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"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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Sims Story #3: A Mother's Love [Mother's Day Special] · 10:22pm May 10th, 2020

Welcome Back to my Bi-weekly blog series of Sim Stories! Today we have just one story, but it's a nice one! Enjoy!

A Mother's Love
By Ivory Jackson

Sim(s): Cleopatra "Cleo" Leon (F. Adult), Theodore "Theo" Leon (M. Adult), Lionel Leon (M. Child), Liona Leon (F. Toddler) [these Sims are on the Gallery; Look under ReignaLuna97]

The Story: Everybody knew the Leon's as the resident librarians of Magnolia Promenade and also prime adventurers. Theo with his lion-like appearance and deep voice. The last one you'd think to have a wonderful storytelling voice. He had travelled for long periods of time in between running his library with his lovely wife, Cleo. Cleopatra Leon, or as everyone called her Cleo, is truly a force to be reckoned with as she has every ounce of lionhearted spirit. Yet she is more than brave and strong, she's also so kind and charitable. She's the lead librarian and often handles the finances of their household and business. She and her husband together share their love of reading and adventure with their two young children, 8-year-old Lionel and 4-year-old Liona. One day, Theo was offered an amazing opportunity to go study a rare species of frog in Selvadorado. Knowing this was going to be a long journey, Theo consulted his wife on her thoughts on the matter. Naturally she encouraged him to pursue this opportunity, but not without some requirements (I.e. "No getting yourself poisoned again", "Make sure if you run into a tiger, make yourself calm and back off slow. Use your weapon if necessary.", "Don't back down with haggling for supplies from any vendor." and the most important one "Stay safe and come back to us alright."). Of course the day came for Theo's departure was filled with love and many hugs from the family before he left, he made sure to give his son his lucky shark tooth necklace and his daughter, a stuffed cat that almost resembled a mountain lion. Then he was off for two weeks.

Well the two weeks went by fast, what with Cleo keeping busy with the library and the kids helping out as best they could. Yet the day Theo was supposed to come home, they found he was unable to come home due to contracting a mysterious illness while temple exploring. So that unfortunately meant spending more time abroad (Cleo immediately tried to insist on coming to see him with the kids at a sitters' yet the doctors were adamant that she remain home as they were unsure if the illness would spread). That didn't sit well with Cleo, yet she didn't let that sour her mood. After all, she had a business to look after and kids to raise. Summoning the strength that only a mother could, she carried on with life. Almost daily checking in on her ailing husband (including a 2x a week video call with the kids) while running a library was hard. How was she to deal with a bustling Library and be both mother and father to her babies? More than once she had to juggle things involving her oldest kid and something involving the library. She loved her job, but she loved her family more. Oh sure her staff were getting regularly standard pay with necessary pay raises, thought it was truly a all hands on deck situation without Theo to help keep the peace. Eventually Cleo worked out a modified version of their old schedule that seemed to work miracles!:

7:00 am: Get everyone awake/start day
8:30 am:Get Lionel to school and Liona to the daycare center
9:30 am: Open the library
10:00-11:00 am: Standard Library duties.
11:30-12:00 pm: Call University of Britechester about setting up informational gallery in the fall
12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch with collegues/grocery "shopping"
2:00 pm: pick Liona up from daycare center
3:00 pm: pick Lionel up from school
4:00 pm: Close Library
4:30 pm: Help Lionel with homework
5:30 pm: videocall with Theo
6:30 pm: Dinner with family
7:30 pm: Bath time
8:00-9:00 pm: Story time
9:00 pm: Bedtime (kids)
10:00 pm: Go over days' log books
11:00 pm: Bedtime (mom)

Apparently this schedule works. It was all going well until a month after Theo's abrupt quarantine that Cleo got the most horrible news of her life. At 6:00 am on the 3rd Friday of summer, Theodore Leon was pronounced dead of the mysterious illness he had been stricken with. Cleo was devastated! When she had to gently break the news to the kids, they were equally devastated. She pulled them from school/daycare for a few days and shut down the library until further notice.

The funeral was a hard time for everyone involved, but especially the new widow and her children.

A month or so passed by again and soon enough it was time again for the annual Library Night at the University of Britechester. While the university was completely sympathetic with Cleo's plight and tried to reschedule the event, Cleo dug her heels in and the event went on without incident. Seeing how things were running smoothly, Cleo decided to take a small break outside on the terrace. It was there that she saw a sight that made her blood run cold and her instincts took control. Her son, Lionel was getting picked on by some older boys who were also attending the event with their parents/siblings. It seemed almost impossible, but in that moment, Cleo channeled her inner lioness and bravely stood between her baby and the jerks who dare to pick on him. She let out a sound that was more roar than a shout of "Leave my son ALONE!". That frightened off the older jerks and Cleo made sure to let their chaperones know just what they had been doing. Lionel, who had grown up hearing about his mom's fierceness and power, couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his mom leap from the terrace and stand her ground for him. With a tight hug, mother and son went back inside to collect their youngest and resume the event.

Soon after the event, things started looking up for Cleo and her kids. The library is as successful as ever and she has even allowed her sister and her children to come stay with them for a time. All these events and Cleopatra has proven that nothing is indeed more powerful than a mother's love and devotion to her children.

This concludes today's Sim story! Hope you enjoyed it!

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1- This Sucks!
2- This was bad
3- This was ok
4- This was alright
5- Meh Neutral
6- This was good
7- This was great
8- This was pretty cool
9- This was awesome
10- Can't wait for more!

Comments ( 3 )

Heartfelt, sweet, and excellent for mother's day

That's the general idea! Thanks

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