• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.

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Ponyfest 2.0 is over! · 6:59pm Apr 26th, 2020

Ponyfest 2.0 has ended, but the magic of the Internet means that all of the panels have been preserved for posterity!

This was the Powerpoint Presentation that I did, about the Universal Engagement Curve.

It was a discussion on pacing in works, and that contains all of my slides.

But if you want to hear the actual presentation I gave, it can be seen on Twitch 4 hours and 36 minutes into the writing room stream:

Here's a direct link to the video

This is a bit over half an hour long, as I experienced some significant technical difficulties with OBS that could not be resolved, forcing me to switch over to Zoom. Still! What is a presentation about pacing if not brisk?

And here is the other panel I was on, a fanfic discussion panel with Xepher, Monochromatic, RockstarRaccoon, Nyronus, and Flutterpriest, starting 6 hours and 17 minutes into the stream:

Here is a direct link to the start of that panel.

Finally, there was an artist sketch panel where I served as the intermediary between the audience and the artists for. I didn't actually do anything of import here, just relayed the audience questions to the artists, but if you wanted to see some artists draw some quick sketches while answering questions, that video is also available:

Here is a direct link to the start of that panel.

But indeed, all of the events of the day can be found on Twitch:

Here are the Bit Rate's stage videos

Here are the videos from Neural Net's stage

Here are the Writing Room videos

And the people playing video games "at the con" streamed some of their stuff as well

EDIT: Shyfire was nice enough to make a copy of the schedule so people can find events.

Clearly, we are already in the future, where we interact via virtual spaces and do everything online, and all is ephemeral, yet fixed.

Yup. Definitely in the future, and not under quarantine.

But hey! People managed to put together all of this in just a few weeks and make it all (mostly) work.

From what I've heard, they're planning on running another one of these, so hopefully, that will go even more smoothly!

I hope everyone who showed up had fun.

Comments ( 7 )

Well, crap.my best to make it in.
I missed the whole thing.
Next year, if Ponyfest Online is still a thing, I'm gonna do

They have a third one already scheduled for May 30th.

5250628 Cool!
I'll make sure I catch that one, as this is pretty much the only way that I'll ever get to go to a Con.
Pony, or otherwise, and especially now, with all the COVID-19/Coronavirus mess going on.

Author Interviewer

Good Powerpoint. What's this from?

When Delores was a young thing, years and years ago, she asked her father why only Princess Celestia could live forever.

Author Interviewer
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