• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

More Blog Posts1358

  • 1 week
    Torture Ideas for story plots.

    Why? Because sometimes you need to do so, or perhaps you have an OC who happens to be into the whole torture scene/is apart of an organization that occasionally needs to use harsh methods to extract information from otherwise "difficult" informants. (Yes I'm aware that was a run-on sentence. Sue me if you dare). Anyhow, allow my mystical knowledge to help with ideas for torture that can

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  • 1 week
    Happy 20th Anniversary "Shrek 2"

    Original Release Date: May 19th, 2004

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  • 2 weeks
    "Wicked"|| Official Trailer

    People. Fans of musicals. Fans of the story "The Wizard of Oz". KEEP NOVEMBER 28TH MARKED ON A CALENDAR!!!!! Part 1 of "Wicked" is soon upon us!!! When I tell you I almost had a stroke on the bus back from class when I saw this earlier, I stg!!!

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  • 3 weeks
    Ponies and Periods (Men Who are Squeamish This is Your Warning Now)

    Okay so that's out of the way. You're probably wondering about that title. Well on one end I was watching the original MLP movie the other night with my best guy friend and of course this being my "blessed" time of the month, he wisely came bearing my "please don't murder me" package he brings me every 3 or so months (disclosure: mine aren't regular because of birth control) and sat with me while

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    1 comments · 52 views
  • 8 weeks
    Not Gonna troll at ALL today...

    I'm serious.....

    Not gonna do it......

    Seriously! I'm not gonna......

    Clicky :twilightsmile: for some Cafe ambiance...so soothing!

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2020 has so far made 2016 look TAME! · 3:16am May 31st, 2020

Yeah I'm shocked I said that too. Point in case, I drove past a "protest" a while ago, while I was out getting supplies. Somebody had this on blast with the cops in range (warning for explicit content):

Now all this and what am I doing while cowering in my friend's car? Simply playing the following video with my phone on my lap. Attempting to look as inconspicuous as possible (probably shouldn't have worn a old hoodie):

I just played it for laughs. Casual.

.....Is it bad that I'm fearful of leaving my home due to the amount of Police activity in my area? Not to mention videos like this poppin up got that anxiety high (I swear I didn't even mean to click on it, but once I started it it was like watching a bad car wreck. You wanna look away, but can't at the same time).:

....*sigh*....sorry for the dip into reality. Have a (mostly forgotten) The Weeknd song!

Comments ( 6 )

I swear all it takes is a single flame and then a crap sunnami comes in and everything goes insane. Makes me sad how far we come and yet how far we can sink again.

Agreed. It's truly sad that we as a species are so advanced, yet we turn on one another at the drop of a pin!

It's really a matter of how harmoniousness we are as a group, but just like how the ponies use to be, we are still a tribal peoples. Someday all of earth will get the memo and unify, but until corruption has been dealt with, and we all understand how to work and coexist together. Only something like an invasion by aliens could bring us all together.

In all honesty....that seems the most likely thing.

Indeed... And to make note before I forget, unifying doesn't mean we need a singular government, the last season of the show was a prim example of that.

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