and popped in now and then because I'm a sucker for a good story.

That is what Fallout 76 DOES have alot of is good story. Despite the way its presented by dead people for the most part the lore and history we see is fascinating. So much so I integrated what I could into TW.

Now a final note is why I named one of the protagonists after myself. I, surprisingly, get a lot of flak or pre judgement for that. To which I honestly have no real reason other then that's the name of the character I used in the games. I have a thing about consistancy that most don't adhere to. I only ask that the very fact I can tell you what an adverb and a pronoun are that you not just look at a story where the authors name matches one of the characters and immediately dismiss it. One would hate to think we judge books by their cover. ;)

That being said stay home, stay safe and stay tuned for the next chapter of Total Wasteland!

I'd like to thank General Grant aka Kyle, Spencer, and Ali for their help so far. I know this isn't their usual cup of tea I serve and they've been quite helpful when it comes to the outsiders view to my work!

On a side note thank you everypony who pitched in to help Alden get some food during this rough time!


Comments ( 1 )

Sounds good to me. I shall keep my eyes peeled for this next story!

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